Post your Supplement Stack


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Mar 14, 2003
Time to Rebuild
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Just figured we'd post what supplements we use for pre, intra and post workouts.

Here's mine:

- 1.5 grams of HCL Creatine
- 5 grams of BCAA

- Water

- 1.5 grams of HCL Creatine
- 30 grams of Gummy bears (Yes, there is a method to this madness)
- 1 complex protein shake (Basically a mix of Whey, Casein and Egg protein that contains 5g of BCAA's and 5g of Glutamine)


Registered homie
Dec 29, 2014
Mix my own concoction by buying in bulk for pre/post supplements. Sometimes experiment with different doses but this is generally it


2g Taurine
6g Citrulline Malate
2g Beta-Alanine
200mg caffeine
1.5 Betaine
1.5 L-Tyrosine
1.5g Creatine (used to take HCl, now Kre-Alkalyn buffered mono)
A good attitude


5g Glutamine
26g whey protein
15g dextrose - used to be 30g but dropped it and it has worked out better for me


Registered User
Oct 25, 2009
I'm simple:

BSN Syntha-6 protein and a pre-workout. I change what I use often, and am currently using Nutrex Outrage. I've had better but it's not bad.

Earlier this year I got back into using creatine after not having done so for about 8-9 years, and have been using Controlled Labs Green Bulge/Green Magnitude. Now that I think about it, I've been off for 2 months and it's about time to get going again.
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RIP Fugu Buffaloed & parabola
Mar 27, 2008
Every day - Multi Vs - Smarty Pants (for men)
Nature Valley hair/skin/nails (biotin)

Post workout - About Time Protein (chocolate)

During workout- Speed Stack (berry bomb). Basically 250mg caffeine

Samuel Culper III

Mr. Woodhull...
Jan 15, 2007
I don’t have precise dosing because I’m kind of a madman and just pour scoops in shakers and pop vitamins when I remember to.

Right now I’m on a pretty clean bulk. I’m 5’9, started January 1st at 182lbs and 9.3%BF. I’m currently up to 195 and 11.2%BF. Going to cut starting mid-March.

I start every day with two cups of water, a black coffee, two slices of sourdough toast, a bit of grass fed Irish butter, 2-3 strips of pork bacon and 3 organic eggs. I’m in the military and my shift is overnight, so this is usually consumed about 2pm after I’ve woken up and then I’ll go to the gym an hour-ish later to use the fuel. If I don’t have time for breakfast for some reason I do 1.5 scoops of complex protein and 1.5 scoops of vitargo simple carb powder. Around 50g protein, 50g carbs and plenty of BCAAs, etc. Mix it in some fairlife chocolate milk for extra protein and sugars. I also take a CLA capsule, fish oil, joint support (31 years old, gotta stay healthy), GNC mega men multi and curcumin.

20+ minutes before I get to the gym I go with 1.5 scoops of pre-workout. 90% of the time I stick with Performix Ion v2. I add about 2g of beta alinine and a 5g of creatine mono.

During the workout it’s just water, and not a lot. 4-5 days a week I’m in the gym for 90-105 minutes. 2-3 days I’ll do a quick 45 minute workout. Long sessions are usually 1-2 compound lifts and then traditional body building work. Shorter sessions are lots of farmers carries, burpies, rowing and light weight/high volume isolation work on arms and shoulders.

After the gym it’s typically two scoops of complex protein, two scoops of simple carbs and 12oz of fairlife chocolate milk. Outside of my pre and post workout nutrition I usually stick to a snack of jerky while at work, a pre-bedtime casein shake (my casein has melatonin in it for optimal rest and recovery and I highly recommend it) and a healthy dinner. If I’m dying of hunger I’ll crush an extra shake or grab a protein bar. I keep it to rice, sweet potatoes, protein pasta and chicken/steak most of the time. Wife doesn’t like fish so I don’t do salmon as much as I’d like to. I’m a decent cook so I get creative enough with sauces, seasonings and ways to prepare dinner to keep life interesting. I’m also not afraid of dietary fat. I stay away from bad carbs (except in the workout window) more than I worry about fats.

I’ve got a powerlifting meet on March 17th. I’ll keep up with my bulk and lift heavy until the 12th and then I’ll take 4-5 days to just hit lighter lifts, slow singles, etc. until the meet. Then I’ll start my cut.

Captain Bowie

Registered User
Jan 18, 2012
Seems all so complicated. I'll make a protein shake with just whey protein powder before my evening workouts, mainly to tide me over until dinner time afterwards, and a cup of coffee before my Saturday morning workouts, because I drink coffee weekend mornings anyways.

Maybe that's why I'm still flabby and weak, but putting all that stuff in my body seems a) expensive and b) possibly unhealthy/dangerous to mess with my system so much.


Registered User
Apr 10, 2016
Upstate NY
Right now (not counting protein powder)

Test Booster
BCAA Energy
Vitamin B Complex
Vitamin D

Other Times of Day:
Multi Vitamin
Omega Complex
Vitamin C
Red Yeast Rice


Registered User
Oct 30, 2013
1 scoop bcaa during workout (prob mostly placebo effect). Multi vitamin.

Have found most all other supplements to be waste of money trash powders. Literally no difference now not taking them


Chief Justice of the HFNYR Court
Jul 12, 2004
Opti-Men Multivitamin
Vitamin D (4,000 IU)
Fish Oil (750mg EPA/DHA)
Emergen-C on days I'm feeling under


Unregistered User
Dec 2, 2016
I don't really like this guy, but he presents facts. Whey protein and soy protein have been proven to have possible cancer and diabetic causing side effects. All protein powders build the same amount of muscle. At the end of the day its best to go with a plant based protein powder as long as its not soy.
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Seth Jarvis has Big Kahunas
Apr 14, 2012
North Carolina
I don't really like this guy, but he presents facts. Whey protein and soy protein have been proven to have possible cancer and diabetic causing side effects. All protein powders build the same amount of muscle. At the end of the day its best to go with a plant based protein powder as long as its not soy.

Hemp based is probably one the better.


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Feb 27, 2002
New Brunswick
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Glad to read that there are others who only drink water during their work out. So many at my gym think a supplement is needed during their workout.
I'm do a pre and a post. That's enough.
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Unregistered User
Dec 2, 2016
For anyone interested my post workout smoothie consists of:
1.5-2 cups Almond milk
Kale + Spinach (I use about around 1 cup of each)
.5-1 Avocado
1-2 Tbsp Almond butter
Plant based protein (right now I use 2 scoops of this: Vege PRO-7)
1/2-1 cup Oats
2-4 Tbsp flax seeds
1 banana
1-1.5 cups frozen fruit ( I like to use blueberries and strawberries)

I haven't found out the total nutritional values, but there's definitely over 60 grams of protein and over 1000 calories.
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Registered User
Jul 2, 2014
I'm literally on just Force by Alpha Tech Performance (liftatp on IG) as a pre-workout. I'll get back into the others but it consisted of one of the whey proteins by NutraBio (either 100% Whey Isolate or Classic Whey) with breakfast (2 scoops and 12-14oz of ice water). Sometimes i'll toss in an intra workout drink instead of water (Sweet Tea flavor Intra Blast by NutraBio). I've tried most products on the market over the years and a majority of them seem to be pure garbage.


Registered User
May 21, 2018
I have 2 glasses of water when I wake up and I take a fish oil capsule with breakfast. Sometime before lunch I'll have a protein shake with a snack. Pre-workout I'll take BCAA's and a scoop of peanut butter. Post workout is another protein shake and a brownie haha. Otherwise I just eat a lot of food and drink plenty of water during the day.


Registered User
Sep 2, 2012
Right now I do:

Multi, Glucusamine, Fish Oil in the morning

ON Pre with like 3-4 grams creatine mixed in a little before workout

Water during workout

Protein shake with creatine mixed in after workout

Casein before bed

Then normally one other protein shake throughout the day

I’m a big believer in supplements being helpful but they’re a distant third to the food you eat and the work you put in at the gym for me. Also, I really cannot give enough praise to the glucosamine. Had some elbow and wrist pain every other week sometimes too much to even work out. Started on glucosamine a few months ago and ZERO joint pain since then. There’s not a ton of research saying it makes a huge difference, but for me it is a game changer.


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