Your worst hockey injury


Registered User
Oct 17, 2010
I am always mildly surprised to hear other athletes dont have a litany of injuries. .
I've played a plethora of sports and activities since I was 8, and I'm 50. I've been hurt exactly four times that resulted in missing any time - all of them as an adult, twice in this year alone. I was seriously bombproof as a kid.


Greenville Swamp Rabbits fan lol
Feb 18, 2017
The Bible Belt of South Carolina
January 18th, 2010.

I go to a public skating rink with my friend, thinking "Oh it'll be easy to skate, I mean look at dem hokey players they make it look easy." After trying to step on the ice, I fall immediately, hurting my coxes, and more importantly, my feelings. After, many tumbles, and hanging on the boards for an hour I decide to go home.

A Floridian
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Registered User
May 3, 2006
Bumping this. Dislocated my shoulder again last week. Now out three months. This is the 2nd time this year so now my confidence is shot, i really don’t want to play, and it’s been a week and I’m still somewhat sore. Any tips?
Forgot about this. Good bump


Registered User
May 1, 2013
Been playing with what my orthopedist thinks is pelvic symphysis for like 2 years. Started seeing him about 8 months ago and he’s ruled out a couple other things via physio so this is where I’m at.
Says it’s rare and can’t really operate as you can’t just disable my core muscle and let it heal because I’d be immobile. He’s sending me back to physio to see someone he knows as dealt with this before, and we will see where that gets me.

I’m really worried I’m gonna have to quit hockey all together. I’m not going to play this summer, gonna rest. But I’m worried I’ll miss winter too which is the team I care about.
But at the end of the day, I can barely run and can’t walk long distances without being heavily strained- I need to take care of myself first. For some reason hockey doesn’t bother me as much until the next day.

This is the only hockey injury I’ve ever had in my life as far as I remember :/


Registered User
Dec 19, 2017
Washington, DC
Two seasons ago in the championship game, went hard into the boards and completely severed my AC tendon in my shoulder. I had to have a teammate help me undress and hockey tape my arm to chest to stabilize my should for my drive to the ER.

Required immediately surgery 2 days later, they used a cadaver tendor and drilled holes in my shoulder bone to tether it down. 6 months of physical therapy. The wife was not a happy camper when I came home from the ER that night telling her what I had done.

My joint still sticks up father than normal, but I have full range of motion and almost 100% strength in that shoulder. So I guess I ended up ok.


Registered User
Jan 2, 2018
Thus far - and after 8 months of learning - I've been lucky. The worst I've had was when I was gliding along at a moderate pace when an opponant moving at full tilt appeared out of the blue and went head on into me. I remember the sound as our helmets collided. I went flying and landed on my back. No visible damage and no pain but I had a mild headache for a day or two. This was supposed to be a non contact game. After the game he had a very sheepish look on his face. I told him I was grateful it wasn't 'the beast' that I collided with!

I must admit that this thread is scary. I'm 54, physically very fit, and the last thing I want is a serious injury.


HFBoards Sponsor
Nov 17, 2009
Was skating the puck through the neutral zone and I tried to cut into the middle. My teammate happened to be doing the same thing from the other side and I tried to stop last second. Our knees collided. Felt a crunch and was on the ground in pain for a while. Was scared it could be a tendon but fortunately was a couple fractures. Using crutches and a brace were a pain but was thankful it wasn't worse. I should get back on the ice within the next month or so


You have no marbles
Jul 28, 2004
I recently tore my acl and meniscus and have a grade 1 sprain of mcl (not from hockey) i play hockey typically year round and twice a week, i was told yesterday i need surgery...the doctor said it would probably be 6 months before i could skate and 9 months before i should skate. Im interested to hear from some of the guys who mentioned they tore there acl and how long until they felt somewhat normal again?


Registered User
Apr 12, 2006
Yikes dude! That's scary, it's stories like this that make me consider putting on the cage (wife nags me to do it too) but I play in over-35 league here and it's not too competitive or intense. I dunno though. One thing I find with the cage is I have difficulty finding and processing the puck when it's in my feet, and as a D-man that's problematic.

I've been fortunate not to have too many injuries, but I guess the worse is when I broke my ankle and partially tore one of the tendons down there too and it ended my season in January. Another time as a kid playing Midget I got cut by a skate blade right above the tendon guard on my skate and it cut me so deep that I didn't really notice it right away but the ref saw the blood and stopped play and I raced off. Some sutures, some stitches and I was all good. Left a big scar though, very pronounced to this day

Yes bud, it was a scary situation indeed. I have the worst luck. This past weekend, almost the same situation again. Forechecking on a dman, and the idiot panicked again and rather than dish the puck away to his partner or make an outlet, he shoots it right at me and it hits me in the face. This time my mouth and lips. Thank gosh for my mouthguard as that saved my teeth. Split my lip open though and had to go to ER for 10 stitches. I am definitely going to start to use a cage for some games now. Just have to get used to it. Might be time to ditch the visor and go cage. Or just play goalie.

I definitely find I get injured when I play lower to mid level hockey to get a skate in vs when i play the high end games(which i always prefer anyways).

Scary injury you had too!


Nudes in profile
Nov 5, 2006
I had my skull fractured right behind my left ear.

I dived in front of a slapshot that hit me right behind the ear. Managed to get to the bench, took off my helmet to check if it was still intact. Coaches told me to take a shift off. Then I started spitting fresh blood (as in very, very red). I go "Uhh, dad" (Dad was trainer). He just says "Okay, we're going to a hospital, now". Apparently there's a canal between your inner ear and your mouth, like in a plane you chew gum to prevent your ears locking or whatever you call it in english, I was bleeding inside my ear and it ended up in my mouth. I remember being in the hospital with needles coming out of my nostril that were pushed through the cartilage behind your nose (don't remember what for) and the blood that was gathering in my earlobe being sucked out, which honestly felt like what I imagine it feels like having you ear bitten off by Mike Tyson.

Yeah I had a bad concussion and told to rest completely for a month. The doctor also said that this is so close to the organs of balance that I might have some life-long effects. I've always used it as an excuse for my bad balance.

I was maybe 14....
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Dueling Banjos

Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
It's not worst injury but i am dealing with chronic elbow pain on the right hand - upper hand that controls the stick. It's been going on for about 2-3 months now. Took a week off and it got better but it came back. Mornings are the worst, so i have to warm it up and slowly stretch. It's not nagging me during the game, don't feel a thing to be honest but it's pretty bad the next day. Season is over in less than 2 months so that's pretty much it i guess but the mountain bike season starts short after...


Registered User
May 19, 2012
sprained wrist. 6-8 weeks out, missed the playoffs for 2 of my teams, that could have won it all.


Registered User
Jan 2, 2018
3 months ago I caught a slap shot with my left hand, and thought the top of the index finger was bruised as it swelled up, and drooped. After two months it was still sore so I saw a doctor and discovered that the joint was smashed, and the tendon had been pulled away from the bone, a so called mallet finger, or baseball finger. A minor injury, but annoying.

Soon after a friend fell during a scrimmage and broke his wrist. And a few weeks ago two friends were skating backwards at high speed in a public session, a kid got in the way, the lead skater braked sharply to avoid the kid, and the second skater skated into the lead skater, dislocating his shoulder. The lead skater then told the other skater to pull his arm until the shoulder snapped back in place, which he did, avoiding the need to go to A&E. :eek:


Registered User
Jul 31, 2007
I was playing an open hockey early in the morning. Right before it ended, a weird deflection ended up going up my paddle and hitting me in the index finger. I didn't feel any pain until after (15 minutes later, give or take) and I got off the ice to see the finger on my blocker filled with blood. My finger absolutely blew up and it hurt like hell.

Went right to an urgent care center- doctor drained it and told me "I don't think it's broken" to which I laughed at him and told him how wrong he was. They x-rayed me and told me they would call me back with the results. I didn't even make it out of the parking lot and my phone went off with the receptionist telling me to come back inside.

The tip of my index finger was shattered. Ended up losing the nail which (luckily) grew back, but i was in quite a bit of pain for some time. I was out for two months while it healed.


Registered User
Dec 7, 2012
It's not worst injury but i am dealing with chronic elbow pain on the right hand - upper hand that controls the stick. It's been going on for about 2-3 months now. Took a week off and it got better but it came back. Mornings are the worst, so i have to warm it up and slowly stretch. It's not nagging me during the game, don't feel a thing to be honest but it's pretty bad the next day. Season is over in less than 2 months so that's pretty much it i guess but the mountain bike season starts short after...
I'm by no means a Dr but I have "golfer's elbow" which sounds similar to that.


Registered User
Jan 3, 2018
Testicular torsion after getting a slap shot to the balls, wayyy worse then breaking my leg


Registered User
Oct 10, 2013
Melbourne, Australia
Partially tore the medial patellofemoral ligament. Have missed 4 weeks, and just got back on the ice, but not back to full training/games. There's one more game before a month break, so will be about 2 months out of games.

Continuing to rehab and build strength around the knee.

Howie Hodge

Zombie Woof
Sep 16, 2017
Buffalo, NY
Can't think of anything worse than my paramedic friend's description of a guy who took a stick to the eye years ago. The eye looked like a deflated beach ball.....

Still haunts him to this day after seeing that because we both played before facial shields were common...


Registered User
Dec 16, 2011
Two seasons ago in the championship game, went hard into the boards and completely severed my AC tendon in my shoulder. I had to have a teammate help me undress and hockey tape my arm to chest to stabilize my should for my drive to the ER.

Required immediately surgery 2 days later, they used a cadaver tendor and drilled holes in my shoulder bone to tether it down. 6 months of physical therapy. The wife was not a happy camper when I came home from the ER that night telling her what I had done.

My joint still sticks up father than normal, but I have full range of motion and almost 100% strength in that shoulder. So I guess I ended up ok.
Pretty similar injury and story.

shakes the clown

Registered User
Jan 11, 2010
back sugeries 1-3 were caused by basketball
back surgeries 4-8 were caused by hockey (actually one in the middle was from shoveling snow)

due to sciatic nerve damage I can no longer feel most of my left leg between my knee and my ankle and also have scattered numbness throughout my left foot.


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