The Legs (for hockey/soccer/cycling) + cardio/nutrition


Registered User
May 24, 2017
So I was looking around here and I wasn't seeing a thread about legs. So I'll start one. Correct me if there's a specific one for legs.


The goal of this thread: I'd like to know your feedback about legs workout + cardio/nutrition related to hockey/soccer/cycling.


So quick intro for me, I've been playing dek hockey for more than 10 years now. I'm in my mid-20's today and still playing. Here's my bio for hockey:

Height: 5'10''
Weight: 181lbs (underwear only)
Position: Defenseman (can also play forward)
Style: 2-way defenseman (2-way forward/playmaker)
Shoots: Left


My leg workout:
1) Squat
Everytime I do legs, it's my first exercise. I've started to take my workout seriously now, trying to improve over time.

Max: 3x8 @ 245lbs (two plates +10). Then I continue with 225lbs, 205lbs, 185lbs, 165lbs and close with 135lbs.

That's my leg workout right now. I only do squat and my legs are done. I probably do 70+ squats while dowgrading my weight.

2) Leg Press
Part of my previous leg workout. I used to load four plates + 10 on each side. 5x8/10 (depending)

3) One leg squat with dumbbells (one leg on the bench)
Don't remember right now the weight I use, but it's around 35 lbs on each hands. 5x8/10

4) Hip Adductor/Abductor machine
100lbs - 5x20/25+

5) Calf machine
45lbs - 5x as many as I can (for endurance)

I also go into the sauna for 20mins after each workout. I think it's good for endurance.


Never did other excercises for legs than those mention above. My legs are great. Very powerful. I don't have problems in-game with speed, acceleration and endurance. I'm very quick, can cover every player, and can rely on my legs from start to finish.

I'm curious to hear from soccer player and cyclist. Especially cyclist. They're known to have big strong and powerful legs. I'm looking forward to hear from other sport guy.

I also have an excellent endurance. I believe endurance is not only in the body but in the mind. Obviously if you are tired, you are tired, but I believe that mental endurance is also a big thing in sport a.k.a the 2nd effort. If you believe you can still go while tired, you can last longer than you think. Also, on the bench, I drink water with sugar free electrolytes from Biosteel.

I tend to run outside from April to October. That's when I train my cardio. I did ceveral Spartan Race's and even did a bike race in my city. I don't run 5min/km but i'm like in the 5:15/25 range. I don't try to strive for under 5mins, because I want to concentrate on keeping my pace and not stoping. When I go running, I either run 7km or 12km. I don't have problem with breathing. No problem with energy neither. My cardio is great. I could run faster. That's my data from 2018 though. I wasn't that big on training last year. I am this year. I'll keep you updated for my 2019 data with my legs workout.

Also nutrition.

I used to be 165lbs like 1-2 months ago. I felt I was heavy enough. I wasn't eating much carb though. Except on game day.

Now I'm 179lbs and aiming to be 190lbs. So I'm eating carbs everyday. So far so good.

I eat every meat, the most vegetables possible, some fruits and lot of eggs. Right now I eat a lot of carbs (oatmeal, bread, pasta, potatoes, junk food sometime) to gain weight. Once i'm 190lbs, I'll probably slowdown the oatmeal, bread, pasta and junk food. I'll try to gets my carbs from natural sources like fruits and potatoes.

I drink 1-2 espresso everyday. Matcha every week. Green tea from time to time. Drink a protein shake after every workout (water + powder 30g proteins).


So yeah, it's a big post. But essentially, I'd like to know :

- your legs workout, what works for you, what to avoid
- if you do cardio or not, tips for cardio from your POV
- your nutrition plan, what to eat, what to avoid, tips
- food before a hockey/soccer game/race, load up on carbs, fruits? drink a lot of water, coffee? smelling salt, etc

That'd be nice also to know your bio before you answer, so we can compare eachother!

Cyclists, do your bio also, I'm curious to know size in the cycling world.

So yeah, enjoy guys! Let's exchange. Thank you.
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Registered User
Sep 23, 2016
You should include plyometrics into your routine to improve your explosiveness on the ice



Registered User
May 24, 2017
You should include plyometrics into your routine to improve your explosiveness on the ice

Thank you!

I've seen their video in the past and they have useful infos. Unfortunately, I don't play on the ice. Dek hockey only. But thanks! Feel free to give more insights.


Registered User
Sep 23, 2016
Thank you!

I've seen their video in the past and they have useful infos. Unfortunately, I don't play on the ice. Dek hockey only. But thanks! Feel free to give more insights.

The explosiveness will translate to whichever surface you're playing on
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why u guys want Celebrini, he played like a weenie
Feb 18, 2009
Reno, Nevada
My leg workout:
1) Squat
Everytime I do legs, it's my first exercise. I've started to take my workout seriously now, trying to improve over time.

Max: 3x8 @ 245lbs (two plates +10). Then I continue with 225lbs, 205lbs, 185lbs, 165lbs and close with 135lbs.

That's my leg workout right now. I only do squat and my legs are done. I probably do 70+ squats while dowgrading my weight.

You do around seventy squats per workout? Seems excessive. Or maybe I'm doing too little.


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