Some rules... MAKE SURE YOU READ!!!

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The Underboss

Registered User
Dec 20, 2006
A few things to help this board run smoothly:

We are all here to talk hockey. Going overboard and being banned from this forum or the site is not in your best interest to keep talking puck.

We are all fans first, even moderators. We're here to talk about games. No one likes spending time dealing with bad behavior. Don't jeopardize your participation by breaking the rules and if you see something getting out of hand, use the "report a bad post" feature rather than joining in or adding fuel to the fire.

1) GDT's will be the responsibility of someone from the home team. We will be copying them over to here from the home team board. (GDT can/will be copied from the visiting team if the moderators feel home team one doesn't appear to be a real GDT content wise.)

2) If you forgot the Site Rules -- Terms and rules
Get cozy with them. Rivalries are great. Stupidity directed at your fellow HFers is not.

3) Let the profanity filter do its job.

4) If you do not want to read a thread, don't. That doesn't mean make a comment about thread-worthiness in the thread that you do not like. It's more clutter and keeps the thread alive.

5) Debate post content not poster. Generalizations about fan bases or people who "are a certain way" are no-no's.

6) Threads deemed to be solely designed to bait or flame certain fanbases will get the axe... and so may the thread starter.

7) Any other rules listed in the site rules or if a moderator deems the action necessary.

8) Do not go to a rival or opponent's boards to troll and this can and does include reacts. Team boards are for the team fans and you can and will be warned and forum banned if you try.

We may be adding more to this if we see persistent behaviors over the course of the playoffs. Remember to treat others as you would like to treated and we'll all have fun.
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Mark Stones Spleen
Apr 19, 2015
Cloud 9
Just an expansion on #1 so everyone knows what to expect. Also bumped so everyone can see #8

"Hey Folks,

As we draw closer to the playoffs, wanted to clarify how the GDT's are used in the playoff forums. Please read the following below to get a better clarification on the GDT's for the playoffs.....

We will be using the Home Team GDT for the main forum. If there is no GDT posted in the local team forum by 12pm ET or 3 hours before puck drop, whichever is first, we will use the Away Team GDT or the mod/admin team will create a neutral one for the main playoff forum.

Have fun with this, be creative, show off your skills, and make an effort. Just ask to keep it civil and within the rule guidelines. As per low effort GDT's , like one-line "Hey, there's a game tonight" may not be used at the mod/admins discretion and will either use the Away Team GDT or create a neutral one.

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