Roll Call for the Entertainment Forum


Registered User
Jun 17, 2011
Toronto, ON
Surprised I've never done this. :)

Name: Bon
Age: 24
Favorite actor(ess): Natalie Portman, Stephan Chow, Leonardo DiCaprio, Dane DeHann, Dwayne Johnson (on sheer camp value), Rooney Mara, Kate Winslet
Favorite director: David Fincher, Stanley Kubrick, Darren Aronofsky
Favorite movies: The Fountain, The Social Network, Se7en, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Shaolin Soccer, The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars
Favorite types of movies: N/A - enjoy too many movies from all genres.
Favorite TV Show: Lost, Community, The Simpsons, Breaking Bad
Favorite type of music: Rock & Pop. But again, love music of all genres.
Favorite band/singer: Muse.
Favorite song: "Fix You" by Coldplay.
Favorite album: Too hard to choose. "Welcome to the Black Parade" - maybe. "Absolution" is up there as well.
Favorite book: Can't read. I'd like to but I can't for some reason.
Favorite entertainment magazine: N/A
Favorite Radio Show: N/A
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Way too many to list. Hundreds.
People You've Met: A bunch but most notable was when Hayden Panettiere played with my hair, called it cool, and then introduced herself to me (all while heavily drunk).
Anything you've been credited with: ... I was an editor on a small movie once?
Fan site you wish to plug: None


Jun 8, 2012
Name: Ceremony
Age: Too damn high
Favourite actor(ess): Nicolas Cage
Favourite director: n/a
Favourite movies: Good ones
Favourite types of movies: (type can be anything you really want it to be, not necessatily a genre): Good ones
Favourite TV Show: The X Files, The Simpsons
Favourite type of music: Good music
Favourite band/singer: Well that's two different questions. Pearl Jam.
Favourite song: n/a
Favourite album: n/a
Favourite book: n/a
Favourite entertainment magazine: no
Favourite Radio Show: You're locked in to Colorado Avalanche hockey on the Altitude Radio Network
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Concerts as in gigs? I've been to two festivals and probably seen ~ 100 bands.
People You've Met: I sat next to the singer out of We Were Promised Jetpacks on the Subway once. He was with two girls who were well out of his league.
Things You have: (as in things that would be in an auction, or personalized things, rare memorbilia, autographs, etc. not like something you can buy at a common store): I have a signed copy of Happiness by Hurts, a signed copy of the State Hospital EP by Frightened Rabbit (the vinyl one) and a signed copy of Pedestrian Verse by Frightened Rabbit. Oh I also have a signed Delphic poster. And I think my copy of Ian Curtis Blood Money: The Book by Peter Hook is signed, but I'm not sure.
Anything You've been credited with: I have written a book and am in the midst of another. When they're published and I'm famous I'll share, and you can all gasp in wonderment at the genius in your midst.
Fan site you wish to plug: I had a blog once where I reviewed albums/games/ranted about things, but nobody cared.


Bold as Boognish
Dec 15, 2011
San Jose, California
Can't believe I haven't done this yet.

Name: Jason
Age: 21 tomorrow.
Favorite actor(ess): Audrey Hepburn, (early) Jim Carrey
Favorite director: Kevin Smith, I guess
Favorite movies: Independence Day, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Star Wars OT, Clerks, quite a few others
Favorite types of movies: None in particular, but generally sci-fi, comedy, or 80s horror.
Favorite TV Show: Breaking Bad, South Park
Favorite type of music: Really dependent on the band, but generally 90s alternative
Favorite band/singer: Rush
Favorite song: Quite a few, but most likely "Jerry Was a Race Car Driver" by Primus, "Alcohol" by Stump, or "Ghost of a Chance" by Rush
Favorite album: Presto by Rush, and Sailing the Seas of Cheese by Primus
Favorite book: Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Favorite entertainment magazine: None.
Favorite Radio Show: Don't usually listen to the radio, but whenever I can't watch Sharks games on TV, I'll listen in.
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Too many to list, but the best show I ever saw was Rush on the Clockwork Angels tour.
People You've Met: A few, but probably the coolest was meeting the Dead Milkmen and getting a setlist signed after one of their shows. Another cool one was when one of my bands got to play a gig with Rx Bandits and Set Your Goals, so we got to hang out with them backstage.
Things You Have (as in things that would be in an auction, or personalized things, rare memorbilia, autographs, etc. not like something you can buy at a common store): A bunch of setlists from assorted shows, some signed posters and tickets.
Anything you've been credited with: A number of bands in the Bay Area, also some recordings of local bands (I own my own home studio).
Fan site you wish to plug: Probably just my studio's Facebook page, a number of great local San Jose/Bay Area bands are on there --


Despres #1D
Mar 6, 2011
north of you
Age: 19
Favorite actor(ess): Jason Statham
Favorite director: Guy Ritchie, Rober Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino
Favorite movies: Sin City, Wangan Midnight: The Movie, The Rocket: The Legend of Rocket Richard, Gladiator, Saving Private Ryan and The Rock( Saw it all the time when I was a little kid)
Favorite types of movies: Racing, Hockey, action, gore, comedy, a good plot and acting would make up the perfect movie in my mind.
Favorite TV Show: Right now Arrow and Continuum
Favorite type of music: Underground Rap/Hip-Hop, Nu-Metall, Rapcore etc..
Favorite band/singer: Goondox, Raubtier, Enhancer
Favorite song: Opus Magni-Raubtier
Favorite album: Welcome to the Goondox
Favorite book: Reaper's Gale by Steven Erikson
Favorite entertainment magazine: Kalle Anka
Favorite Radio Show: Sportextra
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Corroded


Smith - Alfie
Jul 3, 2009
Name: Chris
Age: 21
Favorite actor(ess): Martin Freeman, Natalie Portman, Kevin Spacey
Favorite director: Alfonso Cuaron
Favorite movies: Children of Men, Gravity, Step Brothers, Collateral, LotR
Favorite types of movies: Action, Comedy, Political, Drama, Thrillers
Favorite TV Show: The Wire, Parks and Recreation, The Americans, Breaking Bad
Favorite type of music: Rock, Alternative
Favorite band/singer: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Favorite song: Especially in Michigan, RHCP
Favorite album: Back in Black, ACDC
Favorite book: The Hobbit, The War of the Worlds
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Blue Man Group. That's it.
People You've Met: Nobody


Registered User
Jun 20, 2011
Dallas, TX
Name: Ryan
Age: 27
Favorite actor(ess): John Travolta, Gerard Butler
Favorite director: Cristopher Nolan
Favorite movies: The Prestige, Lord of the Rings series
Favorite types of movies: Drama, Action, Mystery
Favorite TV Show: HIMYM, Shark Tank
Favorite type of music: House, Techno - I like the beat to drop
Favorite band/singer: Michael Woods
Favorite song: Emma Hewitt - Rewind
Favorite album: What are these?
Favorite book:The Innocent Man by John Grisham
Favorite entertainment magazine: Magazines Suck
Favorite Radio Show: BPM and Electric Area
Concerts or other shows you've been to: A7X, Coheed & Cambria, Jimmy Eats World, Ozzfest
People You've Met: Nobody famous :(
Things You have: Nothing of importance - my giant Miami Dolphins flag is important
Anything You've been credited with: Being Awesome
Fan site you wish to plug: RIP
Additional Info : I'm 6'3", and I love long walks on the beach with a beer in each hand.


Jul 19, 2009
South Jersey
Name: Sean
Age: 26
Favorite actor(ess): I always resort to Barry Pepper despite his lack of major roles.
Favorite director: No one comes to mind as a "must see" for me
Favorite movies: Favorite are Home Alone, Tombstone, LOTR. Best are the Godfathers, Shawshank, LOTR, It's a Wonderful Life
Favorite types of movies: (type can be anything you really want it to be, not necessarily a genre) Not picky, I go through phases. Included in those phases are Westerns, Comedies, Sports, Holiday, Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Favorite TV Show: Of all time is Band of Brothers, easily
Favorite type of music: Alt, rock, psydient
Favorite band/singer: Again depends on the phase; Weezer, Rage Against the Machine, System of a Down, Shpongle, Muse, Incubus, Pink Floyd rank up there consistently
Favorite song: Knights of Cydonia by Muse or The Good Life by Weezer
Favorite album: Pinkerton from Weezer or Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd
Favorite book: The Song of Ice and Fire (all of them :) )
Favorite entertainment magazine: I really don't know, haven't read any in awhile
Favorite Radio Show: Preston and Steve Show, a Philly morning show I've podcasted since 2005...though I've tailed off a bit and started listening to more comedy, science, and wrestling podcasts of late.
Concerts or other shows you've been to: First concert was Rod Stewart against my will :laugh: A winter festival show with Bush, Lit, Nickelback, Sum 41, and Blink 182; a summer festival show with The Pixies, Chevelle, Fuel, Evanescence, and Velvet Revolver; and Shpongle (I need to see more shows)
People You've Met: I work in sports, so I've been "around" athletes, coaches, and front office brass a couple times, add in a couple Flyers, Eagles, and Phillies auotgraph sessions..."Met" seems a little personal for what I've accomplished so far.
Things You have: (as in things that would be in an auction, or personalized things, rare memorbilia, autographs, etc. not like something you can buy at a common store): Flyers autographs.
Anything You've been credited with: I like to credit myself with starting the Marshall University Ice Hockey program, though I'll guarantee no one on the team knows who the hell I am :laugh:
Fan site you wish to plug:

Ben Grimm

It's clobberin time
Dec 10, 2007
Lower E. Side
Name: Hawkman
Age: 39+
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Hundreds - Allman Brothers, Black Crowes, Black Keys, Buddy Guy, Kings of Leon, Lynryd Skynyrd, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Stones, Three Days Grace, ZZ Top.
Things You have: (as in things that would be in an auction, or personalized things, rare memorbilia, autographs, etc. not like something you can buy at a common store): Personalized photo of Dan Hampton
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Kyle Doobas*

Name: Shawn
Age: 24
Favorite actor(ess): Jack Nicholson
Favorite director: Woody Allen
Favorite movies: almost anything by Woody Allen or starring Jack Nicholson + Duck Soup
Favorite types of movies: Comedies
Favorite TV Show: Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, King Of The Hill
Favorite type of music: Motown/soul, country/folk(-rock), blues, jazz
Favorite band/singer: Grateful Dead/Jerry Garcia Band
Favorite song: "Scarlet Begonias -> Fire On The Mountain"
Favorite book: The Catcher In The Rye
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Lots, but I only see Phish anymore
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Wee Baby Seamus

Yo, Goober, where's the meat?
Mar 15, 2011
Name: Wee Baby Seamus
Age: 16
Favorite actor(ess): Joseph Gordon Levitt
Favorite director: Coen Brothers
Favorite movies: Fargo, Pulp Fiction, Star Wars
Favorite types of movies: Star Wars, black comedy
Favorite TV Show: Arrested Development
Favorite type of music: Indie
Favorite band/singer: Arcade Fire
Favorite song: Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)
Favorite album: Funeral
Favorite book: Macbeth (do plays count?)
Favorite entertainment magazine: N/A
Favorite Radio Show: N/A
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Arcade Fire and U2 in Moncton, Rush in Halifax
People You've Met: None that come to mind
Things You have: N/A, at least that come to mind
Anything You've been credited with: N/A
Fan site you wish to plug: N/A


Registered User
May 29, 2010
28.294194, -39.07612
Name: Wee Baby Seamus
Age: 16
Favorite actor(ess): Joseph Gordon Levitt
Favorite director: Coen Brothers
Favorite movies: Fargo, Pulp Fiction, Star Wars
Favorite types of movies: Star Wars, black comedy
Favorite TV Show: Arrested Development
Favorite type of music: Indie
Favorite band/singer: Arcade Fire
Favorite song: Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)
Favorite album: Funeral
Favorite book: Macbeth (do plays count?)
Favorite entertainment magazine: N/A
Favorite Radio Show: N/A
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Arcade Fire and U2 in Moncton, Rush in Halifax
People You've Met: None that come to mind
Things You have: N/A, at least that come to mind
Anything You've been credited with: N/A
Fan site you wish to plug: N/A

You've been on this forum since you were 13 :amazed:

Eagle Eye Cherry

guitar player
Feb 19, 2006
Name: Tommy
Age: 30
Favorite actor(ess): Liam Neeson
Favorite director: Paul W.S. Anderson
Favorite movies: Narc
Favorite types of movies: gritty cop movies like Narc, Training Day
Favorite TV Show: 24, Vikings, Seinfeld
Favorite type of music: Rock, Metal
Favorite band/singer: Soundgarden, Live, Audioslave
Favorite song: Lightning Crashes by Live
Favorite album: Throwing Copper by Live
Favorite book: Collapse by Jared Diamond
Favorite entertainment magazine: n/a
Favorite Radio Show: n/a
Concerts or other shows you've been to:
People You've Met: comedian Eddie Griffin, magician David Copperfield, heavy metal singer Max Cavalera
Things You have: n/a
Anything You've been credited with: n/a
Fan site you wish to plug: n/a

George Maharis

Risk Taker
Feb 6, 2011
nova sGOATia
Name: David
Age: 20
Favorite actor(ess): Charlie Chaplin
Favorite director: Charlie Chaplin
Favorite movie: The Great Dictator
Favorite types of movies: Comedy
Favorite TV Show: Arrested Development
Favorite type of music: Rock
Favorite band/singer: Nirvana
Favorite song: Last Caress - The Misfits
Favorite album: Give Up - The Postal Service
Favorite book: The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
Favorite entertainment magazine: Rolling Stone
Favorite Radio Show: Nights with Alice Cooper
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Paul McCartney, The Offspring, Metallica, Coheed & Cambria, Metric, Basshunter, Justin Bieber, Girlicious, Akon, LMFAO, Seether, Protest the Hero, Matt Mays, Joel Plaskett, Tokyo Police Club, Mother Mother, KISS, The Trews, Karl Wolf, Hedley, Stereos, Jay Sean, Down With Webster, Kardinal Offishall, Faber Drive, Pitbull, Classified, Emily Osment, Dinosaur Jr, April Wine, Steve Miller Band, Tom Petty


riot survivor
Jun 16, 2003
Name: Vancouver
Age: 29
Favorite actor(ess): Kevin Spacey
Favorite director: Francis Ford Coppola
Favorite movies: Gladiator, Godfather, Godfather 2, Fight Club, Apocalypse Now
Favorite types of movies: War or fighting movies
Favorite TV Show: Band of Brothers
Favorite type of music: Electronic/Hip hop
Favorite band/singer: Aesop Rock
Favorite song: Natural Beauty by Neil Young
Favorite album: Irish Heartbeat by Van Morrison
Favorite book: East of Eden by John Steinbeck
Favorite entertainment magazine: no
Favorite Radio Show: Marek vs Wyshynski
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Pearl Jam
People You've Met: Matt Cooke
Things You have: Trade form + scouting information stolen from the Islanders' draft table in 2006
Anything You've been credited with: I was once shown on TV playing in a pile of leaves leading up to a news segment on a potential Vancouver teachers strike


Registered User
Mar 10, 2011
Name: Steve
Age: 23
Favorite actor(ess): Robert De Niro, Kevin Spacey, Bryan Cranston, Liam Neeson. Plenty more.
Favorite director: Tarantino
Favorite movies: The Godfather, The Godfather part II, the Dark Knight. So many others.
Favorite types of movies: I'll watch anything good. Big horror movie fan.
Favorite TV Show: Quite a few. Hmmm Breaking Bad, That 70s Show, Friends.
Favorite type of music: classic rock.
Favorite band/singer: Springsteen
Favorite song: so many.
Favorite book: anything Stephen King.
Favorite entertainment magazine: don't read them.
Favorite Radio Show: don't really listen to radio shows.
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Springsteen.
People You've Met: quite a few NHL players.
Things You have: some NHL and NFL athlete autographs. Nothing too special.


Registered User
Jan 21, 2007
Name: Gary
Age: 33
Favorite actor(ess): Johnny Depp
Favorite director: I enjoy Tim Burton
Favorite movies: Too many to list
Favorite types of movies: (type can be anything you really want it to be, not necessatily a genre) Comedy, Action, Psychological-Thriller
Favorite TV Show: South Park, Psych, American Dad
Favorite type of music: Rock/Metal, depends on my mood
Favorite band/singer: Faith No More/Mike Patton, Sevendust, Hurt, Queen, many more
Favorite song: too many to list
Favorite album: Faith No More-Angel Dust, Pearl Jam-Ten, Project 86-Songs to Burn Your Bridges By/Truthless Heroes, many others that I can't recall offhand
Favorite book: All Quiet On The Western Front
Favorite entertainment magazine: None
Favorite Radio Show: Holmberg's Morning Sickness (I miss Phoenix...)
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Pearl Jam w/Sonic Youth, Matchbox 20 w/Train, Sevendust w/Nickelback, Collective Soul, Genesis (1992), Brooks & Dunn w/Dwight Yoakam, Gary Allan, Chris Cagle, & Trick Pony (not a country fan, but Brooks & Dunn put on a good show)
People You've Met: Nick Nolte, Wayne Gretzky, Marshall Faulk, Jeremy Roenick & numerous hockey players
Things You have: (as in things that would be in an auction, or personalized things, rare memorabilia, autographs, etc. not like something you can buy at a common store) autographed JR rookie card...haha
Anything You've been credited with: nothing of note...

Sonic Disturbance

Grandmaster User
Jan 1, 2009
Name: It starts with "L"
Age: 21
Favorite actor(ess): Jimmy Stewart, James Mason, Christian Bale, Grace Kelly
Favorite director: Christopher Nolan
Favorite movies: The Dark Night, Rear Window, Memento, Vertigo
Favorite types of movies: Anything but Romantic Comedies
Favorite TV Show: The Simpsons, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
Favorite type of music: Classical Romantic, Early Jazz
Favorite band/singer: Glen Miller Big Band
Favorite song: Sing Sing Sing
Favorite album: N/A
Favorite book: Lolita, Notes from The Underground, The Death of Ivan Ilyich, Native Son
Favorite entertainment magazine: N/A
Favorite Radio Show: N/A
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Saw Pinchas Zuckerman play
People You've Met: Mats Sundin, Morris Peterson
Things You Have (as in things that would be in an auction, or personalized things, rare memorbilia, autographs, etc. not like something you can buy at a common store): Literally nothing.
Fan site you wish to plug: None.


Feb 17, 2013
Edmonton, AB
Name: Mozes
Age: 21
Favorite Actors: Matthew McConaughey, Chris Pratt, Ryan Gossling
Favorite Director: Quentin Tarentino
Favorite Movies: 1)Pulp Fiction, 2)Drive, 3)Inglorious ********
Favorite Types of Movies: Good Ones
Favorite TV Show: 1)South Park, 2)Breaking Bad, 3A)Parks & Rec, 3B)Curb Your Enthusiasm
Favorite Type of Music: Good Music
Favorite Band/Singer: 1)My Morning Jacket, 2)Tool, 3)Rush
Favorite Song: Ohio by Neil Young
Favorite Album: At Dawn by My Morning Jacket
Favorite Book: N/A
Favorite Magazine: The Hockey News
Favorite Radio Show: The Pipeline Show: With Guy Flaming
Favorite Concert: Pemberton Festival 2008
People You've Met: Multiple Oilers Players
Things You Have: Home and Away Signed Taylor Hall Jerseys


Proud Member of the TTSAOA
Jul 1, 2012
Name: Nicholas
Age: 19
Favorite actor(ess): Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downie Jr, Will Ferell
Favorite director: Joss Whedon
Favorite movies: Empire Strikes Back, Jaws, The Dark Knight, Anchorman
Favorite types of movies: (type can be anything you really want it to be, not necessatily a genre) Action and Comedy
Favorite TV Show: Community and Seinfeld
Favorite type of music: Classic Rock
Favorite band/singer: The Beach Boys
Favorite song: Good Vibrations
Favorite album: Today!/Summer Days (The Beach Boys)
Favorite book: Game of Thrones
Favorite entertainment magazine: The Hockey News
Favorite Radio Show:
Concerts or other shows you've been to: Beach Boys, Weird Al, ACDC
People You've Met: No one really of note
Things You have: (as in things that would be in an auction, or personalized things, rare memorbilia, autographs, etc. not like something you can buy at a common store) Nothing
Anything You've been credited with: Nothing
Fan site you wish to plug:


Registered User
Aug 4, 2014
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Name: Jason
Age: 27
Favorite actor(ess): Dicaprio, Norton, Jim Carrey
Favorite director: Tarantino
Favorite movies: Eternal Sunshine, Donnie Darko
Favorite types of movies: Anything good
Favorite TV Show: The Wire, Game of Thrones
Favorite type of music: Nothing specific
Favorite band/singer: Alexisonfire/Dallas Green
Favorite song: Changes more often than not
Favorite album: Same as above
Favorite book: Game of Thrones/Anything Stephen King
Concerts or other shows you've been to: OLP, Alexisonfire, Moneen are the most memorable


Leaf fan | YYZ -> SEA
Nov 10, 2011
Seattle, WA
Name: Christian
Age: 19
Favorite Actors: Robin Williams, Jim Carrey, Adam Sandler, Will Ferrell, Dustin Hoffman
Favorite Directors: Steven Spielberg
Favorite Movies: Hook, ET, Bull Durham, Inception, Pulp Fiction
Favorite types of movies: Comedy, Action/Adventure
Favorite TV Shows: Breaking Bad, Trailer Park Boys, Spongebob Squarepants, The Wire
Favorite type of music: Soft, indie, and classic rock
Favorite bands/singers: Simon and Garfunkel, Neil Young, Nirvana, Green Day, Eminem, imagine Dragons
Favorite song: Constantly changes
Favorite album: Same as above
Favorite book: Don't read
Concerts or other shows you've been to: None.
People you've met: No one
Things you have: Nothing


Name: TheThrill81
Age: 29

Favorite actor(ess): Mel Gibson, Christian Bale, Daniel Day Lewis, Gary Oldman, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Robert Downey Jr, Charlize Theron, Marlon Brando, Gregory Peck, Audrey Hepburn, Sir Laurence Olivier

Favorite director: Francis Ford Coppola, James Cameron, Stanley Kubrick, Tim Burton, Richard Donner

Favorite movies: (Excluding animated films) The Godfather I & II, Dog Day Afternoon, Taxi, Heat, Terminator 2, Ghostbusters, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Superman, Batman, Dumb and Dumber, Airplane, Back to the Future, Goldeneye, The Spy Who Loved Me, American Psycho, Pulp Fiction, Slapshot, etc.

Favorite types of movies: (type can be anything you really want it to be, not necessatily a genre) Horror, sci-fi, action/martial arts, buddy cop, comedy, crime, drama, almost any film with Schwarzenegger

Favorite TV Show: (Only naming those currently on air) Arrow, Castle, Person of Interest, The Walking Dead, Mad Men, Agents of SHIELD, The Simpsons, etc.

Favorite book: I, Strahd: The War against Azalin, The Godfather, probably a couple of more that I can't think of

Bee Sheriff

Bad Boy Postingâ„¢
Nov 9, 2013
Name: Eli
Age: 18
Favorite actor(ess): Jason Schwartzman
Favorite director: Wes Anderson
Favorite movies: Rushmore, City of God
Favorite types of movies: Indie
Favorite TV Show: Breaking Bad
Favorite type of music: Shoegaze
Favorite band/singer: Mac DeMarco, Wild Nothing, Daft Punk, Com Truise, Diiv, Tyler the Creator
Favorite song: Wild Nothing - A Dancing Shell
Favorite album: Daft Punk - Discovery
Favorite book: Brave New World
Favorite entertainment magazine: N/A
Favorite Radio Show: Sirius XMU
Concerts or other shows you've been to: FYF Fest '14, Washed Out
People You've Met: Gave the drummer of Mac DeMarco my hat
Things You have: Nothing worth note, vinyl collection.
Anything You've been credited with: Spreader of good music
Fan site you wish to plug: N/A


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