Post-Game Talk: Microcosm


Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
DCup hunting
How much of this is speculation though? Even on healthy functioning teams, guys have a go at each other on the bench. It doesn't mean there is a rift. People are competitive, people don't like to lose... words get shouted in frustration, that's passion. That's sport.

I don't want Kane to be happy playing on the third line. I want him playing mad.

I'm just saying don't be too quick to jump to conclusions. Unless you have more color to provide, we don't really know if there is any fire behind that occasional smoke. Not saying you are wrong... just that I hope you are.
Look at his NHL history with teams. His best years are always his first couple years. If you go back as far as Buffalo disatissfaction and Kane making noises about wanting out or not being pleased start to grow. There were rumbles in SJ as well which I tended to dismiss. But the same things happening here are being evident this season. He started off hotter but has cooled off considerably during season. At the time I didn't hink much when Nurse declined a fist bump, but in lieu of Connor and Leon both going at Kane on the bench it all starts to look like too much to be coincidence. The parking of the player for the Ottawa game says more on this. I think even the team going out and getting Perry as an added vet winger, I think there could be something to that.

Kane is a good and solid player, when he brings it, and when he decides to. For a player with his kind of shot, that is a power forward who is impossible to remove from front of net not scoring for 18 games is unacceptable. That he's not even getting into scrums to defend team mates is something as well. He looks disengaged. I don't have to mention Kane has complained multiple X this season about usage. But then he gets what he wants he does little with it.

Having said that you know that I'm somebody that supported the Kane acquisition and that defended the player from some of the criticisms and controversy he had faced. But while not completely ignoring the player does have baggage. Kane, my take, isn't easy to be around for long periods. I think on and off the ice. My concern though is not seeing the commitment from the player on the ice. The case of Hyman is revealing as exhibits everything that can occur if a player is completely on board every game, every shift, every period. Kane obviously not giving us a fraction of the dedication.

Heres a last comment on what Kane is when he's a TDL addition vs what Kane usually is. The two times he's been TDL add he's been a ,500G/G player. Far in excess of what he usually gets. He knocks it out of the park in his first stints with clubs. If we combine SJ and Edm stints than Kane has 31 goals in 60GP being a TDL add. That suggests a 40 goal scorer, and yet he's never been that. But that he could. Historically, on the whole Kane is a 1/3 game scorer. He gives teams less than he could. Factor in playoffs and its more the same message. First playoffs in SJ and Edmonton he potted way more than his 2nd playoffs with respective clubs. Not even close.
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Registered User
Jul 30, 2016
The reactions on here are hilarious. Every loss is because of poor play and goaltending

That loss came down extensively poor reffing and 3 posts.

We didn't get outplayed, out goalied and Korpisalo isn't the great savior. He made some dandys for sure, but got beat clean 3x that should have got the win


Registered User
Jan 13, 2018
Drai is doing what he's supposed to and also importantly scoring goals. Perhaps the several players on this lineup that aren't cashing anything are more the reason we're not seperating in games like this. Drai is around his usual figures and really to be on pace for a 46 goal pace and be described as bad is a bit rich. How about Nuge not scoring half the goals he had last year or only having 60% of the pts he had last year. How about McDavid himself not scoring even HALF of the goals he scored last year.

But Drai is bad, always listed, can't be anybody else letting the team down. We lost this game because we didn't cash despite being in total control of the game. The only players that Scored were DRai, Hyman, Henrique, they get a pass.

Bottom line for forwards in NHl, for topsix is scoring. Its lighting the lamp. Thats the number one objective. If you're not getting that you're not doing all you can to help the club.

I'll mention as well that Drai contractually is contributing as much to this team as anybody. The same sort of posters that complained about the Drai "obscene overpay contract" years ago are still complaining about him now. We're seeing Drai at about a 4-5M discount. But still blaming him.
I think that cognitive bias is definitely at play here. People that hated Draisaitl in his early years, when he didn't look like a great prospect or even after his contract, still struggle with the cognitive dissonance of him emerging as a superstar. So they intentionally magnify his mistakes while ignoring the positive contributions he makes to the team. The "gut reactions" over his play in GDTs makes those threads almost unreadable.


Registered User
Aug 25, 2005
Look at his NHL history with teams. His best years are always his first couple years. If you go back as far as Buffalo disatissfaction and Kane making noises about wanting out or not being pleased start to grow. There were rumbles in SJ as well which I tended to dismiss. But the same things happening here are being evident this season. He started off hotter but has cooled off considerably during season. At the time I didn't hink much when Nurse declined a fist bump, but in lieu of Connor and Leon both going at Kane on the bench it all starts to look like too much to be coincidence. The parking of the player for the Ottawa game says more on this. I think even the team going out and getting Perry as an added vet winger, I think there could be something to that.

Kane is a good and solid player, when he brings it, and when he decides to. For a player with his kind of shot, that is a power forward who is impossible to remove from front of net not scoring for 18 games is unacceptable. That he's not even getting into scrums to defend team mates is something as well. He looks disengaged. I don't have to mention Kane has complained multiple X this season about usage. But then he gets what he wants he does little with it.

Having said that you know that I'm somebody that supported the Kane acquisition and that defended the player from some of the criticisms and controversy he had faced. But while not completely ignoring the player does have baggage. Kane, my take, isn't easy to be around for long periods. I think on and off the ice. My concern though is not seeing the commitment from the player on the ice. The case of Hyman is revealing as exhibits everything that can occur if a player is completely on board every game, every shift, every period. Kane obviously not giving us a fraction of the dedication.

With his history its natural to speculate.

Having said that, hopefully a maintenance day for a 30+ year old forward on the day of a back-to-back is exactly that... maintenance & rest.

I'm still hoping for playoff Kane. It wouldn't be crazy for him to be pouting a bit this year, nor would it be crazy that he is slightly disengaged during a long season where he's not at his best (or nursing some nagging injuries)... and still not a surprise that he manages to bring it when it matters this playoffs.
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Registered User
Feb 7, 2008
The reactions on here are hilarious. Every loss is because of poor play and goaltending

That loss came down extensively poor reffing and 3 posts.

We didn't get outplayed, out goalied and Korpisalo isn't the great savior. He made some dandys for sure, but got beat clean 3x that should have got the win

There are some games that you can chalk up to bad luck, but that wasn't one of them. You can blame Pickard, the refs and the PK all you want (and all were terrible), but if the Oilers simply decided to actually shoot the puck when they had full control for the entire third period we are probably talking about an OT loss at the very worst. Instead, because they made the choice that they weren't going to make plays to the net despite having a whole period worth of zone time, they opened up the opportunity for the officials, the PK and Pickard to become a factor.

You would have a hard time convincing me that any other team in the league wouldn't have ended that third period with at least 10 shots on goal at the absolute minimum. And I mean everyone, the Blackhawks, Ducks and even the Sharks get 10 on net with that much zone time. Oilers had 5, which was in the midst of PLENTY of looked off shooting chances. This type of stupidity is a major problem in their game at the moment, problem is whenever it gets raised it is laughed off or you get dismissed because "YOU THINK THE BEST PLAYERS IN THE WORLD DON'T KNOW WHEN TO SHOOT THE PUCK." It's infuriating and costing us games.
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Registered User
Jan 17, 2019
We’re freaking out way too much over game 67&68 they don’t matter. As long as they find their game again before playoffs (which I think they will) we’ll be okay.
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Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
DCup hunting
Just to add to the Kane enigma equation this is a guy that could have been a superstar player. He has that ability to dominate. But he doesn't feature that in games consistently.

So I'm going to combine his first stints in SJ and Edmonton, being a TDL or mid season add to these teams and what he did in final parts of season and playoffs.

In Edmonton Kane was electric coming on scoring 22G/43Games regular season and then adding 13 more in only 15playoff games. This is an incredible bull run of 35 goals in 58GP. Thats a .603 goal pace for a new club. Thats twice what he gets career wise.

San Jose similar picture. 9G/17GP his first stint there and then added 4G/9playoff games. This another bull run of 13G/26 games with a new club. Thats batting .500. Far in excess of what he usually brings.

It seems Kane has no trouble introducing himself to teams and bringing his dominance. He doesn't maintain it. Its fair to say that teams never see that version of Kane again.

Indeed the two first season playoffs with respective clubs amount to 17 goals in 24GP. In subsequent years he pots only 5/32 GP. Like not even the same player.
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Forgot About Drai

Dr Drai the Second
Jul 10, 2009
I understand the hesitation to jump to the sky is falling due to it only being game 67/68 and everything, but the worrying part is that we losing in all the same ways every time.

Its the same weaknesses that were singled out at the beginning of the year, the TDL and now. Thats why im worried for playoffs. If it was just two random L's id chalk it up to variance, but its the same weaknesses constantly exposed. In playoffs, those weaknesses are targeted and exposed at a even higher rate,
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There is nothing to do in Mockingbird Heights
Oct 3, 2015
I think the answer is obvious now.

Is it too late to go all in?


Registered User
Feb 8, 2008
Generally shocked and confused that we've found ourselves as a fanbase in a scenario where our literal replacement level backup laying an egg is somehow excuse for our defacto starter also frequently laying eggs.

I don't quite get it to be honest. But y'all do you.
Not it at all sunshine. The truth is that you only come on en masse when Skinner has a bad game. When he had the other 7 prior to that, nary a comment. No excuses for either goaltending. How dare they be human and make mistakes, and not rise up and be incredible every game when the 5 million dollar man has shit the bed 2 years in a row. Damn Skinner for tossing his hair back, and DEMANDING that he play every game (as Drivesaitl get infuriated with). Damn him for everything that is wrong with this team.

I don't quite get it, to be honest. But, hey, to each his own.
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Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
DCup hunting
I understand the hesitation to jump to the sky is falling due to it only being game 67/68 and everything, but the worrying part is that we losing in all the same ways every time.

Its the same weaknesses that were singled out at the beginning of the year, the TDL and now. Thats why im worried for playoffs. If it was just two random L's id chalk it up to variance, but its the same weaknesses constantly exposed. In playoffs, those weaknesses are targeted and exposed at a even higher rate,
WE lost 5/10 GP and needed OT to even beat Montreal. We lost games against Columbus, Buffalo, Ottawa during the stretch. The team is not hot, and its even been an easy segment of schedule. For last 3 weeks team mostly in a funk. Blowout wins against poor Buffalo and Pens performances may disguise this. Winnipeg and LA next up offer an immediate look at where we are presently.

Broberg Speed

Registered User
Oct 23, 2020
The team isn't that good. Tenth place team in a 32 team league. That's the reality.

The 16 game win streak more than offsets the 2-9-1 start.


Registered User
Mar 8, 2006
I understand the hesitation to jump to the sky is falling due to it only being game 67/68 and everything, but the worrying part is that we losing in all the same ways every time.

Its the same weaknesses that were singled out at the beginning of the year, the TDL and now. Thats why im worried for playoffs. If it was just two random L's id chalk it up to variance, but its the same weaknesses constantly exposed. In playoffs, those weaknesses are targeted and exposed at a even higher rate,

Teams are gonna feast on our D pairings.

Ekholm-Bouch...theyre just going to dump it to Bouch end and feign hitting him because guy is too chicken to take a hit it seems

Nurse-Ceci ..what else needs to be said? The worst. I know those game impact score cards are just a cursory view but even during the undefeated streak, they were fairly mid [to arguably the worst pairing]

VD and Kulak...for bottom pairing they are 'ok' but any step up in competition, way over their heads

Gonna be either a quick exit or extremely bumpy ride IMO


Registered User
Feb 7, 2008
I understand the hesitation to jump to the sky is falling due to it only being game 67/68 and everything, but the worrying part is that we losing in all the same ways every time.

Its the same weaknesses that were singled out at the beginning of the year, the TDL and now. Thats why im worried for playoffs. If it was just two random L's id chalk it up to variance, but its the same weaknesses constantly exposed. In playoffs, those weaknesses are targeted and exposed at a even higher rate,

It's been the same ways since the 17/18 season to varying degrees. IMO you would have had to be living under a rock for the past 7 seasons to watch how they are playing now and have zero concern because "it's just game 68! They'll show up for the playoffs!" Except they don't. They never do. Or they do for like a game then get rinsed the next night out.

If we end up winning the cup with this group it will be on the back of a hot goaltending run and a "unicorn" moment of everyone coming together and playing like they are capable of at the same time (a la 16 game win streak). I feel like this is largely out of anyone's control, sadly. Either it randomly works or just doesn't.

Broberg Speed

Registered User
Oct 23, 2020
We'll need Jack Campbell to come to the rescue in the playoffs if the Oilers want to go to the finals.


Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
DCup hunting
The reactions on here are hilarious. Every loss is because of poor play and goaltending

That loss came down extensively poor reffing and 3 posts.

We didn't get outplayed, out goalied and Korpisalo isn't the great savior. He made some dandys for sure, but got beat clean 3x that should have got the win
Maybe Nuge should just be credited goals for hitting posts now. lol They should count. snicker

Nobody disputes the Oilers should have got the result. They were playing Ottawa, a team that cannot defend at all, and that gave up 40 shots while hardly ever having the puck. The Oilers still managed to lose. After getting blown out in Toronto.


Registered User
Feb 7, 2008
WE lost 5/10 GP and needed OT to even beat Montreal. We lost games against Columbus, Buffalo, Ottawa during the stretch. The team is not hot, and its even been an easy segment of schedule. For last 3 weeks team mostly in a funk. Blowout wins against poor Buffalo and Pens performances may disguise this. Winnipeg and LA next up offer an immediate look at where we are presently.

Even the blow out win against the Sabres was only a 20 min effort. The team did everything in their power up to that point to throw that one away too.

Other than the two games against the Penguins (which I'm not sure you can count with how bad they were reeling at the time), the only game that I would say we played 60 minutes in over the past month was the W in Boston. The rest have been circus affairs with wild momentum swings and the lengthy spans of breathtakingly bad hockey we are accustomed to in Edmonton.

Really, this team has been playing more or less half baked hockey since the All-Star break. Totally unacceptable.


Knob Flavored Coffey
Aug 20, 2009
I understand the hesitation to jump to the sky is falling due to it only being game 67/68 and everything, but the worrying part is that we losing in all the same ways every time.

Its the same weaknesses that were singled out at the beginning of the year, the TDL and now. Thats why im worried for playoffs. If it was just two random L's id chalk it up to variance, but its the same weaknesses constantly exposed. In playoffs, those weaknesses are targeted and exposed at a even higher rate,
It's why I don't see them as a true cup contender and is also why I'm not upset about some losses in the regular season.

First of all, it's all about the playoffs so a loss to Ottawa in March doesn't mean much but the reality is that the Oilers are what they are. They're a team that will bring the work ethic occasionally, they're a team that will almost always rely on their top 2 guys, or whoever is on their line, to score with no real chemistry anywhere really, they're a team with a significant defensive hole (the Nurse pairing) and a team with goaltending that is overall average. It's the same weaknesses as always. They can win a bunch of regular season games because of the McDavid line and the Ekholm pairing but weaknesses get exposed big time in the playoffs and the Oilers have several notable ones.

They're a good team and anything can happen in the playoffs because random shit happens in NHL playoffs moreso than other sports but looking at the roster construction and their general habits as a team, I'm not even sure if this is a top 5 Cup contender. Doesn't mean they can't win one because.... McDavid but my expectations are very measured for this group going into these playoffs. I thought they were a better team last season tbh and in a western conference that was weaker, THAT was their big opportunity IMO.
Regardless, I'll be rooting them on as usual and hope for the best.
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Nov 30, 2004
St. OILbert, AB
Even the blow out win against the Sabres was only a 20 min effort. The team did everything in their power up to that point to throw that one away too.

Other than the two games against the Penguins (which I'm not sure you can count with how bad they were reeling at the time), the only game that I would say we played 60 minutes in over the past month was the W in Boston. The rest have been circus affairs with wild momentum swings and the lengthy spans of breathtakingly bad hockey we are accustomed to in Edmonton.

Really, this team has been playing more or less half baked hockey since the All-Star break. Totally unacceptable.
meh, the Oilers went 14-0-1 to end last year and it didn't help them one bit in the playoffs

every team seems to have lulls in their game, including teams like Vegas, LA and yes Vancouver

heck, the Jets have lost 3 in a row


Registered User
Jul 28, 2007
Playoffs are 3 weeks away. Maybe losing a few games and facing some adversity BEFORE the playoffs might not be a bad thing for us. We've been rolling since November.

Also, regardless where we finish in the standings, we're getting a really tough opponent.


Registered User
Feb 6, 2010
Not it at all sunshine. The truth is that you only come on en masse when Skinner has a bad game. When he had the other 7 prior to that, nary a comment. No excuses for either goaltending. How dare they be human and make mistakes, and not rise up and be incredible every game when the 5 million dollar man has shit the bed 2 years in a row. Damn Skinner for tossing his hair back, and DEMANDING that he play every game (as Drivesaitl get infuriated with). Damn him for everything that is wrong with this team.

I don't get it. But, hey, to each his own.

I think you're being unnecessarily divisive and that's not conducive to a healthy discussion

I also don't think that's true at all that I only shit on Skinner. I think you and I just have fundamentally different ideas of what is good Goaltending - you're looking for good GAA and save percentage, and I'm comparing how many hard saves a guy is making compared to most at this level.

That's fine. We'll see I guess who is more right come playoff time.
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Finding Hyman
Oct 8, 2017
DCup hunting
It's why I don't see them as a true cup contender and is also why I'm not upset about some losses in the regular season.

First of all, it's all about the playoffs so a loss to Ottawa in March doesn't mean much but the reality is that the Oilers are what they are. They're a team that will bring the work ethic occasionally, they're a team that will almost always rely on their top 2 guys, or whoever is on their line, to score with no real chemistry anywhere really, they're a team with a significant defensive hole (the Nurse pairing) and a team with goaltending that is overall average. It's the same weaknesses as always. They can win a bunch of regular season games because of the McDavid line and the Ekholm pairing but weaknesses get exposed big time in the playoffs and the Oilers have several notable ones.

They're a good team and anything can happen in the playoffs because random shit happens in NHL playoffs moreso than other sports but looking at the roster construction and their general habits as a team, I'm not even sure if this is a top 5 Cup contender. Doesn't mean they can't win one because.... McDavid but my expectations are very measured for this group going into these playoffs. I thought they were a better team last season tbh and in a western conference that was weaker, THAT was their big opportunity IMO.
Regardless, I'll be rooting them on as usual and hope for the best.
Don't take this the wrong way but nationally, In Canada, its always phrased like this. I find it odd because Draisaitl is either the most impactful playoff player on this club or is 2nd to no one. At worst Drai is equal to McD in any parameter in playoffs and probably a bit better. Just a pet peeve due to how overlooked Drai always is. (not saying you) I mean the guy scored 13 goals last spring and gets constantly looked off. They did a whole segment yesterday saying the Oilers are "McD's team" As if Leon Draisaitl is just making fries.

This wouldn't even be a playoff club without Drai. Without McD either, stands to reason, but wonder why Leon gets so overlooked on Oilers own board. I expect fans of other clubs to do this.

I specifically picked the name DRIVEsaitl due to at the time people saying that everything Leon gets is just due to McD. The distortion with Leon being so complete, and so ongoing.


Here we go again !
Jan 7, 2013
Playoffs are 3 weeks away. Maybe losing a few games and facing some adversity BEFORE the playoffs might not be a bad thing for us. We've been rolling since November.

Also, regardless where we finish in the standings, we're getting a really tough opponent.
I was going to post something similar. This team does not take long to think highly of itself and I do think that cost us against VGK last year. Let us be reminded that we won't win anything in the playoffs without effort. Disciplined effort.


Registered User
Dec 15, 2013
This is total speculation, but I think Kane is at his best when he feels like he's being respected, whether it's good for the team or not. When he was playing with McDavid and Drai the first year, he was fired up, goals were pouring in, he was hitting hard and picking fights. He had something to prove. He's bitched about being demoted to the 3rd line and lack of ice time because he believes he is more than that, whether or not it's best for the team that he is on the 1st or 2nd line. I think there is a bit of jealousy seeing Hyman pot 50 beside McDavid, wishing that was him on that line. Or being on the top PP.

But he did have a terrible injury last year, is a few years older now, and at the beginning this year was the only player who looked like he cared, and he still has a good game every so often where he looks engaged. So I don't know if any of this is true. I wish he was engaged more often, because like Drivsaitl said, he's got all the tools you could ask for to make a really strong power forward; he hits, he scores goals, he gets in the opponent's face, plays with an edge the team desperately needs. Hopefully whatever is bugging him he can get over and get back to being a pest. Would love to see 2022 playoff Kane this year.


Knob Flavored Coffey
Aug 20, 2009
Don't take this the wrong way but nationally, In Canada, its always phrased like this. I find it odd because Draisaitl is either the most impactful playoff player on this club or is 2nd to no one. At worst Drai is equal to McD in any parameter in playoffs and probably a bit better. Just a pet peeve due to how overlooked Drai always is. (not saying you) I mean the guy scored 13 goals last spring and gets constantly looked off. They did a whole segment yesterday saying the Oilers are "McD's team" As if Leon Draisaitl is just making fries.

This wouldn't even be a playoff club without Drai. Without McD either, stands to reason, but wonder why Leon gets so overlooked on Oilers own board. I expect fans of other clubs to do this.

I specifically picked the name DRIVEsaitl due to at the time people saying that everything Leon gets is just due to McD. The distortion with Leon being so complete, and so ongoing.
I should clarify. I mean McDavid line, not to dismiss the contributions of Draisaitl and Hyman or that he does everything.

It's either the McDavid line doing the bulk of the scoring with Draisaitl on the line or McDavid line doing the bulk of the scoring without Drai because he usually gets stuck with scraps when centering his own line. The Oilers are, largely, a one line team often times or score with the 1st unit PP. It's almost always McDavid, Draisaitl and Hyman popping up on the scoresheet either at even strength or the PP.

Drai is obviously a great player in his own rite, it's more a testament to poor management that they don't score much or are inconsistent I should say outside of the McDavid line not an indictment on Drai.
In fact, it's impressive enough that Drai made McLeod and Foegele look like top 6 players for as long as he did but it's just not sustainable.


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