OT: Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals!


Registered User
Mar 29, 2013
I was thinking about getting 1 month subscription for the juniors but given how shitty TSN steam was during soccer world cup and how shitty their NHL streams are - not doing it. Will watch on my computer from hockey streams. Besides, games are at some ungodly hour too so highly doubt I'd watch a single game live.
TSN used to stream the Canadian games from overseas for free endearing themselves to the mainstream.
For some reason management never found the games that important. The hypocrites.
These are the same guys who grab up any and all tickets that become available and are always the loudest in the room during breaks.
You know. The ones who's important calls or meetings always coincided with the drop of the puck so do not disturb. :laugh:
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Jan 22, 2014
Ottawa, Ontario
Happy holidays to all from a early 70s habs fan!


Registered User
Oct 30, 2002
Nova Scotia
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That time of year again where we begrudgingly engage in a posting ceasefire, with our sniping ways taking a much needed backseat.

Notwithstanding, Santa has been keeping tabs ...


One of our beloved posters made a special request:

And since he's been good this year, Santa has taken note.


And with that ...

Merry X-Mas all and/or Whatever else you might be Celebrini Celebrating.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Runner once again you provide the talent, and the comedy we all need being habs fans these days.


Registered User
Feb 15, 2007
Seriously guys, ever wonder what ever happened to the dudes from Front de Liberté du Québec who were liberated some 35 years ago by Hans Gruber? I wonder if their sons aren’t the ones that I blocked here. :huh: You never know, man. I mean, we lost their trace after Gruber died.
This is so RANDOM??

Quoi, y’a des gars du FLQ sur HF???

HuGo Sham

MR. CLEAN-up ©Runner77
Apr 7, 2010
Dealing with a covid outbreak in my house. Likely got it from the baby who has been coming home sick from daycare every other day basically. My older kid somehow never got it, no symptoms and tested negative. My wife and I both tested positive but don't really have any symptoms other than a runny nose.

Baby is coughing and congested but is otherwise fine. We were at a party before realizing we had it but nobody from the party got it.

It does kind of suck though because our family on both sides is older so we can't really risk it. Won't be able to spend Christmas with them, but at least we have each other.
sending lots of health your way to you and your fam. quick recovery

HuGo Sham

MR. CLEAN-up ©Runner77
Apr 7, 2010
What you get for interesting gifts. I snowmobile a little. My oldest got me a nice full ski-doo suit from Polaris. Other one got me bunch of Hilti power tools. They nice.
the wife got me some practical stuff. iPhone holder for the SUV so i don't drive off a cliff, NHL PS5-24! :laugh:, amazon gift certificates ...
We try not to go crazy with the gift-giving. My wife is buddhist so Xmas is kind of new to her

It’s Christmas, needed to bring a Christmas movie random post!
take it easy on the moonshine Dino, it's still early


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