How popular is ice hockey in Germany?


Registered User
Jan 25, 2013
You may mock MLS, but it has an aggregate attendance of 6 million, an average attendance of 18,500, and TV rights worth almost $100m a year - and it has to compete with the English Premier League and the Mexican league for interest. No hockey league in Europe comes close.
6.5 years later and it's a given the MLS is on it's way to be one of the major division 1 leagues. Pretty soon fans will be crappying their pants because players skip "prestigious" clubs with century long histories, because they'd rather live in "trashy" American cities like New York and Boston.


Registered User
Feb 21, 2018
Yes, the MLS will probably destroy soccer as we know it in Europe. Even if it becomes "only" like the 8h most popular league in the US, most European leagues won't be able to compete with a single league competing in a country with such a huge population because they will still be able to pay so much more. It will probably lead to one or more super-leagues forming in Europe so that they can compete with what the MLS can offer.

Say goodbye to 30 indivudual leagues.

that's why I never wished for soccer to become even remotely popular in the US.


Registered User
Feb 21, 2018
I see more problems because of Corona. Some rinks that were struggling financially before will have to close down now.
Another factor is that Germans (or maybe Europeans as a whole) just arent willing to invest thousands of Euros so that their children can play a sports, that's a very different mindset to what I have read about the US or Canada. The sums I read about that parents pay so that their kids can play travel hockey or even soccer is insane to me, nobody would do that here. That of course leads to rinks having to close down because their upkeep is expensive.


Registered User
Aug 19, 2017
Yes, the MLS will probably destroy soccer as we know it in Europe. Even if it becomes "only" like the 8h most popular league in the US, most European leagues won't be able to compete with a single league competing in a country with such a huge population because they will still be able to pay so much more. It will probably lead to one or more super-leagues forming in Europe so that they can compete with what the MLS can offer.

Say goodbye to 30 indivudual leagues.

that's why I never wished for soccer to become even remotely popular in the US.

Salaries offered by the Bundesliga and the NHL aren't much different, it's a long way to go before the MLS can provide anything similar never mind exceed it.


Registered User
Sep 29, 2021
Hey German hockey fans!
I'm a developer for a hockey game called PuckOFF. The thing is that we want to try out something cool. We're aiming to take hockey fans in to the design of our game. We're doing this to the few biggest hockey countries and we start it off with Germany.
What this basically means?
We would like to have from you:
  • Images about Germany's landscape (wintery images preferred)
  • Images about great pond hockey places
  • Videos/Images somehow related to hockey (again, pond hockey would be the jackpot here)
You can choose one from the above or even all of those. These photos/videos would of course be have to be your own footage and the rights would be given to us. We'll handpick the best ones and show them in our game which takes our character around the world in biggest hockey countries.
What you get out of it?
  • You get to be in part of a design in our game
  • Your footage may be seen on the game
  • A NPC (non-playable character) will be named after you
If this peaks your interest, you can contact us in few ways. Easiest is through our Discord: Join the Puck Off Discord Server!
If you don't have a Discord, you can message me here and I'll give you the instructions.
Thanks German hockey fans! Let's make a great hockey game!



Registered User
Feb 21, 2018
Cost of living is getting more expensive by the day. I talked to a friend of mine who is involved with youth hockey here in Hannover and he already sees the effect, quite a few parents took their kids out of hockey cause they can't afford all the trips to the rink for practice and road trips because of petrol costs.
It's a critical phase for the future of hockey in Germany imo.


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