HF Lightning 2023-2024 Awards


Dec 13, 2011
Tampa: NHL's Newest Dynasty
Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to the formal 2023-2024 HF Lightning Award nomination and ceremony. Turning back the clock to years ago when members previously cared. Now all we care about is some on-ice product that wins real trophies. A disgrace that we have neglected our duties in our fandom.

Please select one for each of the following.

The Art Ross Trophy: Dedicated to the poster with the most contributions, full marks for posts made on the East Coast, responding to NA posters, responding to empty-headed individuals, and the like.


The Hart Memorial Trophy: Awarded to the MVP of HF Lightning. Even if someone else deserves it more, please take into consideration their diet, nationality, hair color, amount of "I haven't won shit"-ness, as that all gets factored in.


The James Norris Trophy: Awarded to the biggest defender of HF Lightning. Stopping fellow forum members from spouting nonsense and contributing to nonsense at the other end of the keyboard, you can also take into consideration the amount of likes they receive as that usually does it in the end.

(Yes, that is a lego)

The Vezina Trophy: Awarded to the best goalkeeper of HF Lightning. The poster that stops the most amount of bullshittery on a daily GDT. Please keep in mind, you can vote for someone with a floral nickname and rob a legitimate candidate in the process. Just letting you have options.


The Selke Trophy: Awarded to an underwhelmingly offensive, yet high level defensive poster. The poster that demonstrates non-stop bickering offensively, rarely winning arguments, but defends his position and the Lightning with such fervor he will die on a hill without a moment's notice just to be right.


The Calder Memorial Trophy: Awarded to the newest member of chaos and joy on HF Lightning. Just be new. Not like placenta still on you new, but not balding new either. Somewhere recent to be considered. That is really the only qualification here so if you win, earn your stripes, okay? Because some of us have been here since 2011 and we have nothing to show from this on our C/V. Anyways.


The Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy: Awarded to the poster that perseveres through it all. This poster usually undergoes trials and tribulations, only to rise from the ashes, and dominate.


The King Clancy Memorial Trophy: Awarded to the poster that exhibits leadership among all the heathen here and contributes to humanity. If there are not any Mother Teresa's or Gandhi's floating around that come to mind, just pick the nicest person you can think of. Simple.


The Lady Byng Memorial Trophy: Awarded to the person that is even nicer than the winner of the King Clancy. GOTEEM. Think ahead, do not be lazy. Whoever won the Clancy is nice, but this person is even nicer.


The Maurice "Rocket" Richard Trophy: Awarded to the person that scores the most points for HF Lightning here and on the main. The person that exemplifies what it means to embrace being a villain, a b2b fan, and does it with a smile. Take into consideration lit memes, sick YT vids, and even misinformation for the sake of winning arguments for us.


The William Jennings Award: Awarded to the biggest freeloader on HF Lightning. Steals the thunder whenever he can and seals off an argument or wins the day with minimal effort. Piggybacks off the success of meme lords and beat writers, but receives full credit for sharing links.


The Ted Lindsay Award: Awarded to the most outstanding HF poster. A culmination of humor, edgyness, hospitality, and charm. Not a population contest, but it is.


From the bottom of our hearts and bottles of DistantThunderRep's booze, we thank you all for your service on these boards. 82 games of getting pucks deep, listening to shit hot takes, getting goalie'd, witnessing first career goals, guessing the next Cernak injury, noting gum flavor rotation for Cooper, and wondering if we will ever see Kucherov smile again, it is not easy. If you do not receive an award from a fellow poster, well then tell them to go fu-... tell them you appreciate them, there is next year, and lets go win another cup. That concludes the 2023-2024 HF Lightning Award Ceremony. Please exit as Nickelback takes the stage. God bless.


Dec 13, 2011
Tampa: NHL's Newest Dynasty
My selections:
Art Ross: @DistantThunderRep every thread, every post, every time I grace this forum, I see him. Distributes and penetrates that like button every session.
Hart Memorial: @Major4Boarding lurking in the background at times, the MVP.
James Norris: @Rschmitz does the Lord's work on the main boards, when I see him, I call off the dog in me and let him handle it.
Vezina: @Master P definitely a meme Lord, and link sharing individual, typically roasts an uneducated opinion with a tweet, defender of the Bolt.
Selke: @Felonious Python pokes the bear just enough to be a 40pt underwhelming sack, but defends HF Lightning with statistics through and through, at a $0 cap hit
Calder: @Hockeyville USA I sense some fraudulent behavior in the Ohio area with this one, but appreciate the interactions and support when HF Lightning needs support, earn your stripes, keep it up
Bill Masterton: @JoVel dogged determination through L takes and cyberbullying me, but he rises to the top time after time and delivers some really degenerate material
King Clancy: @Bozo Nicholson nice individual, edgy, brings the memes and pics, not quite Hoek level's of kindness, but does the job and represents HF Lightning on the main very well
Lady Byng: @Hoek the sweetheart of HF Lightning, literally never seen an argument or mean comment from this poster, cementing Lady Byng status
Maurice "Rocket" Richard: @LightningStrikes godfather of HF Lightning, say no more
William Jennings: @RussianGuyovich & @The Gongshow tied for drunk yet sober, pitbull yet chihuahua like tenacity, backstopping Master P.
Ted Lindsay: @TheDaysOf 04 the GDT goat, the glue, the people's champ.

The rest of you goons, angels, and depth signings are loved. <3


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