Movies: DC Universe


F*ck cancer - RIP Fugu and Buffaloed
Jan 6, 2012
Simcoe County
Spelling mistake.

But, in the end, these super hero characters, for the most part now require the actor to be in amazing physical shape, which becomes harder to do when the actors hit their mid 40's and onwards. RDJ played Ironman until his early 50's but because his character was in a suit of armour he didn't have to be as buff as actors would need to be for Thor, Captain America, Superman, Batman, etc.

Cavill first signed onto Superman back in like 2011/2012 and Man of Steel was released in 2013. He was 30 at the time when it got released. I think he expected to be done playing Superman by around age 40-42 realistically. RJD starred in Ironman in 2008 which was released when he was 43. End Game was released in 2019, but filmed back in like 2017, when he was early 50's. Again, difference is the physical appearance as one needs to be jacked while the other is in a suit of armour, so the fitness standard is lower.

^ this is why Bautista will be done with the GotG

As far as Cavill goes, the decision makes sense if they’re going scorched earth and looking for a long term plan. It is a shame because I didn’t mind him as Superman, but couldn’t quite tell if the shortcomings were related to the script/director or just the actor.

I’ll always be open to DCU movies .. hopefully Gunn can get it right


Registered User
Sep 30, 2017
^ this is why Bautista will be done with the GotG

As far as Cavill goes, the decision makes sense if they’re going scorched earth and looking for a long term plan. It is a shame because I didn’t mind him as Superman, but couldn’t quite tell if the shortcomings were related to the script/director or just the actor.

I’ll always be open to DCU movies .. hopefully Gunn can get it right
Cavill starred in MoS back in 2013 and it's now the end of 2022. Been 9 years so you'd think that had DCEU been run like Marvel, his time as Superman would be right at the end now. Ideally in 2016 or so his second solo movie would have been released. Perhaps in 2019 or pre Covid maybe his final solo film would be done or at the latest shot around now or next year and released in either 2023 or 2024.

Chris Evans starred in the First Avenger in 2011 and ended in Civil War in 2016 and with End Game in 2019. All pre covid of course. So Cavill’s time was coming to an end.

So, it's not unexpected that Cavill is looking to be done with
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Rebooting myself
Oct 12, 2003
Somewhere on Uranus
It is interesting reading all the different ideas on line to as to just what is going on.

For me, all the moves being made are about money--despite what the new DCEU guys are saying. With Wonder Woman and Superman, all involved we due for big pay days based upon existing contracts and I think that is the problem.

Warner Brothers financial situation is well known and every move they make is all about trying to make two bucks while saving one buck.

Originally the plan was for the James Bond movies to take a 5 year break. But with how desperate Warner Bros are (they will be distributing the next two movies). But rumours here in the UK is that want to have a new Bond in place by early 2023 with a movie in production by late 2023


Not a nice guy.
Jan 29, 2005
It is interesting reading all the different ideas on line to as to just what is going on.

For me, all the moves being made are about money--despite what the new DCEU guys are saying. With Wonder Woman and Superman, all involved we due for big pay days based upon existing contracts and I think that is the problem.

Warner Brothers financial situation is well known and every move they make is all about trying to make two bucks while saving one buck.

Originally the plan was for the James Bond movies to take a 5 year break. But with how desperate Warner Bros are (they will be distributing the next two movies). But rumours here in the UK is that want to have a new Bond in place by early 2023 with a movie in production by late 2023
And funny enough Cavill is one of the rumored front runners for the Bond position.


Rebooting myself
Oct 12, 2003
Somewhere on Uranus
And funny enough Cavill is one of the rumored front runners for the Bond position.

Latest theory/rumour from here in the UK is that they are looking for an actor between 28 and 35, one reason Aaron Taylor-Johnson name is being talked about. Another one that is on the list Jack O'Connell who is currently on the SAS series


Not a nice guy.
Jan 29, 2005
Latest theory/rumour from here in the UK is that they are looking for an actor between 28 and 35, one reason Aaron Taylor-Johnson name is being talked about. Another one that is on the list Jack O'Connell who is currently on the SAS series
Had heard about Taylor-Johnson also having a good interview with the producers. Don't know O'Connell well, mostly for his playing Louis Zamperini in Unbroken.


Rebooting myself
Oct 12, 2003
Somewhere on Uranus
Had heard about Taylor-Johnson also having a good interview with the producers. Don't know O'Connell well, mostly for his playing Louis Zamperini in Unbroken.
Taylor-Johnson has reportedly done 2 screen tests as well. One report is they next version of bond will be more cerebral than the last few


Registered User
Sep 30, 2017
It is interesting reading all the different ideas on line to as to just what is going on.

For me, all the moves being made are about money--despite what the new DCEU guys are saying. With Wonder Woman and Superman, all involved we due for big pay days based upon existing contracts and I think that is the problem.

Warner Brothers financial situation is well known and every move they make is all about trying to make two bucks while saving one buck.

Originally the plan was for the James Bond movies to take a 5 year break. But with how desperate Warner Bros are (they will be distributing the next two movies). But rumours here in the UK is that want to have a new Bond in place by early 2023 with a movie in production by late 2023
DCEU is like the Sabres who had Eichel, Reinhart and other good young players. But didn’t put it together and ultimately they had to reboot the roster. Likely what DCEU has to do with Cavill, Gadot, etc. reboot the characters if they want a JL to tie them together as these actors are nearing the end of their run in these roles.

As for Bond, they do seem to be targeting someone in their early to mid 30’s. Per the Casino Royale film, vesper accurately surmised that Bond went to Oxford so that took him to 22. He likely served in the Royal military for several years before getting selected into the MI6 program. And their training regiment. So does make sense to get someone around 30 or so. Even M commented in the same film that it may have been too early to promote him to double 0 status and Craig was 37 when he was tabbed as Bond.

Whoever they select you are budgeting anywhere from 3-5 films for the actor. So looking for a minimum of an 8 year commitment to upwards of 12 years or so. Craig was more rough and tumble Bond. Much different than the Brosnan one. Seems like they want to go more wi the a cunning and sophisticated Bond as a change up to Craig’s Bond.

Twisted Sinister

Living in Your Head Rent Free
Oct 8, 2014
So, based on what I've heard, that they want to reboot Superman with Clark as a cub reporter, I'm thinking this came down to finances.

For one, Cavill would be more expensive

For another reason, superhero movies are making less money. You can't have a film with a 200 million dollar budget and a marketing budget of 100 Mil that needs 700 to break even. (Trust me on the math here, going into it would take a while.)

Black Adam proves that DC doesn't have the juice to go for stuff like that. So the next Superman will need to pull in the most money possible at a reduced budget, which means A-list stars won't be a thing at the beginning. Sucks cuz I wanted Cavill back in a competent Superman movie, but I understand the situation given WB was absolutely leaking money prior to this. They need some wins and fast.


Registered User
Sep 23, 2016
I'm a bigger fan than most when it comes to DC movies, but I'm down for a complete reboot of the DCU

My biggest gripe has been with casting

Gadot as Wonder Woman was a great call, and she's the only one I'd bring back to continue in their original role

Cavill is a fine Superman, but not particularly memorable

Momoa has a great onscreen presence, and I'd love to see him portray another character (Lobo perhaps?), but he's not at all what Aquaman is supposed to be

Amy Adams as Lois Lane was gross

Miller as Flash was all wrong from the get-go, and whoever made that call should find another line of work

Eisenberg as Luthor was just as inexcusable as Miller's casting

And I don't even know the name of the actor who played Cyborg!

It's as if the studio wrote the characters to match the actors, rather than finding the actors to match the characters

I think it's fine to do that with the well-known supporting characters that fans aren't emotionally attached to, and it's with these supporting characters where the studio can deviate from expectations, ie. a gay Alfred, or an Asian Jimmy Olsen, etc. but they should be staying true to the main characters that we tune in to see in live-action
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Registered User
Sep 30, 2017
I'm a bigger fan than most when it comes to DC movies, but I'm down for a complete reboot of the DCU

My biggest gripe has been with casting

Gadot as Wonder Woman was a great call, but she's the only one I'd bring back to continue in their original role

Cavill is a fine Superman, but not particularly memorable

Momoa has a great presence on screen, and I'd love to see him portray another character (Lobo perhaps?), but he's not at all what Aquaman is supposed to be

Amy Adams as Lois Lane was gross

Miller as Flash was all wrong from the get-go, and whoever made that call should find another line of work

Eisenberg as Luthor was just as inexcusable as Miller's casting

And I don't even know the name of the actor who played Cyborg!

It's as if the studio wrote the characters to match the actors, rather than finding the actors to match the characters

I think it's fine to do that with the well-known supporting characters that fans aren't emotionally attached to, and it's with these supporting characters where the studio can deviate from expectations, ie. a gay Alfred, or an Asian Jimmy Olsen, etc. but they should be staying true to the main characters that we tune in to see in live-action
Agreed with the casting issues. Gadot is 37 now. So for her, WW3 would have likely been her final appearance in the DCEU anyways as she would also expect to be done with the role before she turns 40.

For DC, I think they have to remember, that not every film needs to have the feel of a dreary Batman Gotham City to it. That's just for Batman, who is a brooding vigilante who does his work at night. If WW or Superman or Flash or whomever operate in the daylight, then let them do that.

For Marvel, how many of the main battles for their characters have been during daylight? Captain America 2 and 3 were in the middle of the day. Thor 2 and 3 the same. Not ultra dark.

Same should apply to DC. The feel of the film and setting should fit the character.


Registered User
Sep 23, 2016
Agreed with the casting issues. Gadot is 37 now. So for her, WW3 would have likely been her final appearance in the DCEU anyways as she would also expect to be done with the role before she turns 40.

For DC, I think they have to remember, that not every film needs to have the feel of a dreary Batman Gotham City to it. That's just for Batman, who is a brooding vigilante who does his work at night. If WW or Superman or Flash or whomever operate in the daylight, then let them do that.

For Marvel, how many of the main battles for their characters have been during daylight? Captain America 2 and 3 were in the middle of the day. Thor 2 and 3 the same. Not ultra dark.

Same should apply to DC. The feel of the film and setting should fit the character.

I actually disagree with this

I want a consistent tone throughout the DC universe

That's not to say it can't deviate slightly to align with each character's style, however, it's supposed to be one universe, and the films should reflect that

Personally, I'd like to see DC go for a more grownup style in a rebooted universe. Have superheroes in our world, where people make logical decisions, the stakes and consequences are real, and without the need to shoehorn positive messages into every scene like Wonder Woman's "I believe in love" nonsense when she's fighting Ares, or Superman's "I believe in truth" when he shows up to face Steppenwolf

That, and keep it real with the fight scenes so that a character isn't holding their own against a drastically more powerful character! This falls under having real stakes and consequences, with my go-to example being Cap's fight with Ultron atop the bus. At one point, Ultron has his hand around Cap's neck, and could simply pop off Steve's head in a millisecond simply by closing his hand. But, for some reason, this homicidal robot decides to wait seconds for Black Widow to throw Cap his shield so he can strike Ultron with it, and be free of the hold

That bullshit has to stop!


Registered User
Sep 30, 2017
I actually disagree with this

I want a consistent tone throughout the DC universe

That's not to say it can't deviate slightly to align with each character's style, however, it's supposed to be one universe, and the films should reflect that

Personally, I'd like to see DC go for a more grownup style in a rebooted universe. Have superheroes in our world, where people make logical decisions, the stakes and consequences are real, and without the need to shoehorn positive messages into every scene like Wonder Woman's "I believe in love" nonsense when she's fighting Ares, or Superman's "I believe in truth" when he shows up to face Steppenwolf

That, and keep it real with the fight scenes so that a character isn't holding their own against a drastically more powerful character! This falls under having real stakes and consequences, with my go-to example being Cap's fight with Ultron atop the bus. At one point, Ultron has his hand around Cap's neck, and could simply pop off Steve's head in a millisecond simply by closing his hand. But, for some reason, this homicidal robot decides to wait seconds for Black Widow to throw Cap his shield so he can strike Ultron with it, and be free of the hold

That bullshit has to stop!
I disagree if they try to shoehorn Superman or WW into a Batman super dark feel. Batman all of his scenes should be at night.

Superman and WW can have their battles in daylight if that’s what the director feels is best. Constant darkness doesn’t fit Superman or WW.


Registered User
Sep 23, 2016
I disagree if they try to shoehorn Superman or WW into a Batman super dark feel. Batman all of his scenes should be at night.

Superman and WW can have their battles in daylight if that’s what the director feels is best. Constant darkness doesn’t fit Superman or WW.
My post wasn't at all about what time the battle scenes take place


That's not how we do things in Pittsburgh
Jul 5, 2004
I think it's fine to do that with the well-known supporting characters that fans aren't emotionally attached to, and it's with these supporting characters where the studio can deviate from expectations, ie. a gay Alfred, or an Asian Jimmy Olsen, etc. but they should be staying true to the main characters that we tune in to see in live-action
Don't be silly. SM/WW are the blandest and least-cool characters, and by association so are their actors and movies, to date. Definition of Wonder Bread. They need deviation the most.
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