Daily Check In - Part Duex

Captain Bowie

Registered User
Jan 18, 2012
Haven't been to the gym since Saturday, my right calf is still very sore from my intense (for me anyways) hike on Sunday. Hopefully it gets better soon.

Kitten Mittons

Registered User
Nov 18, 2007
Bro, you know it's bad juju when you lock the thread before it hits 1,000.

Now we're all gonna lose gainz. :(


Jan 12, 2011
Nice to get back in the pool today after nearly 4 full weeks away with cracked ribs.

2000 meter swim, and earlier this morning a 3.25 mile run.


Chief Justice of the HFNYR Court
Jul 12, 2004
Disciplined eating after a long stretch of laziness is hard

Supposed to be a rest day but busy tomorrow so hitting legs tonight

MSLs absurd thighs

Formerly Tough Au Lit
Feb 4, 2013
Tonight is Shoulders/Triceps for me.

Played hockey yesterday. Currently on a bulk, aiming for 3000-3200 calories a day on regular training days, and 3600-3900 calories on game days.

So far so good, been gaining just under 1 pound a week, which is a steady, controlled increase. I want to grow till 180 pounds and then reassess according to my bodyfat percentage and my strength.


Jan 12, 2011
Great morning of training today. 38+ miles on the bike, about 3000 feet of climbing. Happy with my pace as well. Then a quick 10 minute transition run, that I was able to get 1.25 miles in over for an even 8 minute per mile pace. Very happy with that as well!


Chief Justice of the HFNYR Court
Jul 12, 2004
Week two of my twelve-week program starts today. Got my eating routine down and am excited to hit chest, tris and abs later.


Registered User
Jun 13, 2014
From the other thread. Re: training in an evening then early the next morning. Thanks for the advice dudes. Sorry for the delayed reply. I totally forgot I asked the question. Oops.

Starting my 3 month program today. Officially. I sorta half assed started 3 weeks ago but was more getting back into the swing of things after almost a 3 month break.

Feels good but woah .. tired :p


Registered User
Oct 25, 2009
Still kickin' ass over here.

Have to skip a leg workout again this week because I've got hockey almost every other day from last Sunday to next Sunday; no recovery time so I'll let the skating do 'em in.

This week's highlights:

Flat bench (2-board, 3" from chest) 260x5, 4, and 4 (up from 250x5, 5, 6 last week) and parallel dips full stretch +100x8 (up from 90x8 last week)

BB rows 255x6, 6, and 8 (up from 4 sets of 250x8 last week). These past 2 weeks have been starting to bother my elbow here, so I'm probably going to switch to higher-rep stuff next week and give myself a little break. I'll put a heavy focus on some lat width work instead for a few weeks.


Chief Justice of the HFNYR Court
Jul 12, 2004
Planned happy hour today so scheduling it as my rest day. Back to work tomorrow!


Registered User
Jun 13, 2014
How on earth do you guys do the food aspect of bulking? Cause omfg ... Im so sick of being "full."

Im trying to eat around 3000 calories on gym days and around 2700 on non-gym days. Macros are 190g of protein, 360g of carbs, 80g of fat (based on 3000).

But for the life of me, no matter what I do, no matter how hard I work out, christ .. hitting 3000 calories is hard. Im constantly feeling full.

What doesnt help is that I cant eat breakfast right when I get up. I need at least a couple of hours. Up at 6 and have a glass of milk. 730 I have a protein shake (milk, protein, banana, egg whites, frozen fruit). Around 10, I'll have a sammich on multigrain. Its either tuna or turkey breast or whatnot. After that ... blargh. Im done until dinner. Im just .. full. MAYBE I'll snack on some nuts or greek yogurt.

Dinner is at 530 and its fairly normal, basic meat / potatoes / veggie.

Gym is at 7.

Post-gym, I have another protein smoothie. Before bed, I FORCE down some cottage cheese because again, Im so fn full.

I dont get it. How do you guys do it?

Super frustrating.


Registered User
Oct 25, 2009
How on earth do you guys do the food aspect of bulking? Cause omfg ... Im so sick of being "full."

Im trying to eat around 3000 calories on gym days and around 2700 on non-gym days. Macros are 190g of protein, 360g of carbs, 80g of fat (based on 3000).

But for the life of me, no matter what I do, no matter how hard I work out, christ .. hitting 3000 calories is hard. Im constantly feeling full.

What doesnt help is that I cant eat breakfast right when I get up. I need at least a couple of hours. Up at 6 and have a glass of milk. 730 I have a protein shake (milk, protein, banana, egg whites, frozen fruit). Around 10, I'll have a sammich on multigrain. Its either tuna or turkey breast or whatnot. After that ... blargh. Im done until dinner. Im just .. full. MAYBE I'll snack on some nuts or greek yogurt.

Dinner is at 530 and its fairly normal, basic meat / potatoes / veggie.

Gym is at 7.

Post-gym, I have another protein smoothie. Before bed, I FORCE down some cottage cheese because again, Im so fn full.

I dont get it. How do you guys do it?

Super frustrating.

Been there before. I was a classic scrawny dude with aspirations of being huge. It took everything I had for years on end to get UP to and beyond the 180lb. plateau if that gives you any idea of what I had to go through.

I've LONG been out of having to worry about any of that, or the feelings and thoughts that went with it, but here are a couple things I can offer:

1) If you want to be a big boy, you've got to eat like a big boy. You aren't going to accidentally make it happen, so straight up your options are "suck it up and make it happen" or "adjust your goals".

2) MRPs and homemade shakes are a lifesaver for easy calories. I've put up a recipe around these boards for a killer calorie-dense and cheaply-made shake which was my go-to back in those days. I'd have 2 of these every day without fail, which accounted for nearly 1500 calories alone (or more if I added in a bonus banana). Right there is half your day! For me, ~4000 was the magic number. I knew similarly-sized guys doing 5000 :amazed:

3) Feeling stuffed and about to pop is part of it, like overloading a barbell at the gym. You will adjust over time if you keep at it.

4) You don't want to waste all your gym efforts, do you? If not, do what you need to in the kitchen! Its importance can NOT be overstated.

5) Don't make the mistake of trying to add too much too fast. Not sure of your experience, but trying for too much too quickly is troublesome for anyone. Gain too much fat, feel out of shape, lose motivation or flip to cutting and then sacrifice the other way. Slow and steady wins the race.

6) Give carb cycling a try. If you can forego the all-out bulking mentality, carb cycling can be a nice, slow, change for you. There are intricacies to it, but the general idea is to mix low/mid/high or low/high carb days based on your gym efforts. It always worked well for me though I haven't done it in years.

7) Going back to the lunch thing - I used to split my 8-10oz. of meats between 2 sandwiches. Two extra slices of bread was an easy extra 100+ calories. Or eat more nuts, nicely calorie-dense as well. Again, I'm long out of being So specific with my eating, but a favorite nighttime snack for me is a big cup of mixed nuts, cranberries, sunflower seeds, and a glass of milk to go along with it. Usually after yogurt or cottage cheese, which is often mixed with an oat/protein powder/honey mix my wife makes. Granola is an easy alternative there as well, as is sliced fruit. Anyway, those nuts & milk give some great fats and protein, and the carbs from the fruit are negligible.

8) If you can add more calories to your morning smoothie, that'll be the easiest way to get them in without changing much in your current routine. Replace fruit w/oats and you can add a lot right there. Flaxseed or fish oil will add more, or have an extra scoop of casein protein at night mixed w/some oils. I used to do that on top of cottage cheese for pre-bed as well. Seemed to work well.

Lastly, as you continue "training yourself" to eat big, your body will come to need it. Just make sure you're giving it a reason to in the gym and it will come with time. How long has it been giving you a tough time?

Macros seem fine, FWIW


Registered User
Oct 12, 2008
How on earth do you guys do the food aspect of bulking? Cause omfg ... Im so sick of being "full."

Im trying to eat around 3000 calories on gym days and around 2700 on non-gym days. Macros are 190g of protein, 360g of carbs, 80g of fat (based on 3000).

But for the life of me, no matter what I do, no matter how hard I work out, christ .. hitting 3000 calories is hard. Im constantly feeling full.

What doesnt help is that I cant eat breakfast right when I get up. I need at least a couple of hours. Up at 6 and have a glass of milk. 730 I have a protein shake (milk, protein, banana, egg whites, frozen fruit). Around 10, I'll have a sammich on multigrain. Its either tuna or turkey breast or whatnot. After that ... blargh. Im done until dinner. Im just .. full. MAYBE I'll snack on some nuts or greek yogurt.

Dinner is at 530 and its fairly normal, basic meat / potatoes / veggie.

Gym is at 7.

Post-gym, I have another protein smoothie. Before bed, I FORCE down some cottage cheese because again, Im so fn full.

I dont get it. How do you guys do it?

Super frustrating.

Start eating more caloric-dense foods and perhaps foods that are more enjoyable. Your diet doesn't have to consist entirely of "clean" foods. I'm currently on a bulk with approximately around the same calorie consumption as you are and right now at this very moment, I'm eating a plate of chocolate eclairs. No big deal.

With you being able to consume that many calories a day, you should be able to have a small treat everyday. Enjoy it while you're on the bulk because you won't get that opportunity during your impending cut.


Registered User
Oct 25, 2009
Start eating more caloric-dense foods and perhaps foods that are more enjoyable. Your diet doesn't have to consist entirely of "clean" foods. I'm currently on a bulk with approximately around the same calorie consumption as you are and right now at this very moment, I'm eating a plate of chocolate eclairs. No big deal.

With you being able to consume that many calories a day, you should be able to have a small treat everyday. Enjoy it while you're on the bulk because you won't get that opportunity during your impending cut.

On that note, when I was suffering through reaching & surpassing plateaus (they're always harder the first time, it seems, as you force your body to reach new heights) there was a time when I was plowing through 2 cups of whole wheat pasta for lunch, with ground turkey meatballs. As kanuck87 said, calorie-dense food = the trick. Sure it can be done totally clean, but not everybody can handle that. Just don't go insane, and mind your totals.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2008
On that note, when I was suffering through reaching & surpassing plateaus (they're always harder the first time, it seems, as you force your body to reach new heights) there was a time when I was plowing through 2 cups of whole wheat pasta for lunch, with ground turkey meatballs. As kanuck87 said, calorie-dense food = the trick. Sure it can be done totally clean, but not everybody can handle that. Just don't go insane, and mind your totals.

Yeah I haven't included pasta in my diet plan just yet, but I'm probably going to eventually. I've been developing a lower tolerance for sugar ( these eclairs I just had are causing a sugar crash as we speak) so I'll need to find something else to fill up my calories. I can't handle too much sugar in one sitting anymore.


Registered User
Dec 2, 2008
Lol, did legs Wednesday for the first time in like 6 weeks (been out with the back...and then I got assaulted/jumped at a club)

Anyways, I can barely stand up or sit down right now. I didn't even go super hard either (thankfully apparently lol)


Registered User
Dec 2, 2008
How on earth do you guys do the food aspect of bulking? Cause omfg ... Im so sick of being "full."

Im trying to eat around 3000 calories on gym days and around 2700 on non-gym days. Macros are 190g of protein, 360g of carbs, 80g of fat (based on 3000).

But for the life of me, no matter what I do, no matter how hard I work out, christ .. hitting 3000 calories is hard. Im constantly feeling full.

What doesnt help is that I cant eat breakfast right when I get up. I need at least a couple of hours. Up at 6 and have a glass of milk. 730 I have a protein shake (milk, protein, banana, egg whites, frozen fruit). Around 10, I'll have a sammich on multigrain. Its either tuna or turkey breast or whatnot. After that ... blargh. Im done until dinner. Im just .. full. MAYBE I'll snack on some nuts or greek yogurt.

Dinner is at 530 and its fairly normal, basic meat / potatoes / veggie.

Gym is at 7.

Post-gym, I have another protein smoothie. Before bed, I FORCE down some cottage cheese because again, Im so fn full.

I dont get it. How do you guys do it?

Super frustrating.

Bulking is beyond frustrating. You're not the only one who has problems consuming enough calories lol


Registered User
Jul 9, 2012
Pittsburgh, USA
Lol, did legs Wednesday for the first time in like 6 weeks (been out with the back...and then I got assaulted/jumped at a club)

Anyways, I can barely stand up or sit down right now. I didn't even go super hard either (thankfully apparently lol)

Dang, sorry to hear about the hard times. Welcome back!


Registered User
Jul 9, 2012
Pittsburgh, USA
3/2 Office Workout

- Core Flow: 6:00 x 2
- Handstand Push-ups (+9cm ROM): 2, 3, 3 + negative
- Bent-over DB Shrug Rows: 40 x 12 x 3
- Inc Push-ups (4-1-0 tempo, RPT): Med Band x 6, Light x 6, Mini x 5/2
- DB Triceps Ext (4-1-0, RPT): 40 x 6, 35 x 6, 30 x 7
- Shoulder Raise Complex: 20/10/5

Bike Trainer

- 65 minutes of sweet spot training


3 hours. Projecting up to 5.12 and endurance work at 5.9 and below.

Feeling almost 100% better after a forgettable February. Strength and biking are still not quite there, but a respectable climbing session was certainly welcome. At this rate I expect to be at 100% next week and will transition into March 4 Gainz mode!


Chief Justice of the HFNYR Court
Jul 12, 2004
Lol, did legs Wednesday for the first time in like 6 weeks (been out with the back...and then I got assaulted/jumped at a club)

Anyways, I can barely stand up or sit down right now. I didn't even go super hard either (thankfully apparently lol)

Did legs Wednesday too. 48 hours after is the worst :laugh: Shoulders, lats and abs tonight.


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