Tribute 15 years ago today, Cherepanov died. Cherepanov would have been 34 years old


Registered User
Aug 20, 2019

I still remember this like it was yesterday. Who knows what type of player he would have been ,if he didn't have this heart condition. I feel for his family. I wish he could have lived even if he has to retire from hockey. I don't get how these types of heart issues go undetected. What memories do you have of Cherepanov? RIP to a talent and person gone way too soon.


Registered User
Jun 5, 2012
NS Canada
A tragedy for his family. A young life gone way too soon. An NHL career that never got started. My only memory of him was seeing highlight clips from the KHL.

I'm not a scientist or a doctor, so I'm not going to play one here. Sadly, some of these undetected issues can happen. They likely didn't think of these things back then, or didn't see a reason to test for what he had. Science is an ever evolving thing; who knows what kind of testing he underwent at that time. Testing procedures have likely improved since then.

Just so sad he was unable to live his life.


Registered User
Mar 28, 2018
He might have been the piece that would have put us over in during the mid 2010s run. he would have been right in his prime.
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HFBoards Sponsor
Nov 16, 2011
Brooklyn, NY
I remember my dad and I ran into my dad's friend's son like the day after we drafted him. And my dad's friend's son is a big Rangers fan and he was like all happy about the draft pick. For some reason that's the lasting memory I have of him. That pick was not quite Flyers getting Michkov but still considered a heist.

I found out that he passed after work one day when my friend texted me. I was shocked.
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Bacon Artemi Bravo

HFBoards Sponsor
Sep 20, 2007
I remember that day. Howie rose came on the TV, I dont know what game I was watching, maybe an islanders game? He started by saying "I have some terrible news about Rangers first round draft pick" and my heart dropped. What he said next still gives me chills. Poor kid. Entire life in front of him and he had it all, so much potential. Not just in hockey but in life. Sad world we live in that he never got to truly live his dream.
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Registered User
Jun 1, 2007
Long-time lurker and apologies in advance for this personal and somber post.

On October 13 1993, I lost my best friend while we were playing for our high school soccer team. Heart attack as we were running suicides at the end of practice. Talented for days and fit as a fiddle but with an undiagnosed condition. It was also my birthday.

Both big Ranger fans, and first generation immigrants, we took to Kovalev and Nemchinov as our favorite players due to the "outsider" kinship. We would collect hockey cards and one day I pulled the Upper Deck Young Guns Kovalev. At his wake, one of the things I put in his pocket was that card. One of many immeasurable regrets was for him to not witness the Cup run.

Fifteen years later, on the exact day, to see Cherepanov die in the same way left me speechless. Through highs and lows, I'm forever bonded with the New York Rangers.


Can't Beat Him
Jul 30, 2005
Yeah, I remember it. There was a thread on here and it was posted that he collapsed. Just that was a punch in the gut. Then one or two people posted that he had died, and everyone was upset and saying don't post that stuff unless it's confirmed. And then it finally was confirmed. It was right before I left the office. I was devastated.
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Registered User
May 13, 2007
That was crushing. Cherepanov worked his whole life toward a dream and then never got to live it.

The fact that Jagr was there made it feel all the more real to me following from afar.

Forever young. RIP Alexei.

Ranger Wolf

Red Dwarf XI & XII
Feb 12, 2003
Temecula, CA
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God I remember reading the boards at the time it happened and getting live updates. There was so much confusion at the time so when it was confirmed he was gone it was such a punch go the gut. A promising life taken way too soon.


Registered User
May 5, 2011
At the time I was still on Facebook (long since gone from that dumpster fire).

I remember seeing vague reports of "Rangers draft pick passes away in KHL" and literally my first thought was, please not Cherepanov. I was so looking forward to him coming over here, and hoping he could just dominate in a way that no Rangers first round pick ever had, and ever has since.

Then seeing his name and my jaw dropping. Life isn't fair sometimes. Even made worse because not only did his career end, but his life, and because protocols weren't followed, and hockey career aside, he should be living a normal life today that others with the same condition like Jiri Fischer could, because help got to them in time.

So sad, hope he's RIP and scoring 500 goals in a blue uniform and winning Cups in heaven instead.
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Registered User
Dec 7, 2017
Dear Lord, fifteen years. How time marches. The more I had read about this young man the more convinced I became he was going to be star in this league.

Hopefully he is shooting in PP goals somewhere out there.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2018
I think Cherepanov could’ve been our version of Vladimir Tarasenko. Not a top tier superstar but a really good player who could’ve helped the team for 10+ years. Remember hearing the news and was shocked.


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
New Jersey
I remember after being drafted he was hanging at Brighton Beach and I remember thinkin that's a great start to getting comfortable in NYC.

I was kind of happy Jagr was there in his final moments, represented us there. So sad.
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You 'Orns!
Feb 11, 2004
As I recall, Jagr himself was devastated. He'd taken Cherry under his wing, not just as former and presumptive future Rangers players, but he had become a real mentor for him.


Feeling it
Aug 2, 2005
As I recall, Jagr himself was devastated. He'd taken Cherry under his wing, not just as former and presumptive future Rangers players, but he had become a real mentor for him.
Jagr was on the bench calling for help after he collapsed. It was very traumatic


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