OT: 111th Obsequious Banter Thread: If threads were floors, this would be the tallest building in America

What is your favorite summertime fruit?

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Chicken N Raffls

Here for the chaos and lolz
Nov 7, 2022
Not that she would know, but Kitten would kill me if I didn't say peaches. She grew up on a farm/orchard. They are slammin though. Also, @TB87 was about to reply when the last thread got locked. Well done on that retweet. f*** that tool and the org he played for.



Foundational Titan
Jun 19, 2018
Raspberries and pineapple deserve to be listed, but neither are my pick because I love all (colloquial) fruit. I eat fruit almost every day

A few points:
1. Rainier cherries >>> red cherries
2. An in-season ripe peach is the best fruit, but you can't rely on/expect every peach to be like that, so I can't vote for that either
3. I'm not a salt on my melon guy, but I have tried it and understand the appeal
4. Fuji apples are the best apples
5. I think bananas would be my least favorite fruit, but I still eat them and enjoy them pretty commonly
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Chicken N Raffls

Here for the chaos and lolz
Nov 7, 2022
Raspberries and pineapple deserve to be listed, but neither are my pick because I love all (colloquial) fruit. I eat fruit almost every day

A few points:
1. Rainier cherries >>> red cherries
2. An in-season ripe peach is the best fruit, but you can't rely on/expect every peach to be like that, so I can't vote for that either
3. I'm not a salt on my melon guy, but I have tried it and understand the appeal
4. Fuji apples are the best apples
5. I think bananas would be my least favorite fruit, but I still eat them and enjoy them pretty commonly

This is the way. Anything ending in "berry" and I'm there. I enjoy fruity cocktail drinks and I don't care what anyone has to say about it. Agree on the banana point. Not my fave, but have one most days for a quick breakfast on the go
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Learn to swim, Learn to swim
Jan 30, 2012
Went with multiple..was watermelon at first but had to change...if ya get a good nectarine...life is good

Also Honeycrisp is the best apple
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Beef Invictus

Revolutionary Positivity
Dec 21, 2009
Armored Train
I hate pineapple.

Fight me.

Okay. Let’s dance.

You mean twerk?


(I simulated the rest of this conversation.)

I also simulated it.

Comrades, we must unite under the banner of the Bolshevik revolution and seize control of the means of apricot production!

For too long, the bourgeois capitalists have exploited the apricot orchards and profited from the labor of the proletariat. It is time for the workers to rise up and take what is rightfully theirs: the sweet, juicy apricot.

Under the Bolshevik regime, the apricot will no longer be a luxury reserved for the wealthy. Every man, woman, and child will have access to this delicious fruit, regardless of their social status or income.

We will nationalize the apricot orchards and establish a centralized planning system to ensure that apricots are distributed equitably to all. The profits from the sale of apricots will be used to fund social programs that benefit the working class.

But our vision for the apricot does not stop there. We will invest in research and development to create new, hybrid varieties of apricots that are hardier and more resistant to disease. We will also explore new methods of apricot preservation to ensure that our people have access to this fruit year-round.

The apricot will become a symbol of our revolution. It will be a reminder to the world that the Bolsheviks have not only seized power but also transformed society for the benefit of the masses.

Comrades, join us in our struggle for the apricot. Together, we will build a better future for all.

Beef Invictus

Revolutionary Positivity
Dec 21, 2009
Armored Train
In the days of old, when the world was young, there lived a great Sumerian hero named Gilgamesh. He was known throughout the land for his great deeds and his fearless spirit.

One day, while wandering through the wilderness, Gilgamesh came across a patch of bright red berries growing wild on the ground. These were no ordinary berries, for they were cranberries, the fruit of the gods.

Intrigued by their tart flavor and their bright color, Gilgamesh gathered as many cranberries as he could carry and returned to the city. There, he shared the berries with his people, and they too were amazed by their unique taste and appearance.

Word of the cranberries quickly spread throughout the land, and soon traders came from far and wide to buy them from the Sumerians. The cranberries became a valuable commodity, and the Sumerians grew rich and prosperous from their harvest.

But with prosperity came envy, and soon the neighboring kingdoms began to covet the Sumerians' cranberries. They plotted and schemed, and eventually, they launched a great war against the Sumerians in order to seize control of the cranberry fields.

Gilgamesh, ever the brave warrior, led the Sumerian army into battle. For many long months, they fought against their enemies, their swords clashing in the heat of the sun.

But in the end, it was the power of the cranberry that saved them. The Sumerians had learned to make a potent medicine from the berries, and they used it to heal their wounded soldiers and keep their armies strong.

With the power of the cranberry on their side, the Sumerians emerged victorious from the war. They continued to harvest the berries, and their civilization flourished for many centuries to come.

And so, the legend of the cranberry lived on, a testament to the power of nature and the resilience of the human spirit.


Entirely Palatable Product
Apr 25, 2016
Huron of the Lakes
I also simulated it.

Comrades, we must unite under the banner of the Bolshevik revolution and seize control of the means of apricot production!

For too long, the bourgeois capitalists have exploited the apricot orchards and profited from the labor of the proletariat. It is time for the workers to rise up and take what is rightfully theirs: the sweet, juicy apricot.

Under the Bolshevik regime, the apricot will no longer be a luxury reserved for the wealthy. Every man, woman, and child will have access to this delicious fruit, regardless of their social status or income.

We will nationalize the apricot orchards and establish a centralized planning system to ensure that apricots are distributed equitably to all. The profits from the sale of apricots will be used to fund social programs that benefit the working class.

But our vision for the apricot does not stop there. We will invest in research and development to create new, hybrid varieties of apricots that are hardier and more resistant to disease. We will also explore new methods of apricot preservation to ensure that our people have access to this fruit year-round.

The apricot will become a symbol of our revolution. It will be a reminder to the world that the Bolsheviks have not only seized power but also transformed society for the benefit of the masses.

Comrades, join us in our struggle for the apricot. Together, we will build a better future for all.

I love apricots. They just have short seasons.

You can’t go wrong with a stone fruit. They are powerful.

Beef Invictus

Revolutionary Positivity
Dec 21, 2009
Armored Train
Listen well, brave warriors, to the tale of the grapefruit
A fruit of great renown, with a taste both sour and sweet

From the far-off lands of Florida, where the sun shines bright and bold
Came a fruit of great power, a wonder to behold

Its rind was tough and bitter, but within its flesh did lie
A treasure of flavor, that would make a grown man cry

Its juices were tart and tangy, with a hint of honeyed zest
And those who tasted of its nectar, were forever blessed

For the grapefruit was a warrior, a fruit of noble birth
And those who dared to face it, would feel its righteous worth

From dawn until dusk, it battled against its foes
Against scurvy and disease, and all that nature throws

And though it faced great challenges, it never did succumb
For the grapefruit was a fighter, with a spirit never numb

Its battles were many, its victories great and bold
And it became a symbol of courage, that all the world did hold

So raise a glass to the grapefruit, that fruit of great renown
For it fought the good fight, and never once did back down

Its legacy lives on, in the hearts of all who know
That the grapefruit was a warrior, and it never let us go.
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