News Article: ‘Drama club’: Last season or, the ‘other’ Bob and Bread thread

Cyclones Rock

Registered User
Jun 12, 2008
Drama club: The Blue Jackets' pivotal Vancouver meeting, and...

“We had more meetings than a Fortune 500 company,” Blue Jackets captain Nick Foligno said.

The meetings started even before the games. After Bobrovsky had a strange, cryptic gathering with media one day before training camp — he insisted the Blue Jackets already knew his plans one year away from free agency — Tortorella brought the NHL players together in the dressing room to set ground rules.
They weren’t going to let discretions slide or issues fester; they would deal with them candidly as a group, right out in the open.
“Torts was kind of clearing the elephant out of the room with the two Russians, our two best players, who don’t want to be here,” Atkinson said. “How Bob handled that at the beginning of the season … it was kind of a shit show.
“We told those guys right then — I told them — if you’re going to be a Blue Jacket now, you better perform and be committed to us and the organization as players, not looking where you’re going to be next summer.
“There were moments where you’re like, ‘What the hell is going on?’ But the majority of the season, they performed.”

The meeting occurred before the Blue Jackets practiced on March 23 at the University of British Columbia in suburban Vancouver.
“That’s when the players took over,” Atkinson said. “It needed to be done.”
Sources said the meeting was combative and confrontational, that players challenged each other and didn’t hold back. Bobrovsky and Panarin took the brunt of it, because Blue Jackets players thought they weren’t fully committed at the most important time of the season. But other players were called out. No egos or feelings were spared.
“Conversations like that aren’t always easy,” Atkinson said. “But when you’re done with them and you clear the air, you feel so much better, like a weight is lifted off your shoulders.
“The message was just that we’re here together, right now, as a team, and that we may only have one opportunity to do something like this together. You don’t know what will happen from year to year, who’s coming or who’s leaving. But we’re here together now, so let’s make the most of it.”

Atkinson has a lot more leadership in him than I had thought. Or he's playing to the writer. :laugh:

Dealing with Bob and #9 had to be miserable last season for the guys. I doubt too many (if any at all) are sorry to see them gone.
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19/20 Columbus Blue Jackets: "It Is What It Is"
Sep 27, 2017


Here we are, eh? Anybody remember my, Sergei Bobrovsky AND the Bluejackets stuff.....Yeah, f*** that P-O-S!! Been the highest paid player by quite a bit, and quite literally tried to pout AND play his way off the team. This is the f***ing NHL by the way, not some shit JV highschool or Jr. B league. This does not happen at this level. Obviously I'm NOT surprised that this all went on behind the scenes, AS I'VE SAID IT WAS HAPPENING ALL ALONG, what's surprising is that he was not shipped the f*** outta Columbus on multiple occasions!! Dammit Jarmo!!

We still have the SICKENING stuff going on and being said in the "appreciation" where most people still see Bobby as better in some sort of way than Panarin in almost all aspects. As somebody else (sorry don't remember) has pointed out, just that they have offered Panarin a contract and even more so HAVENT offered Bobby a contract says it ALL.

I've said this the entire time about the dude, while most were stuck on the PR HUG and comments about him being such a great teammate. As you can see NOW by the comments from Foligno, Atkinson, and the "IT IS WHAT IT IS", from the team's top DEFENSEMAN Jones, not only did Bob "not want to be here" (in Columbus) BUT THE TEAM DIDNT WANT TO PLAY IN FRONT OF HIM!! To help some understand, this is the equivalent of a football team/defensive lineman not wanting to play for their quarterback, it a big f***ing deal!!

thank you/you're welcome/good bye, in advance. See you in September, as its about time my annual forced midsummer tradition.
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"that chick from Ohio"
Oct 5, 2007
40N 83W (approx)

Here we are, eh? Anybody remember my, Sergei Bobrovsky AND the Bluejackets stuff.....Yeah, **** that P-O-S!! Been the highest paid player by quite a bit, and quite literally tried to pout AND play his way off the team. This is the ****ing NHL by the way, not some **** JV highschool or Jr. B league. This does not happen at this level. Obviously I'm NOT surprised that this all went on behind the scenes, AS I'VE SAID IT WAS HAPPENING ALL ALONG, what's surprising is that he was not shipped the **** outta Columbus on multiple occasions!! Dammit Jarmo!!

I've said this the entire time about the dude, while most were stuck on the PR HUG and comments about him being such a great teammate. As you can see NOW by the comments from Foligno, Atkinson, and the "IT IS WHAT IT IS", from the team's top DEFENSEMAN Jones, not only did Bob "not want to be here" (in Columbus) BUT THE TEAM DIDNT WANT TO PLAY IN FRONT OF HIM!! To help some understand, this is the equivalent of a football team/defensive lineman not wanting to play for their quarterback, it a big ****ing deal!!

thank you/you're welcome/good bye, in advance. See you in September, as its about time my annual forced midsummer tradition.
As a counterpoint, I would note that those players ultimately did perform. And it says a lot about our leadership group that the team persevered through it. And they definitely helped the team a great deal.

I suppose we could argue forever about whether or not the team could have done as well without them. I'd think it's mostly a wash - skill and ability making up for distraction.

Oh, and the "the team didn't want to play in front of [Bob]" speculation is still speculation. They seemed to do pretty well when they were ending Tampa Bay's record season with Bob in net.

So does this support the idea that we may not be doomed without those two? Sure, it could. More reason for hope is good. Does it mean they were horrible liabilities all along? Hardly. And that's what folks were objecting to with your rants earlier - the implication that the Russians needed to go because they were costing the team more than they were giving it. You have proof there was a cost here, but not proof that it was a net liability. And arguing that detail isn't really going to get us anywhere helpful - the season's done.
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Formerly CBJWennberg10 (RIP Kivi)
Jun 13, 2009
Drama club: The Blue Jackets' pivotal Vancouver meeting, and...

Atkinson has a lot more leadership in him than I had thought. Or he's playing to the writer. :laugh:

Dealing with Bob and #9 had to be miserable last season for the guys. I doubt too many (if any at all) are sorry to see them gone.

Pretty damning article to mostly Bob, but also Panarin.

It's pretty clear that the pre-season media session with Bob rubbed people all over the organization the wrong way. As it should have, it wasn't the right way to handle things. Things seemed to smooth over after that until the Tampa game, and then of course at the deadline.

It's crazy how this is all getting out now (and more will later), yet Jarmo still deemed it best to go all in with the group rather than dealing them and alleviating the burden. Very risky, knowing both Bob and Panarin didn't want to be here (as Cam admits, both didn't want to be here). Could have been a fireable offense if it didn't work out. Not only that, but he tried to retain both players at least once or twice during the season or offseason. Players questioned both of their commitment, which could confirm some posters belief that Panarin was dogging it after the deadline. I was always a bit skeptical of that Bob injury in Calgary that seemed to go away overnight in Vancouver. It's a shame that my skepticism might have been true and Bob was holding out on his teammates. Not a good look.

I also found it somewhat laughable that Panarin was supposedly "feeling the pressure" after staying past the trade deadline. If you think he felt the pressure in Columbus imagine how he's going to feel in New York when they're pushing for their cup run/playoff run in the next few seasons.

Either way, its all in the past. This changes nothing about Panarin and Bob's "legacy" here. It's a shitty way for it all to end, and the lack of professionalism by Bob is a bit alarming considering how great of a teammate and great of a person he was every single year he was here aside from last, but I guess that's the business side of the game mixing with his own personal frustrations with the team. That's life, I guess.

I agree with CR, I bet most of them are happy the off ice headaches are gone. Both media created and internally created, Bob and Panarin's situations last year were toxic to the team. I think the group will be a lot closer next year, and even if the wins aren't the same, it won't be due to lack of commitment or players believing the lack of commitment. However, I think the players genuinely like both Bob and Panarin, as both people and players, which makes this even more disappointing.

Onward and hopefully upward.


Registered User
Mar 8, 2008
If you read teh article in today's The Athletic about the "meeting in Vancouver" as related by Cam Atkinson, it explains what a pain in the arse Bob and Bread were to their teammates and how Jones, Jenner and Atkinson called a team meeting to clear the air with the Ruskies about how they were still BlueJackets and they owed to their current teammates to continue playing hard regardless of where they are next year. The article strongly suggests that B & B were a distraction to their teammates the whole year. After you read that article, it s more like "don't let the door hit you on your ass as you leave" than an "appreciation" thread. Screw both of them. Thank goodness they are gone.
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19/20 Columbus Blue Jackets: "It Is What It Is"
Sep 27, 2017
Oh, and the "the team didn't want to play in front of [Bob]" speculation is still speculation. They seemed to do pretty well when they were ending Tampa Bay's record season with Bob in net.

So does this support the idea that we may not be doomed without those two? Sure, it could. More reason for hope is good. Does it mean they were horrible liabilities all along? Hardly. And that's what folks were objecting to with your rants earlier - the implication that the Russians needed to go because they were costing the team more than they were giving it. You have proof there was a cost here, but not proof that it was a net liability. And arguing that detail isn't really going to get us anywhere helpful - the season's done.

I'll put it to you very simply, this wasn't and isn't the relationship you want your team to have with your goalie. That's it. I don't care about celebratory hugs when the FSO camera's are rolling after a win. And this is the GOD damn NHL, the players still all play for themselves (their CAREER) AND THE TEAM. Well, MOST players play for the team, right?

Also your speaking of the 2 Russians as a pair is reminiscent to the Milano-Bjorkstrand comparisons that we thankfully haven't heard much of recently. The situations involving the relationship that each guy "seemed" to have with the team along with my personal feelings with what I would have liked happen with their futures (or past) with the CBJ couldn't be much farther apart.

I know you will say that its NOT what it is, but all this is, is you "moving the goalposts".

I also find it HILARIOUS that you want to shut the conversation off so quick now since what's come out has gone against what you and many others have tried to claim. If it was the other way around, yeah GOD forbid.

But, let me get this straight....its OK to talk about how bad things are supposedly going to be in the future without Vezina Bob since he's gone, but its NOT OK to talk about the negative things our CURRENT PLAYERS are saying about him?

"Season's done"....means WHAT exactly?

Iron Balls McGinty

Registered User
Aug 5, 2005
If you read teh article in today's The Athletic about the "meeting in Vancouver" as related by Cam Atkinson, it explains what a pain in the arse Bob and Bread were to their teammates and how Jones, Jenner and Atkinson called a team meeting to clear the air with the Ruskies about how they were still BlueJackets and they owed to their current teammates to continue playing hard regardless of where they are next year. The article strongly suggests that B & B were a distraction to their teammates the whole year. After you read that article, it s more like "don't let the door hit you on your ass as you leave" than an "appreciation" thread. Screw both of them. Thank goodness they are gone.
I still can’t believe they kept them around if that was the way it was going down.


Formerly CBJWennberg10 (RIP Kivi)
Jun 13, 2009
"Season's done"....means WHAT exactly?

For getting so mad in the other thread about people not reading your "obvious" sarcasm, it's pretty "obvious" about what she means.

(and no, it's not about this coming season)

Old Guy

Just waitin' on my medication.
Aug 30, 2015

Here we are, eh? Anybody remember my, Sergei Bobrovsky AND the Bluejackets stuff.....Yeah, ......... Obviously I'm NOT surprised ........................, AS I'VE SAID IT WAS HAPPENING ALL ALONG, ....... I've said this the entire time about the dude, ...........To help some understand, this is the equivalent of .....................

Bus.......thanks for having it all figured out...but it's not about you or you being correct. These players are human. I don't care how professional and how dedicated. When you mentally check out, you don't give your best. Most of us have had "Senioritis" during some part of our school or work life. Heck.....mine was even during a marriage.
Hint - when they say 'It's not about the money' - guess what...its about the money. When they say 'It's not a distraction - guess what - it's a distraction'. When they say "I'm excited to be here (Duchene) - guess what; it could mean I'm glad to be out of Ottawa (or wherever).

The Columbus Blue Jackets are about entertainment to me. I love this team and franchise. I will miss Panarin and I will miss Bob. But I can't get wrapped up in boilerplate quotes. We knew the road ahead the day training camp opened last year. The only question that remained was answered on trade deadline day. We can scream Jarmo shoulda coulda woulda till we are blue. It's not going to change anything.

Damm....beating the Lightning was sure fun.


19/20 Columbus Blue Jackets: "It Is What It Is"
Sep 27, 2017
For getting so mad in the other thread about people not reading your "obvious" sarcasm, it's pretty "obvious" about what she means.

(and no, it's not about this coming season)

Self awareness is a hell of a drug, my man. If you cant tell when I'm clearly sarcastic, why do you believe you can tell when I'm "mad". :sarcasm:….sorry, wait...:dunno:, ok.

I get it. She wants to steer the discussion into a very small box that can be quickly open and shut as needed as it does not go along with her past views on the situation or the player.

I get it. We can talk about the negative impact losing Bob will have, but not the positive impact, because Vezina's and stuff.

Why is Bobby being a P-O-S seem to be the ONLY subject that some people are claiming is "unimportant" or "in the past" as if the vast majority of things and results we debate and talk about on here ARE NOT THINGS FROM THE PAST?!
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Registered User
Jan 11, 2013
Well it's funny for all that Drama that the CBJ still wanted Panarin back (the last minute offer).


Registered User
Sep 25, 2011
I, for one, am just amazed these two guys and the situation was a distraction. I was repeatedly assured that there was no way this could happen in Columbus. :sarcasm:

That being said it appears that the meeting cleared things up and the boys played hard the remainder of the way.
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Speedy Sanderson

Registered User
Jan 29, 2012
Well it's funny for all that Drama that the CBJ still wanted Panarin back (the last minute offer).
CBJ knew they weren't getting him back.....that was to appease the fans. If they did get him back, fine, it would have meant Bread could stand being here due to the money, but I'm sure Jarmo and company had no delusions of this happening.


"that chick from Ohio"
Oct 5, 2007
40N 83W (approx)
I get it. She wants to steer the discussion into a very small box that can be quickly open and shut as needed as it does not go along with her past views on the situation or the player.
It's more that I get tired of this "HA HA I WIN YOU LOSE" adversarial approach to discussion really quickly and was hoping to nip that part in the bud. I keep forgetting that attempts to do that are like trying to put out a fire by throwing gasoline on it, because suddenly it's "YOU JUST WANT TO DISTRACT FROM THE FACT THAT YOU LOST, YOU LOSING LOSER". Mea culpa.
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Registered User
Feb 5, 2008
I, for one, am just amazed these two guys and the situation was a distraction. I was repeatedly assured that there was no way this could happen in Columbus. :sarcasm:

That being said it appears that the meeting cleared things up and the boys played hard the remainder of the way.

Does distraction automatically = worse on-ice product? Would they have made it past the 2nd round without said distraction?

I guess we'll never know!


"that chick from Ohio"
Oct 5, 2007
40N 83W (approx)
I, for one, am just amazed these two guys and the situation was a distraction. I was repeatedly assured that there was no way this could happen in Columbus. :sarcasm:

That being said it appears that the meeting cleared things up and the boys played hard the remainder of the way.
I remember the counterargument being "it won't be a distraction, because they're professionals so if it comes up they'll do something about it to make it not a distraction". And it looks like that's what they did, and it's a credit to all involved that they made it work. Especially the leadership group here.


"that chick from Ohio"
Oct 5, 2007
40N 83W (approx)
Does distraction automatically = worse on-ice product? Would they have made it past the 2nd round without said distraction?

I guess we'll never know!
Also, while we're speculating wildly... what if The Sweep only occurred because the team knew guys were all leaving and so they wanted to have One Last Hurrah by doing something historic? ;)

Constructing narratives is fun! :D


Registered User
Feb 5, 2008
Also, while we're speculating wildly... what if The Sweep only occurred because the team knew guys were all leaving and so they wanted to have One Last Hurrah by doing something historic? ;)

Constructing narratives is fun! :D

Good one!

Long Live Lyle

Registered User
Feb 10, 2019
Chicago, IL
Meh, honestly, this reads like a bit of a cheap shot at Bread and Bob, without them having the ability to defend themselves. I don’t doubt there were distractions or that the locker room will be healthier this upcoming year (which does not necessarily mean the on-ice product will be better, though it’s perhaps possible). But if they were really that bad, why were the players trying to get them to stay the whole year? Also (and I’m a big Cam fan, might buy his jersey this summer as my first new one since Wisniewski) it’s a bit rich reading that quote from Atkinson given his disappearing act against the Bruins.

The article comes across a bit like complaining about an ex-girlfriend choosing to break up with you. Just let it go.


Hey! We won!
May 30, 2003
Bob's stats were down slightly, but were basically in line with his career and close to the previous season. I'd say his playoffs were clearly better.
Panarin's goals were down slightly, but had a career year in assists and points.

They played well, which was their job. They did it. The team had its most successful season ever.

Despite the apparent drama behind the scenes, credit to all the professionals (Bob and Panarin included) who didn't seem to let it get on the ice in any meaningful way.

Edit: 20+ 20-35 year-old competitive dudes in a confined, smelly place for at least 82 games a year. Bound to be some behind-the-scenes beefin'. The pros keep it there. Certainly seems like that is what happened here.
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