Your epic car stories


Registered User
May 3, 2006
I think i was 14 and bought an '86 Blazer off a guy for $500. Had the old burgendy interior lol. Anyways, the thing wouldnt start one day. So my 14 year old self started thinking no fuel. I'd dump a bit into the carb and hear a few chugs. So of course I added more fuel.... next crank and the trucks on fire! lol
I knew the fire extinguisher was in the kitchen, so i grabbed that and put the fire out. But the damage was done. All the wiring burnt etc...

I sold the truck to a guy for $500 surprisingly, and he complained the rear tires went flat on his tow home. Tough luck bud

Ill add more stories later


Registered User
May 3, 2006
You guys are so enthusiastic to share lol

I was 16 or 17 and with my bud. We had a camping "date" with another bud like 2 hrs away.

We were smoking away all the night b4(hot shots golf) and finally took a nap. 3am came and hes like hey, do you wanna go now? Im like f*** ya!

So there we are on the highway at 4am in the thickest fog. Couldn't see shit! But we made it...just way too early.

So what did we decide to do at 6am? Lets go rally a 93 Merc Topaz lol. He was doing pretty good untill a 2" tree stopped us from going over a cliff....ty tree


Gaslight Object Project
Oct 13, 2002
New Born Citizen Erased
Back in the early 90s by dad took his 84 s10 and put a 350 in it while still maintaining it as a daily driving sleeper. He had fatter tires in the rear and made some custom exhaust that came out under the tailgate with some big pipes, but otherwise it was stock on the outside, didnt go with a wild color or a scoop to draw attention. There's many stories of smoking 5.0 Mustangs and the like. Good times. He's been working on one of those woody wagons from The Christmas Vacation movie, it wasn't that great when he got it but the drivetrain is almost done and it should be drivable while he fixes the body and interior. He's putting a 400...something in it, sorry, I'm not that into cars lol, he said it would have alot more torque than the s10 had, and that was pretty good at pinning you into the seat!
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Baby Punisher

HFBoards Sponsor
Mar 30, 2012
Staten Island, NY
In the summer of 1990 my mother caught me backing her 1988 Toyota Camry out of the garage. She was not happy. I took off running but eventually had to come home and face the music of a father who was less than thrilled. It was one of the few times, maybe the only time he ever really got in my face with such rage in his eyes. I was genuinely scared.

But, not scared enough.....

Back in the winter of 1990, I was 15 I took my father's 3800-pound 24-foot long 5 1/2 foot wide 1983 Cadillac Coupe DeVille for a ride. I went by a girl's house that I was friends with. I made a K-turn on a hill, put the car in reverse backed up a few feet, the car made a grinding noise, the engine revved, as the car started moving forward. The tranny blew. HOLY SHIT!

I put it in drive and it went forward, but now I'm too close to the curb and can't turn around. I jumped out of the car while in neutral I used the right tire on the curb to prevent the car from moving and 135 pound 5 foot 5 me pushed the car up the hill from the door jam several feet which was enough to get it straightened out and turned around. I drove home, it wouldn't go past 2nd gear. I wasn't able to park it the same way it was in the garage the way I found it.

My father didn't find out until Tuesday morning when he had to leave for work. Needless to say, he was a bit confused, but not dumb. He knew I took it out by the way it was parked, and obviously not happy.

He had to leave for work, I had to leave for school. We have two cars so it wasn't really an issue of not having a car.

That night he came home and asked me what happened I told him. I was scared I had tears in my eyes. I did use the reasoning that It was going to happen regardless of who was driving. The thing just went. It happens. That made it like 1% better for me as it spared him the embarrassment of having it happen at his office, or with clients.

When we got the car back I took it up and around the block. He wasn't home when I left and I didn't expect him home for a while. I get back to the house and guess who came home early? My father was standing outside and I exited the vehicle and said, It's running good and gave him a thumbs up like It had my seal of approval. He just shook his head as I took a wide angle around him towards the house. I know he was laughing inside because over the years he told that story a few times.

I laid off the driving for a while after that. I turned 16 that summer and obtained my permit, which I assumed was my actual license even though it wasn't. I Got myself in some trouble that required dual court appearances with an attorney and I wasn't able to take the driver's ed until I sorted the legal issues out.

In the summer of 1991, I took driver's Ed. I missed the first class because I had a work obligation. (yes at 16 almost 17 years old I had work obligations) Everyone got to drive on the first day. I met the instructor and he asked me if I had ever driven before and I was like, nope. I played dumb like I didn't know what the shifter was or which pedal did what. He was rolling his eyes and had a terrified look on his face as I put the car in drive. I purposely put the car in low and here he is grasping the oh shit handle like he is Jester in DCS getting ready to punch out. I was taking the course with a friend of mine, he and the other 2 students knew that I knew how to drive

Once I hit the road it was obvious after half a block that I knew what I was doing. The instructor looked at me and asked me with quite an attitude if I thought I was being funny, to which I replied I like making people I pay earn their money, and yes I paid for this course that's why I wasn't here yesterday because I was at work. At the time I worked at Pathmark. This guy was NOT amused and we never did get along and yes, I know that was my fault, but f*** him I had a chip on my shoulder and didn't give a f***. I was walking almost 2 miles each way in the July heat to take that class, and I paid for it myself. Drivers Ed was merly a formality for me. My boy Tommy wasn't happy with my behavior because the instructor knew we were friends and he gave him a hard time after that too. They both got over it.

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Registered User
May 3, 2006
In the summer of 1990 my mother caught me backing her 1988 Toyota Camry out of the garage. She was not happy. I took off running but eventually had to come home and face the music of a father who was less than thrilled. It was one of the few times, maybe the only time he ever really got in my face with such rage in his eyes. I was genuinely scared.

But, not scared enough.....

Back in the winter of 1990, I was 15 I took my father's 3800-pound 24-foot long 5 1/2 foot wide 1983 Cadillac Coupe DeVille for a ride. I went by a girl's house that I was friends with. I made a K-turn on a hill, put the car in reverse backed up a few feet, the car made a grinding noise, the engine revved, as the car started moving forward. The tranny blew. HOLY SHIT!

I put it in drive and it went forward, but now I'm too close to the curb and can't turn around. I jumped out of the car while in neutral I used the right tire on the curb to prevent the car from moving and 135 pound 5 foot 5 me pushed the car up the hill from the door jam several feet which was enough to get it straightened out and turned around. I drove home, it wouldn't go past 2nd gear. I wasn't able to park it the same way it was in the garage the way I found it.

My father didn't find out until Tuesday morning when he had to leave for work. Needless to say, he was a bit confused, but not dumb. He knew I took it out by the way it was parked, and obviously not happy.

He had to leave for work, I had to leave for school. We have two cars so it wasn't really an issue of not having a car.

That night he came home and asked me what happened I told him. I was scared I had tears in my eyes. I did use the reasoning that It was going to happen regardless of who was driving. The thing just went. It happens. That made it like 1% better for me as it spared him the embarrassment of having it happen at his office, or with clients.

When we got the car back I took it up and around the block. He wasn't home when I left and I didn't expect him home for a while. I get back to the house and guess who came home early? My father was standing outside and I exited the vehicle and said, It's running good and gave him a thumbs up like It had my seal of approval. He just shook his head as I took a wide angle around him towards the house. I know he was laughing inside because over the years he told that story a few times.

I laid off the driving for a while after that. I turned 16 that summer and obtained my permit, which I assumed was my actual license even though it wasn't. I Got myself in some trouble that required dual court appearances with an attorney and I wasn't able to take the driver's ed until I sorted the legal issues out.

In the summer of 1991, I took driver's Ed. I missed the first class because I had a work obligation. (yes at 16 almost 17 years old I had work obligations) Everyone got to drive on the first day. I met the instructor and he asked me if I had ever driven before and I was like, nope. I played dumb like I didn't know what the shifter was or which pedal did what. He was rolling his eyes and had a terrified look on his face as I put the car in drive. I purposely put the car in low and here he is grasping the oh shit handle like he is Jester in DCS getting ready to punch out. I was taking the course with a friend of mine, he and the other 2 students knew that I knew how to drive

Once I hit the road it was obvious after half a block that I knew what I was doing. The instructor looked at me and asked me with quite an attitude if I thought I was being funny, to which I replied I like making people I pay earn their money, and yes I paid for this course that's why I wasn't here yesterday because I was at work. At the time I worked at Pathmark. This guy was NOT amused and we never did get along and yes, I know that was my fault, but f*** him I had a chip on my shoulder and didn't give a f***. I was walking almost 2 miles each way in the July heat to take that class, and I paid for it myself. Drivers Ed was merly a formality for me. My boy Tommy wasn't happy with my behavior because the instructor knew we were friends and he gave him a hard time after that too. They both got over it.

Lol at gave him a thumbs up....smooth
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Registered User
May 3, 2006
So some 20-25 years ago, my best friend had a '93 Ford Probe gt with the digital dash/gauges (fancy at the time).

Car was about to roll over 200,000kms so we took it for a rip. Well wouldnt you know rolls back to 100,000 😂

He drove it another month or so to mess with the mileage, then sold it. Bought a '92 Nissan ZX and had enough change left over to do the stereo with subs etc

Neil Racki

Registered User
May 2, 2018
1. I had a car that wouldnt reverse so i had to make sure i either had friends ride with me so they could get out and push the car back or I had to make sure I went up an incline so i could put in N and roll back. Had to drive around and strategically think where I was going to park.

2. Had a car with the middle airbag/compartment of the steering wheel out and hanging by threads and cords. 25% of the time I was driving my horn was going off solid horn sound.

Sucked was being at a red light in baltimore and my car is blaring its horn and people would look at me and Id raise up the airbag/compartment thing and do a "whatcha going to do" thing.

3. Had someone break into my car in baltimore and all they took was my orioles car magnet off my trunk. made me feel bad ... like I dont even have assets someone would steal. BUT they did fully close my door so my battery didnt die. Most times they leave it slightly ajar to avoid the sound of a closing door. Small precaution i also did back in my days. Glad to see it still lives on.
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Registered User
May 3, 2006
Was driving home from work one day and the gas pedal went flat in my 93 Berreta GT. Upon inspection I noticed where the cable goes through the firewall had no tension.

I stripped my stereo system for about 8 feet of wire and hooked it to the throttle linkage and through the firewall. So my hour drive home consisted of me pulling a speaker wire by hand to get any throttle.

Not bad for an 18 year old kid in dress clothes
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TD Charlie

Registered User
Sep 10, 2007
I'm in college, we get several severe snowstorms over the course of a few weeks and there's nothing to do in small town Massachusetts. All the boys are looking for something to do, none of us are drinkers/smokers (at the time anyway) and somebody gets the idea to pile into a Toyota Tundra, drive through neighborhoods and jump out the back into snow. A half dozen of us sit in the truck bed and the driver is cruising the streets looking for big mounds of snow at the end of driveways or street corners. One by one I watch my friends dive out and disappear into puffs of snow. One guy slips and lands chest first onto pavement with a thud, but he's fine. Somebody else just barely misses a fire hydrant that was buried but you could still see the red emergency pole coming out of the snow drift. I make my jump, it's cold but uneventful. Like a hard ski fall on a powder day.

We head to someone's house to throw clothes into the dryer. After an hour or two we head back out for round two. Everybody is tired and cold at this point, nobody is jumping. The wheelman decides to head back home but doesn't tell anybody. I see a huge pile of snow ahead and prepare myself to jump, but I don't say a word either. The driver gets going WAY too fast because he doesn't know I'm bailing, and I don't pick up on how fast we are truly going because the wind is in my eyes and I can't see well. I jump, and as soon as I'm airborne I know I'm screwed. I clear the snow bank with ease. As I pass over the pile I see a wooden post and lintel fence below me and brace for impact. I hit the fence chest/ribs first and roll into the street. Barely able to take a breath at this point I just lay flat on my back and stare up at the night sky as I hear the Tundra hauling ass down the road. Nobody even knew I jumped. I spend a good 10 minutes laying on my back because I can't move.

Eventually they notice I'm missing and start driving around town looking for me. I get helped back into the truck. For the next month or so I have insane bruising and tenderness all across my chest and down my right side. I never went to the doctor but I don't see any way that I escaped that without bruised or cracked ribs. As I was laying on the ground I legitimately considered that I might die there, it was just that cold and I couldn't breathe.

TD Charlie

Registered User
Sep 10, 2007
Was driving home from work one day and the gas pedal went flat in my 93 Berreta GT. Upon inspection I noticed where the cable goes through the firewall had no tension.

I stripped my stereo system for about 8 feet of wire and hooked it to the throttle linkage and through the firewall. So my hour drive home consisted of me pulling a speaker wire by hand to get any throttle.

Not bad for an 18 year old kid in dress clothes
I had the opposite! 1990 Cadillac, just threw a fresh fauxmaster dual exhaust set up on it. Hop in and cold start it before I head to work at 7am and I'm really digging the sound. As soon as I hit the throttle to go down the road the car takes off like a raped ape. I realize quickly that hitting the brakes is not stopping this 2 ton tank. I'm only 17 so panic totally takes over and I have no idea what to do. I blow 3 intersections completely, then have to make a left turn off a main drag, but there's oncoming traffic. I manage to hang a sharp left and although I miss my turn, there's a small restaurant parking lot on that street corner. I blast through their parking lot and then finally realize I can just shut 'er down and come to a stop.

I'm sitting on the road with my heart racing, start the car back up and immediately it's wide open throttle. I pop the hood and it's obvious that a throttle spring is just rusted/frozen and isn't returning the throttle back. After a couple jiggles it loosens up and I make it to work. Shoot it with a ton of WD 40 and it never gave me an issue after that.


Registered User
May 3, 2006
I had the opposite! 1990 Cadillac, just threw a fresh fauxmaster dual exhaust set up on it. Hop in and cold start it before I head to work at 7am and I'm really digging the sound. As soon as I hit the throttle to go down the road the car takes off like a raped ape. I realize quickly that hitting the brakes is not stopping this 2 ton tank. I'm only 17 so panic totally takes over and I have no idea what to do. I blow 3 intersections completely, then have to make a left turn off a main drag, but there's oncoming traffic. I manage to hang a sharp left and although I miss my turn, there's a small restaurant parking lot on that street corner. I blast through their parking lot and then finally realize I can just shut 'er down and come to a stop.

I'm sitting on the road with my heart racing, start the car back up and immediately it's wide open throttle. I pop the hood and it's obvious that a throttle spring is just rusted/frozen and isn't returning the throttle back. After a couple jiggles it loosens up and I make it to work. Shoot it with a ton of WD 40 and it never gave me an issue after that.
Lol free joy ride! But holy f*** thats white knuckle driving

Wasnt it Toyotas that had a problem with sticky pedals back in the day?


Red 5 standing by
May 30, 2010
Farmington, MN
I've told this story on here in the past, but it's still a good one...

I've had my Shelby for 12 years now and I absolutely respect the power and very much understand the risks... yet I had it jump out on me once 4 years ago. Thought I knew the highway entrance ramp (cloverleaf style entrance) I was on real well, but the road had buckled in a new spot in the week since I was last there, didn't notice the new bump. I gunned it in the same spot I had many times prior as I was changing lanes just as I had done many times before... then the rear wheels hit that bump, the rear end completely kicked out to the right! There I am, just after entering the freeway, looking down the road directly out of my passenger side window, steering that direction but waiting for the car to hook back up before it reached the center ditch!

Steering into it, feathering the throttle trying to urge the car to hook back up, it suddenly gripped and swung back 180 degrees facing the other way, my rear tires kicking up the edge of the gravel of the center shoulder! Now I'm steering hard left looking out the driver's side window, feathering the throttle to hook up again... this time I was able to anticipate it gaining the grip and was able to sway it back into control. No harm, no foul!

Afterwards, I had a huge smile on my face, because it was FUN AS HELL to suddenly be unexpectedly white knuckling it, I love white knuckle edge of control winter driving (when a blizzard hits here, I tend to go out driving for hours, as I love the adrenaline of white knuckle driving), so this just got me into that mode instantly.

I literally said 'Wow! That was FUN! Let's not do that again!" With a huge grin on my face! :laugh:
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