Switzerland: Swiss players in North America


Registered User
Oct 5, 2007
West Sussex
Just look at the NA juniors, all of them are doing great so far on a PPG pace. Andrighetto, Richard, Bertaggia, Arnold, Martschini. Only thing they lack brutally is size, combined maybe 1-2 metres too short :)
The opposite is Berger, who is a monster, but needs to work hard on his skating skills...

Actually this size affaire worries me a lot. (i can still sleep :) , more the expression of course !)

i remember when i was kid, small guys tended to outperform taller guys (me) because they were smaller, more agile and simply put, they weight/power ratio was far better than the one of a taller guy. As years passed ... this tended to level out ... or even further ... resulting in the small guys ... well lacking size and the big guys getting more power (soccer, basket ball, boxing, kick boxing ... name it )

Is this the same with hockey ? like Justin Azevedo ... who was plaiyng with Weber with the Kitchener Rangers ... he was untouchable in the points (2 points per game). now he is playing for the manchester monarchs and never had a shot at the Kings !!! (who own him) ...

Do you believe that our young guys will still hold themselves later ? (after all MZA with the rangers is 5'7 with 172 ... like Azevedo )


Registered User
Jul 29, 2004
I've always thought that size is hugely overrated (take a look at Ambühl and Gardner and tell me who's the most physical of the two), but that's unfortunately the way it is and it will work against those guys the same way it currently works against MZA.

Fortunately, even though it can hinder a potential NHL career, it won't prevent them from performing for the national team.


Registered User
Jan 4, 2010
Weber gets the most icetime of all the Habs-players this night and from what I saw he deserved that. He played a really good game, very solid in his own end and with a lot of offensive power. If he goes on like this he won't end in the press-box again.


Registered User
Oct 5, 2007
West Sussex
Weber gets the most icetime of all the Habs-players this night and from what I saw he deserved that. He played a really good game, very solid in his own end and with a lot of offensive power. If he goes on like this he won't end in the press-box again.

Weber is fantastic ... what a goal he shot yesterday !! the title "Montréal siegt dank Weber-Tor" is maybe a bit exaggerated but the tide turned on the first inter-period. And this inter-period was certainly tainted with this goal !! (the goal was shot 2seconds before the end of period and Weber really took the shot, it was not precooked by someone else !)
Weber is highly underrated by the habs fans for whom he will remain le Jeuuuunnne Wééébèèèrrre for some time. Very unfair how he is perceived.


Le vieux Gèèèèrbèèèère ... was noticed in Sweden shuting out MODO. he was 3rd star of the day.



Registered User
Jan 4, 2010
I love Gerber, he's such a great sportsmen and probably still would be able to compete at the NHL. I really hope to see him at the WC again.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2005
Any news about Josi or Niederreiter?

For what i know, Josi has a concussion so we don't have a timetable. And Niederreiter was annouced to be back that week but i read he's not back even for the workout....
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Registered User
Jan 4, 2010
Nino ist not skating with the team, more information you won't get from the Islanders. That's the way the NHL handles injuries. ;)


Registered User
Oct 5, 2007
West Sussex

on the Milwaukee thread, someone said 3 days ago that their was no improvement in his situation.

It is worth what it is worth, yet if it was the case, it would be bad news.


Registered User
Jan 4, 2010
Nino may be back soon, he skated with the team and the Isles waived Gillies, perhaps to make room for Nino.


Registered User
Jan 4, 2010
He's back, will play tomorrow night in the AHL with Bridgeport. As he's coming from an injury he's allowed to spend max. two weeks in the AHL as a conditioning assignement.


Registered User
Oct 5, 2007
West Sussex
Yannick Weber

I just wanted to point out how good Weber has been this season !!

Nobody gives him credit to the level he deserves. Myself always sort of classified him as a "maybe NHL, maybe AHL" player. In fact considering as "le jeeeeune Wébèèère", and being nervous when he was on the ice ... (not because i root specially for the team, i root for the Habs because of the Swiss ... him !) but in fact he has been great.
He is playing top 3 minutes almost each game ! only Price and Subban have more playtime than him !

He may end up high. And I hope so for him and to praise the huge work he did so far.
Some years ago he was a future star, having the best shot in the all star game. when playing with the Kitchener Rangers. And suddenly while Subban exploded, he was disgraced. (both were always compared). He worked is ass out of this situation by playing remarkably well with Hamilton last year, had a new shot at the Big habs team and then, received a contract and ... beginning of this season, many devence guys and he was in doubt and all were saying that he would be benched. He reacted magnificently !!

Congratulations Weber. Tu nous a à tous embouché un coin. You couldn't do better.

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Registered User
Jan 4, 2010
Klaus Zaugg seems to know that Diaz was allowed to look for an apartment. That would probably mean that he doesn't seem on his way to Hamilton, even when Campoli and Markov are back.


Registered User
Oct 5, 2007
West Sussex
Klaus Zaugg seems to know that Diaz was allowed to look for an apartment. That would probably mean that he doesn't seem on his way to Hamilton, even when Campoli and Markov are back.

It doesn't surprise me ... i watched him playing some games this year and I must say that he brings a lot to the Habs team.

I do understand the critics to some extent (physicality and some mistakes) ... but his value added in terms of fluidity of game (puck movement) is striking.
If he would add might, he would definitely become a top 4 ... dare i say top 2 ? ... :sarcasm:


Registered User
Jan 4, 2010
Nino scored in the AHL, I guess he will play two more games for Bridgeport and then will join the Islanders.

Josi has been activated from the IR and may play very soon again (maybe saturday).


Registered User
Oct 5, 2007
West Sussex
i saw the other game with the Swiss guys, Canadians vs Rangers.

Great ! Weber is a cornerstone of the Habs' PP. Diaz also but Weber is impressive. He has a hell of s shot and is very reliable, logical and fast in puck movement. Has a great poise, shot, speed, understanding and vision. (in PP !, not saying he has no vision normally but in PP he steps it up !)

May this year be the year of Weber

The Rangers remembered me the Rangers in Zug, slow and over ran by the habs who were lighter, smarter and faster.
With many scoring opportunities for the habs and few (even less) for the Rangers. (MTS 4:0 NYR with 1 assist Weber and 1 assist Diaz)


Registered User
Jan 4, 2010
It's probably difficult to look good when the whole team plays as bad as the Islanders are doing it currently.

Nice pass by Weber.

And Josi has 4 points (1 g/3a) in 4 games, nice start after his injury.


Registered User
Oct 5, 2007
West Sussex
Josi started playing with the predators in NHL. I watched some of the games and can tell you that he is absolutely not out of place.

Appartently fan's aren't that happy about how their team plays.
So in an average playing team ... Josi is really doing ok. I guess he has very strict instructions. (keep it simple, just do ..... , no .... ; ...) logical .. yesterday he was playing his 3rd game in NHL.
But he made no huge mistake or rookie fart so far. I think he had a 2 mins on triping.
i believe that if he keeps it that way .... he will be a regular.
He seriously has a very good defensive coverage and does always use the best option available to get the puck out of the zone. I am impressed. He matured a lot between now and when he was playing with the SCB.


Registered User
Oct 5, 2007
West Sussex
Ahhh ! and tonight another encouter with 4 swiss players !


but ok ... we are being spoiled !

Where are the good old times when we were happy about Von Arx playing in the pre-season games with the hawks !!
gone like wind.
some pathetic philosophy :laugh:


Registered User
Oct 5, 2007
West Sussex
So ... this year isn't such a good year !!

The only Swiss player that is "shining" on a good team is ... Josi.

All others are, or in personal problems, or on a poorly performing team, or both !

any comments ?

ANA ?? what is going on with them ?
MTL ... can't find their game
NYI ... well ... in line with their salary cap ! (unlike the predators !)
NSH ... watched some games and .... wow ! i like that team. serious defence ! If they could play well 60 mins ... wow. a serious team. capable to finish very well.

Streit ... something isn't like before !
Nino ... Maybe too early
Weber ... pitty and then loss of confidence ... maybe on another team ! (certainly !)
Diaz ... isn't doing that bad ... bud is light and could be removed only for tougher guys if a new philosophy kicks in MTL.
Hiller ... i don't know what is going on ... seems to be not too bad on some games and then on others ... ! maybe a bad year with a poor defence !
Sbisa ... i think not too bad ... but on a poorly performing team.
Josi ... progressing steadily ... should access to be on the second line soon. On a decent team ... specially taking into account the salary level of the team.

it is impressive to talk about 7 regular NHL players !! yet i wish they would be better on !

(i could be more positive ... i know but still. That is a realistic view )


Registered User
Jan 4, 2010
It may be a good year for Sean Simpson and the national team. ;)

Diaz is point wise the leading rookie-Defensmen on the NHL (together with Adam Larsson).

Nino just needs time and of course more ice-time. I think he has the potential and the will to do a big step during the season.

Same for Streit, he has not played for over a year, you cannot be back like you were before. Main problem for him may be his age, he isn't getting younger.

And Weber needs a change, that's clear.


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