Quick Tips and General Q&A


Noted Jerk
Apr 7, 2003
Winston-Salem NC
Going to make this thread since there's a bit of confusion as to how various things work, most notably in posting Youtube videos and other links. Just a quick tips thread in case someone needs to use it for something.

The first one I was asked about earlier via PM in reference to image and youtube posts.

on images, just use the
button or the tag [IMG ] image URL [/IMG ] just with the spaces removed. That one's pretty straightforward though sometimes it won't come up right, notably on Photobucket.

Sometimes it will come up like this:

when that happens just right click on the image, click open in new tab, and the URL will be more usable:

General links work much the same way, though after you've clicked the URL icon
it also gives you the chance to title the link you're posting. So while it would be http://hurricanes.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=710975 without any editing, which is perfectly fine, you could easily make the same linked URL read as Canes Re-Sign Faulk for 6 Years

With youtube links it's a bit different, you can't utilize the same strategy by clicking the youtube button
(which doesn't show up as an option in quick reply IIRC) or by entering [YT ] youtube URL [/YT ] with the spaces removed. In this case, the info that's needed for the video is only the part after the = sign in the video link. So say we wanted to post the Jeff Skinner video, using the full link something like this would come up:

whereas doing it with just the part after watch?v= would come out like this:

If there's any other general "how does it work on the board?" type questions you would like to ask and/or answer here feel free to do so.

edit 1:

The "multi" quote tab might be a good one to add to the Q+A Dave. That seems to get missed by a lot of people.

EDIT: and maybe comments about how often you can change your username. I know most of the long time posters know that, but might be helpful for newer posters.

Good call. Yeah the multi-quote is a very rarely used but very useful tool. Essentially, especially in fast moving threads like GDTs, this allows a poster to respond to multiple posts all at once instead of going on a 5-6 post spree responding to different ones. To do this, click the multi button
right next to quote on the bottom right corner of the posts which will change that button to look like this
, do this for all but the last post you are responding to, with that one select quote. What this in essence just did was gave you the opportunity to reply to multiple posts in one place without having to go back and find each post, and respond with a new post each time and saves from having to do a good bit of copy-pasta if you're one that tries to get it in one place as is.

As for SN's, I believe as a registered user you're allowed to change it once a year, and as a sponsor you're allowed to change it I believe every 3 months. Of course, you can always PM me or another Admin or MS and we can change it just as long as you're being reasonable about it and in good standing. I may be a bit more apt to do it then others of course.

Boom Boom Apathy

I am the Professor. Deal with it!
Sep 6, 2006
The "multi" quote tab might be a good one to add to the Q+A Dave. That seems to get missed by a lot of people.

EDIT: and maybe comments about how often you can change your username. I know most of the long time posters know that, but might be helpful for newer posters.


Registered User
Sep 11, 2011
If Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is to be believed, the answer is 42. The following Canes/Whalers, past or present, have worn 42:

Brian Chapman
Tim Gleason
Jeff Heerema
Marc Laforge
Brett Sutter

I therefore think it's obvious that Tim Gleason is the meaning of life.

I think we can expand upon this. We traded Gleason to Toronto on January 1st, at which time they were 21-16-5. Toronto is currently sitting at 38-35-8, for a record of 17-19-3 since the trade. So clearly Tim Gleason = no playoffs, and thus the meaning of life is the absence of the playoffs.


Jul 12, 2004
Durham, NC
I think we can expand upon this. We traded Gleason to Toronto on January 1st, at which time they were 21-16-5. Toronto is currently sitting at 38-35-8, for a record of 17-19-3 since the trade. So clearly Tim Gleason = no playoffs, and thus the meaning of life is the absence of the playoffs.

And considering Heerema wore 42 as well, first round busts are also the meaning of life.

Y'know, I smell an avatar theme in this.


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