Native American woman who worked as cultural advisor to Blackhawks sues team for sex harassment, fraud

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Cheap Pizza, Okay Hockey
Nov 22, 2015
Once you cater to groups like this, it never ends. They'll always want something more. I'd say, "If you don't want to buy ticket, don't. Feel free to whine about us in the press and no hard feelings".

My guess : There would be ZERO impact on their bottom line.

Now, they are out $250K , plus they have a lawsuit.
Oh no, Bill Wirtz and his 4 billion dollars will never financially recover from this.
The fact of the matter is neither you nor I understand the full gravity of how this affects the organization, their interests, or their status and you're just assuming stuff about things you can't even fully comprehend.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2018
Oh no, Bill Wirtz and his 4 billion dollars will never financially recover from this.
The fact of the matter is neither your nor I understand the full gravity of how this affects the organization, their interests, or their status and you're just assuming stuff about things you can't even fully comprehend.
And look at the headache he now has.

Companies that simply don't care, like the UFC, are miles ahead.


Cheap Pizza, Okay Hockey
Nov 22, 2015
What does that have to do with anything?

Anyway, we will never see eye to eye. Take care
You brought the UFC into this as some sort of bastion of anti wokeness or something. They don't have logos or team names or anything similar to this. You just like what Dana White and Joe Rogan peddle. The UFC brings in 1.3 billion a year and the NHL brings in 6.2 billion a year - not what I would call miles ahead, but okay.

My original point was when you're dealing with appropriation of a logo or team name it may make sense to bring someone in to negotiate with those people if you choose to do so, like the blackhawks people decided to do. Maybe just not this woman. You made me a part of your little crusade about what you would do.

You are right I doubt we'd see eye to eye on a lot of stuff.
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Registered User
Oct 29, 2018
You brought the UFC into this as some sort of bastion of anti wokeness or something. They don't have logos or team names or anything similar to this. You just like what Dana White and Joe Rogan peddle. The UFC brings in 1.3 billion a year and the NHL brings in 6.2 billion a year - not what I would call miles ahead, but okay.

My original point was when you're dealing with appropriation of a logo or team name it may make sense to bring someone in to negotiate with those people if you choose to do so, like the blackhawks people decided to do. Maybe just not this woman. You made me a part of your little crusade about what you would do.

You are right I doubt we'd see eye to eye on a lot of stuff.
I didn't make you anything.

I would not negotiate or cater and I would live with the consequences.


Registered User
Jul 3, 2010
Once you cater to groups like this, it never ends. They'll always want something more. I'd say, "If you don't want to buy ticket, don't. Feel free to whine about us in the press and no hard feelings".
Yeah, these days, I think most people agree with you. There was a time, though, when everyone was trapped inside due to outside influences, and the "chronically online" and easily offended gained a bit of a disproportionate voice compared to how most people generally feel, and now I think a lot of organizations are having some regret over decisions they made in terms of their approach to these folks.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2007
The lady seems to have conflated what she was actually hired to do as a consultant (build a relationship between the Black Hawks organization and the Sac and Fox Nation to get them talking) and her own opinion of the mascot and personal agenda (thinks it's racist/opposed to it/having it removed).

When the Black Hawks and the Nation formed a partnership and began talking directly, she had done her job, but when this and other initiatives resulted in the Nation changing their position on the mascot (and therefore became at odds with her own personal views) the fact that she wasn't central to those partnership discussions after it was formed developed into full-blown butthurt.

Seems like her biggest beef should be with the Sac and Fox Nation for changing their positon on the matter.

Although claiming to be "shut out", the Black Hawks offered her another consulting contract, but she refused. Instead, she lawered-up to file lawsuits.

The "fraud" element is her assertion that during conversations promises were made by BH individuals they planned to get rid of the mascot. That makes no sense on the face of it. The Sac and Fox Nation had years earlier taken a positon against the mascot and had already given reasons as to why. She added nothing new to the well-worn argument/conversations about this particular mascot and many others like it that had been going on for a couple decades in pro, collegiate, and HS sports by that point. The Black Hawks certainly didn't need to hire her to re-hear them for the millionth time if they had decided to change, they could have done it long before.

She wasn't a designated arbiter, let alone appointed as a Judge, nor was she chosen to represent the Sac and Fox Nation or paid by them. She clearly didn't understand the advisory nature and the limits of her role as a BH consultant, and grossly overestimated her own powers of persuasion.
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The KnightMan Cometh!
Jan 6, 2023
The lady seems to have conflated what she was actually hired to do as a consultant (build a relationship between the Black Hawks organization and the Sac and Fox Nation to get them talking) and her own opinion of the mascot and personal agenda (thinks it's racist/opposed to it/having it removed).

When the Black Hawks and the Nation formed a partnership and began talking directly, she had done her job, but when this and other initiatives resulted in the Nation changing their position on the mascot (and therefore became at odds with her own personal views) the fact that she wasn't central to those partnership discussions after it was formed developed into full-blown butthurt.

Seems like her biggest beef should be with the Sac and Fox Nation for changing their positon on the matter.

Although claiming to be "shut out", the Black Hawks offered her another consulting contract, but she refused. Instead, she lawered-up to file lawsuits.

The "fraud" element is her assertion that during conversations promises were made by BH individuals they planned to get rid of the mascot. That makes no sense on the face of it. The Sac and Fox Nation had years earlier taken a positon against the mascot and had already given reasons as to why. She added nothing new to the well-worn argument/conversations about this particular mascot and many others that had been going on for a couple decades in pro, collegiate, and HS sports by that point. The Black Hawks certainly didn't need to hire her to re-hear them for the millionth time if they had decided to change.

She wasn't a designated arbiter, let alone appointed as a Judge, nor was she chosen to represent the Sac and Fox Nation or paid by them. She clearly didn't understand the advisory nature and the limits of her role as a BH consultant, and grossly overestimated her own powers of persuasion.

This whole thing just looks like a messy PR situation in an age that highlights how both sides of an argument can display how little we as a species have progressed beyond Neanderthal.

There’s such a thing as recognizing an existing issue while not giving total validation to her claims/AIMS. There are gradients to things, and many who complain about SJW’s - and many who rally blind behind causes - never go beyond 8 crayons in compiling opinions on things like this.

Kind of like how there’s a reason devices display 256 colors. Real world events aren’t so simple to chart and plot as individual perspectives aren’t total and never will be. It ain’t easy.
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Registered User
Oct 12, 2007
This whole thing just looks like a messy PR situation in an age that highlights how both sides of an argument can display how little we as a species have progressed beyond Neanderthal.

There’s such a thing as recognizing an existing issue while not giving total validation to her claims/AIMS. There are gradients to things, and many who complain about SJW’s - and many who rally blind behind causes - never go beyond 8 crayons in compiling opinions on things like this.

Kind of like how there’s a reason devices display 256 colors. Real world events aren’t so simple to chart and plot as individual perspective's aren’t total and never will be. It ain’t easy.
Agreed. Separating the wheat from the chaff can be difficult. Having an ever-growing industry and elements of society that seek to blur the lines between them through hyperbole, the normalization of deviancy, and removing context that would assist in making value judgments only complicates the problem.

For instance, the root of the UND Fighting Sioux's mascot removal was the 2005 NCAA prohibition of teams with "hostile or abusive" mascots competing in post-season tournaments and, as a default position, deeming UND's "Fighting Sioux" as one that met that criteria. That began years of wrangling between opposing sides including within the the relevant Sprit Lake and Standing Rock tribes of the Sioux Nation. Spirit Lake wanted to keep it, Standing Rock elders opposed it and wouldn't allow a vote despite having their own schools using the same mascot and petitioners within the tribe supporting its continued use.

When it was all said and done, it really amounted to a few insisting everyone re-define the words "hostile and abusive" (which are pretty strong terms) as broadly as possible in order to fit their agenda. A large portion within their own Nation thought that position was ridiculous, knowing that the mascot's intent and use was from a place of respect and pride.
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Registered User
Jun 14, 2014
did she run out of politicized buzzwords? honestly this is just laziness. you can't be taken seriously when your case is just a word salad of buzzwords. at least have the work ethic and creativity to invent a compelling story with detail. manipulate something real that suggests there's validity to your frivolous lawsuit. this is just pathetic, amateur hour nonsense.


Registered User
Oct 31, 2007
I see this referenced and I don’t understand it as a strike against the Blackhawks. There was a sexual harassment incident at work and the Hawks took the most drastic measure possible and immediately removed Perry from the team and terminated his contract. How is that a bad thing or “shitty behavior as of late”? They specifically let it be known that from here on out that behavior will not be tolerated, even if it hurts the team in doing so.

They kept details private for a short while as things were materializing but it’s not like they were hiding anything. If anything it was the Internet sweat losers who were running with rumors about Perry and Bedard’s mom which is disgusting.

No i referred to two major incidents that had major impacts on society. If you think I’m blaming George Floyd then we have nothing else to discuss
Like it or not, Chicago is rightly under a microscope because their entire leadership team from ownership down was ethically shitty.

Perry might have been unforeseeable, completely not their fault, and handled perfectly given the circumstances. Still paints Blackhawks with stink. Fair? Under ordinary circumstances no. But since the poor excuse for a man Rocky Wirtz showed the full arrogance of the organization they still have a pall over them. Tough shit. Actions and character matter. When little Rocky told everyone “it’s none of your business” he put a massive neon sign over the organization saying “look at me - look at me”, He was a nasty little man and the organization is STILL paying for the character of the Wirtz’s.

Gaylord Q Tinkledink

Registered User
Apr 29, 2018
I’m sure the people banned from working in their chosen profession would disagree that they suffered “no penalty”. I’m sure they’re not thinking “whew, at least Chicago got to keep a draft pick.”

Ottawa cheated on a hockey trade and got hit with a hockey penalty. That is a decision on its own merit and has nothing to do with Aldrich.
People who lost their job were either gone, or on their way out of Chicago and 100% deserved that to happen.

Chicago lost money and then got that right back. Chicago gets punished less for something terrible and because someone didn't ask for a no trade list, Ottawa gets punished worse.

If there's merit to this claim, Chicago better suffer some serious penalties, but I'm sure you'll disagree because you seem to be a fan of Chicago.
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