OT: LOCAL COVID19 - PART III... Seriously, local only

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Tnuoc Alucard

Sep 23, 2015
Another post where you ignore context. You ignore serious outcomes and focus on infection. You also ignore infection + vaccination was more effective in providing protection against new infection.

Seems you ignored this part of my post

according to the CDC, they found, in the same study, that those who were vaccinated and had previously had the virus were the best protected from the severe effects of Covid.
Scroll up and reread it.
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Veni Vidi Toga
Jul 29, 2003
The convoy of sissy truckers too afraid to get a needle is coming to Antrim truck stop on Friday.

All the reports from Doctors and the CDC i have heard is that prior infection does not give as much immunity as the vacinne. However, most countries do seem to feel that prior infection should be added to the vaccine passport. I think Green Bays QB is benefiting from this ?

Tnuoc Alucard

Sep 23, 2015
The convoy of sissy truckers too afraid to get a needle is coming to Antrim truck stop on Friday.

All the reports from Doctors and the CDC i have heard is that prior infection does not give as much immunity as the vacinne. However, most countries do seem to feel that prior infection should be added to the vaccine passport. I think Green Bays QB is benefiting from this ?

you’re correct, the CDC does NOT say …”prior infection does not give as much protection as the vaccine “….. they say it gives SUPERIOR protection.

Sad part is, the CDC is late to party when it comes to natural immunity….. this has been widely known for over a year now…. Perhaps your sources of information are not covering this very well

CDC Study: Natural Immunity Provides Significantly More Protection Against COVID Than Vaccination Only

COVID-19 Cases and Hospitalizations by COVID-19 ...
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Veni Vidi Toga
Jul 29, 2003
Well that first link you provided is obvious fake news from a disreputable site. The 2nd link, actually to the CDC site, says the exact opposite of what you said

Although the epidemiology of COVID-19 might change with the emergence of new variants, vaccination remains the safest strategy to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infections and associated complications; all eligible persons should be up to date with COVID-19 vaccination. Additional recommendations for vaccine doses might be warranted in the future as the virus and immunity levels change


Whippet Whisperer
Jun 21, 2008
you’re correct, the CDC does NOT say …”prior infection does not give as much protection as the vaccine “….. they say it gives SUPERIOR protection.

Sad part is, the CDC is late to party when it comes to natural immunity….. this has been widely known for over a year now…. Perhaps your sources of information are not covering this very well

CDC Study: Natural Immunity Provides Significantly More Protection Against COVID Than Vaccination Only

COVID-19 Cases and Hospitalizations by COVID-19 ...

If you read one of the articles you posted, the natural immunity mentioned was for a specific microcosm in time (you know, the whole changing situation thing) where second doses were at a lower efficacy and delta was still the variant du jour.

However, every one of the doctors quoted all said that immunization via vaccine is the most reliable and safe method, since you know... Rolling the dice with intentionally acquiring covid is a terrible idea, and unless you clog up the system to get tested while symptomatic how do you know that you had covid?

However, what does this have to do with local news?


Global Matador
Mar 28, 2013
Hazeldean Road
We are getting close to locking this down.

If you want to talk theories and global concerns, as well as how you feel about masks, needles and other general items, head over to the COVID forums.

Last warning


Registered User
Oct 15, 2018
We are getting close to locking this down.

If you want to talk theories and global concerns, as well as how you feel about masks, needles and other general items, head over to the COVID forums.

Last warning
Do it


DJ Dorion
Jun 29, 2008
Montreal, Canada
Can we laugh a little bit? It's not "local" but it's actually local everywhere

I was going through this quickly and noticed a "Myth" that we all heard about before

COVID-19 Vaccine Facts

MYTH: COVID-19 vaccines contain microchips.
FACT: COVID-19 vaccines do not contain microchips. Vaccines are developed to fight against disease and are not administered to track your movement.

I mean... the people who actually had to write this... how can you even do it? You die of laughter before you can even submit :laugh:

It's actually mesmerizing that there's people who actually truly believed this (I know at least one). Nobody cares what type of poo you had in your toilet this morning lol. The government and the giant companies already know what they have to know about you, they don't need to "track you". You're the one using credit cards, loans, free healthcare, social networks, GPS phones, etc. If you want full privacy, build your own cabin in the woods without any technology and shut the f*** up.


Registered User
Sep 18, 2009
I'm triple vaxxed, have followed all the rules to a tee...and we are nowhere better are we?

They say trust the scientists. Fine. But have you seen so many effed up epidimiologists, infectious disease "celebrities" on social media now that only serve themselves and getting followers and likes? These previously obscure silent heroes have turned into vain pieces of shit? Ryan Imgrund, David Fisman, Colin Furness, etc...just to name a few. People that would have us try and achieve a world with CovidZero, a world with no risk to anything.

So who do you trust now? I know this much. 500 seats in an 18000 seat arena last night is not f***ing science. That is politics. That is wrong, and people's livelihoods are being played around with . Govts are randomly making decisions not based on science, but based on appeasing other affected sectors. Because we all know at any given time, Costco has 500 people in their time with a fraction of the space of the CTC.

This is why they protest. Sure, you are going to have anarchists and extremists at any large rally. But many people are fed up with restrictions that do not follow the science, and continue to trample our constitutional rights.

Countries are starting to see that Omicron is something that you cannot beat. It is time to live with it as best as possible, take some calculated risks and move on with life. there is literally no reason for the CTC to be empty, and with masks on, it should be half full.

We are all tired, but I have some sympathy for the protesters. I do not support illegal assembly, and that should have been dealth with in the parameters of the law. But they are just too many, and the city and police pooched this at the very beginning.

No one has been injured or killed. There has been no rioting or looting. Tremedous , crippling inconveiences coupled with an easy bylaw/police violation with noise. Easy. But there is an underbelly of threat of violence, and it will happen. Better they get the right numbers here and get them out safely. But this will go down and there will be a price to pay


Registered User
Sep 12, 2005
I'm triple vaxxed, have followed all the rules to a tee...and we are nowhere better are we?

They say trust the scientists. Fine. But have you seen so many effed up epidimiologists, infectious disease "celebrities" on social media now that only serve themselves and getting followers and likes? These previously obscure silent heroes have turned into vain pieces of shit? Ryan Imgrund, David Fisman, Colin Furness, etc...just to name a few. People that would have us try and achieve a world with CovidZero, a world with no risk to anything.

So who do you trust now? I know this much. 500 seats in an 18000 seat arena last night is not f***ing science. That is politics. That is wrong, and people's livelihoods are being played around with . Govts are randomly making decisions not based on science, but based on appeasing other affected sectors. Because we all know at any given time, Costco has 500 people in their time with a fraction of the space of the CTC.

This is why they protest. Sure, you are going to have anarchists and extremists at any large rally. But many people are fed up with restrictions that do not follow the science, and continue to trample our constitutional rights.

Countries are starting to see that Omicron is something that you cannot beat. It is time to live with it as best as possible, take some calculated risks and move on with life. there is literally no reason for the CTC to be empty, and with masks on, it should be half full.

We are all tired, but I have some sympathy for the protesters. I do not support illegal assembly, and that should have been dealth with in the parameters of the law. But they are just too many, and the city and police pooched this at the very beginning.

No one has been injured or killed. There has been no rioting or looting. Tremedous , crippling inconveiences coupled with an easy bylaw/police violation with noise. Easy. But there is an underbelly of threat of violence, and it will happen. Better they get the right numbers here and get them out safely. But this will go down and there will be a price to pay

200000+ jobs lost in January
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Registered User
May 1, 2017
I'm triple vaxxed, have followed all the rules to a tee...and we are nowhere better are we?

They say trust the scientists. Fine. But have you seen so many effed up epidimiologists, infectious disease "celebrities" on social media now that only serve themselves and getting followers and likes? These previously obscure silent heroes have turned into vain pieces of shit? Ryan Imgrund, David Fisman, Colin Furness, etc...just to name a few. People that would have us try and achieve a world with CovidZero, a world with no risk to anything.

So who do you trust now? I know this much. 500 seats in an 18000 seat arena last night is not f***ing science. That is politics. That is wrong, and people's livelihoods are being played around with . Govts are randomly making decisions not based on science, but based on appeasing other affected sectors. Because we all know at any given time, Costco has 500 people in their time with a fraction of the space of the CTC.

This is why they protest. Sure, you are going to have anarchists and extremists at any large rally. But many people are fed up with restrictions that do not follow the science, and continue to trample our constitutional rights.

Countries are starting to see that Omicron is something that you cannot beat. It is time to live with it as best as possible, take some calculated risks and move on with life. there is literally no reason for the CTC to be empty, and with masks on, it should be half full.

We are all tired, but I have some sympathy for the protesters. I do not support illegal assembly, and that should have been dealth with in the parameters of the law. But they are just too many, and the city and police pooched this at the very beginning.

No one has been injured or killed. There has been no rioting or looting. Tremedous , crippling inconveiences coupled with an easy bylaw/police violation with noise. Easy. But there is an underbelly of threat of violence, and it will happen. Better they get the right numbers here and get them out safely. But this will go down and there will be a price to pay

Politicians from every side have always politicized thing to their own advantage. Nothing is new about this. Nobody wants to solve the situation in Ottawa because your right that it could very well end up with violence and nobody wants to own that. not Trudeau, Watson, Ford, anyone.

On the other hand, it's too easy to say "why only 500 at the game vs 1000 at costco", or whatever. The problem is that there are millions of different situations in Ottawa alone, all of which you could make a valid "common sense" argument for a better solution that is tailored to each specific circumstance based on all the science.

The strategy could be customized limitlessly. But at some point the time, effort, tax dollars, etc to do this makes the solution as a whole ineffective. ie: by the time you figure out the perfect policy the landscape has changed and you have to start over, or hopefully the cases are down and we don't need restrictions.

No doubt some is political crapiness. But IMO the real reason is simple practicality. Broad mandates work because they are easy to implement/manage and they effectively target the most vulnerable because they target everyone. Make them fair and maybe they cannot be implemented as quickly, or effectively, and this causes ICU surges, and then you have to implement even more restrictions. Do you really think Ottawa City council is up for this? The Ford government?

Given that Canada is opening up at pretty much the same rate as other countries, when they were at this point in their omicron wave, I don't see how Canada is being any more/less political than anywhere else. Certainly not enough to warrant occupation of the capital IMO.
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DJ Dorion
Jun 29, 2008
Montreal, Canada
Just Google Herman Cain award for more.

Damnit, this is so infuriating.

I have learned yesterday that the mother of a friend, a 69 y/o lady, tested positive. She is recovering from a knee replacement operation so she has been staying home since November. It's her anti-vaxx daughter that brought it to her. She is diabetic, she had 3 cancers, also a glaucoma and a stroke recently. She's the type of person at risk. And the thing is she was heavily influenced by her daughter but also by the parents of another friend who are also anti-vaxx. It took 2 different doctors to tell her that she would probably die from covid if she got it before she finally went to get the vaccine.

If she didn't, she wouldn't stand a chance.

People need to wake the f*** up. The vaccine has proven to not be dangerous but actually improve your chance of survival a lot. If you still doubt, just ask your doctor.

But at the same time, what can we really do? If someone wants to drive fast on a motorcycle without a helmet, or drive a car without using the seatbelt, it's a... choice? Or like these people doing these dangerous selfies? I guess not everyone value their life much so hard to expect them to value your life too.
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What A Wonderful Day
Nov 25, 2020
Shot #4.

My Partner got a letter for her 4th shot yesterday. Cancer survivor. If you are above 70, your notice will come in a week or so. I am guessing they are going through a round of shots at seniors homes, etc. now.

4 shots in 14 months...Polio was 4 shots in 18 months..so maybe the same. Who knows? Israel found it did not protect against Omicron. The real benefit may be a boost to your immune system to survive hardship or death.

Deaths have risen slightly in the last few weeks.. Shot #3 began being administered in October. The 4 month wane time is: Drum role please; February.

Protect the 70 and up folks, they may be going into another wave (Death) in Mid February and outwards. The death may have gone from ~ 0.7% to ~ 1.15%. All of that assumes that my approximation of asymptomatic spread is accurate. But even that is unimportant. The relative change is!

from 0.7 to 1.15 is a 65% increase. The vaccine may be waning!!! Let's hope that early data was distorted by a lower asymptomatic spread and later data has a higher asymptomatic. That would mean; no issue. But the call for shot #4 at 4 months !!!! pretty much per script.

Most of us got shot #3 in January. Our 4 months is April/May. Last year a wave hit us hard in that time frame. We need to be careful.
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#GirlBoss #Vibes
Jan 12, 2008
Shot #4.

My Partner got a letter for her 4th shot yesterday. Cancer survivor. If you are above 70, your notice will come in a week or so. I am guessing they are going through a round of shots at seniors homes, etc. now.

4 shots in 14 months...Polio was 4 shots in 18 months..so maybe the same. Who knows? Israel found it did not protect against Omicron. The real benefit may be a boost to your immune system to survive hardship or death.

Deaths have risen slightly in the last few weeks.. Shot #3 began being administered in October. The 4 month wane time is: Drum role please; February.

Protect the 70 and up folks, they may be going into another wave (Death) in Mid February and outwards. The death may have gone from ~ 0.7% to ~ 1.15%. All of that assumes that my approximation of asymptomatic spread is accurate. But even that is unimportant. The relative change is!

from 0.7 to 1.15 is a 65% increase. The vaccine may be waning!!! Let's hope that early data was distorted by a lower asymptomatic spread and later data has a higher asymptomatic. That would mean; no issue. But the call for shot #4 at 4 months !!!! pretty much per script.

Most of us got shot #3 in January. Our 4 months is April/May. Last year a wave hit us hard in that time frame. We need to be careful.
You are free to go ahead and get a shot every 4 months for the rest of your life but you shouldn't expect everyone else to
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Ralph Malfredsson

PhD in indiscreet street haggling
Jun 3, 2008
I'm triple vaxxed, have followed all the rules to a tee...and we are nowhere better are we?

They say trust the scientists. Fine. But have you seen so many effed up epidimiologists, infectious disease "celebrities" on social media now that only serve themselves and getting followers and likes? These previously obscure silent heroes have turned into vain pieces of shit? Ryan Imgrund, David Fisman, Colin Furness, etc...just to name a few. People that would have us try and achieve a world with CovidZero, a world with no risk to anything.

I agree - the celebrity doctor COVID crowd attracted a bunch of physicians who wouldn't have had fame regardless. I've known quite a few of them for > 10 years. Surprised, sometimes pleasantly so, that some of them ended being the faces of the pandemic in Canada.


Registered User
May 1, 2017
You are free to go ahead and get a shot every 4 months for the rest of your life but you shouldn't expect everyone else to

That's fair.

The counter statement might be...you are free to believe that vaccines, vax passports, and mandates that target the unvaccinated are not the only viable solution to keep ICUs under capacity during surges in the future, but you shouldn't expect everyone else to.


Registered User
Jan 22, 2013
Amazing how the pandemic unveiled a mass of public policy experts and infectious disease specialists. All this time we thought we had a finite amount of both groups and it turns out all we needed to do was open the possibility for people to pretend their opinion f***ing mattered and voila, experts on demand.

I'd laugh if this shit wasn't so goddamn serious. To the people in this thread pretending they have the faintest clue what they're talking about, leave the expertise to the people who get paid to be experts. You can rest on your laurels knowing the situation is in capable hands and your thoughts on the subject are not really required.
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Jan 6, 2010
"The more things change the more they stay the same." - lmao. Be careful when "choosing" sides in this war. Learn to see the forest for the trees. Open your eye to the bigger picture.


Registered User
Jan 31, 2006
Amazing how the pandemic unveiled a mass of public policy experts and infectious disease specialists. All this time we thought we had a finite amount of both groups and it turns out all we needed to do was open the possibility for people to pretend their opinion f***ing mattered and voila, experts on demand.

I'd laugh if this shit wasn't so goddamn serious. To the people in this thread pretending they have the faintest clue what they're talking about, leave the expertise to the people who get paid to be experts. You can rest on your laurels knowing the situation is in capable hands and your thoughts on the subject are not really required.

Can we apply this to the hockey team?
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