Rumor: Isles Making Serious Runs At Pacioretty?

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Isles Fan

Registered User
Sep 12, 2006
So let's review shall we......Snow goes on and on about building from within and how good the prospects are and THEN offers his blue chip offensive guy and highly rated d man for Kessel who is approaching the other side of his career and a goalie who is not much better than what they have?

This makes zero sense on so many levels.

Oh yeah....if your going to post rumors please at least include a link.


Registered User
Jan 3, 2010
So let's review shall we......Snow goes on and on about building from within and how good the prospects are and THEN offers his blue chip offensive guy and highly rated d man for Kessel who is approaching the other side of his career and a goalie who is not much better than what they have?

This makes zero sense on so many levels.

Oh yeah....if your going to post rumors please at least include a link.

Kessel is 26 for crying out loud!

Reimer's Save% is .924 over the past two seasons . . . which goalie of ours does that not substantially improve on? He has faced 1671 shots on goal in 51 games the last two seasons, nearly 33 per game.

Nabakov? 1684 shots in 60 games, about 28 per game. Save% last two years? .907.

1684 x .017 = 29 less goals given up over 60 games. In today's NHL that would mean probably AT LEAST 15 more wins.

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Registered User
Oct 23, 2010
I'd be down, we need a move to shake up our core

Just curious, what core are you speaking of? The existing core that has played like crap this year or the core of the future that has proven nothing?

I tend to think the latter.
How does that break up our core?


Also when was the last time GARTH "BROOKS" SNOW ever spilled the beans about a potential trade with a team?
The other teams spew this stuff to hype up their own assets, period. They want a bidding war to drive up the price. Nothing to see here, time to move on.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2004
cant we get a defender? please?!

i'm all for getting reimer, but why do we need kessel? Our problem is not scoring goals, its stopping the puck from going in our own net. we need defenders with size and talent, not more scoring forwards. i like kessel but, cmon we need more like reinhart, not fewer. he could probably come in today and be an improvement.

I was a big advocate of sending Reinhart back to juniors, I thought we had enough talent on the back end to get by. I was 100% wrong. Once Visnovsky went down...we were exposed. I never thought Ness would ever play another game for us. What a disaster this has been. strome and reinhart for kessel would be exactly like trading bertuzzi and mccabe for Linden. unmitigated disaster for this franchise.


Registered User
Jan 3, 2010
5,835 strome and reinhart for kessel would be exactly like trading bertuzzi and mccabe for Linden. unmitigated disaster for this franchise.

It's fine to prefer a defenseman like so many others here, as do I. But if they are not available, they are not available. It's still about improving your total team.

And you are kidding yourself equating Kessel and Linden. Linden had already played 10 years and was having a bad year in Vancouver when he was traded to us. Bertuzzi was the prior Nino, a guy whose mind we screwed with as a youngster and who was not going to blossom in our organization. Kessel is just entering his prime and plays a far different game than Linden did.

And how do you justify leaving Reimer out of your post? Like he was a career backup?

Sorry but your credibility is hurt pretty badly if you call this Kessel for Strome and Reinhart.


Registered User
Aug 9, 2004
It's fine to prefer a defenseman like so many others here, as do I. But if they are not available, they are not available. It's still about improving your total team.

And you are kidding yourself equating Kessel and Linden. Linden had already played 10 years and was having a bad year in Vancouver when he was traded to us. Bertuzzi was the prior Nino, a guy whose mind we screwed with as a youngster and who was not going to blossom in our organization. Kessel is just entering his prime and plays a far different game than Linden did.

And how do you justify leaving Reimer out of your post? Like he was a career backup?

Sorry but your credibility is hurt pretty badly if you call this Kessel for Strome and Reinhart.

not in my eyes. doing this would be like trading your best pitching prospect for a power hitter when you cant pitch and your teams best players are already power hitters. this team has vanek and Jt, two premier goal scorers. adding kessel would be redundant and ineffective at getting our team to be better.

i'll say it again, trading strome and reinhart for kessel (AND REIMER) would be a disaster for this franchise. sure reimer is a modest improvement over our current crop of goalies, but in no way, ever, would i trade either strome or reinhart for him. To me, hes barely more than a throw-in in this deal. Last year his save% was .900 and this year its .924, the best of his NHL career. His career average is .917. So is he having a career year or reaching his potential? Hellova risk to take, especially when other teams are overflowing with similar goalies that can be had for much, much, much less than two top 40 prospects. for kessel, where does he play? who goes to the 2nd line? it has to be vanek, i guess...unless we're trading him for someone else we dont need, which would at best be a lateral move in that case, because moving okposo off that line would be a disaster as he does all the dirty work....and BTW, kessel has been a MINUS PLAYER his ENTIRE career, exactly what we DONT need.

So to sum up, you want to trade our two best prospects for a duplicate, minus player and a goalie having a career year....and i'm the one without credibility?

I recognize that there are no defenders available, which is why trading reinhart would be a.....disaster. he'll be close to the guy we need to trade for in a year or two, which leaves us right back where we started if we trade him. And dont fool yourself, kessel would cry like Muller AND Smyth if he were traded from the Loafs to long island.

Sorry, I dont get that trade AT ALL.


Registered User
Jan 3, 2010
Last year his save% was .900 and this year its .924, the best of his NHL career. His career average is .917. for kessel, where does he play? who goes to the 2nd line? it has to be vanek, i guess...unless we're trading him for someone else we dont need, which would at best be a lateral move in that case, because moving okposo off that line would be a disaster as he does all the dirty work....and BTW, kessel has been a MINUS PLAYER his ENTIRE career, exactly what we DONT need.

Reimer's .900 was in the 2011-12 season. BOTH last season and this he is .924, facing a LOT of shots because Toronto's defense isn't too hot either, albeit better than ours. That sounds like establishing yourself to me, not one career year.

As for where does Kessel play?

I could see something like this:

Nelson / JT / Kessel
Vanek / Nielsen / Okposo
Grabs / Bailey (could move back to center) / Clutter
MM / CC / Boulton

Or flip Nielsen with JT but I like the puck possession potential of pairing JT and Kessel. One other possible thought is to play Grabs with JT and Kessel with the responsibility for being the first man back. I think JT will be even more effective if he had more speed on his right wing to create more space for him on the rush. And Kessel can take some of the puckhandling duties off him. JT has yet to play with a winger he can trust to carry the puck more.

Okposo working the corner with Vanek in front works well too and should work even without JT. Meanwhile Frans can handle the first man back on this line.

And by playing Vanek and Kessel separately you can choose which line JT plays to try to get him away from the number d-pairing of the other team at times. Plus you get the bonus of Kessel playing the left circle on the PP opposite JT on the other side with Vanek in front. Very effective triangle formation to attack.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2013
Long Island
While I would generally like to see Pacioretty in an Isles Orange and Blue, this is all bullspit pure and simple. The Habs aren't trading MP unless they are overwhelmed by an idiot on the other side. Grath Snow for all his faults is not mad mike. This other rumor with Kessel without a source is even more bullspit. Like the brilliant poster exclaimed: " nothing here, time to move on".


Registered User
May 16, 2006
Long Island NY
Sorry for taking so long, the last three days have been a whirlwind.

You can take the path of saying we didn't have a better deal to offer for some of them, but that's not what was being debated.

It isn't?! That's like saying, why don't homeless people just go to the grocery store.... there's plenty of food! Then when someone says, "uum.... they don't have money?", you step up and say "This isn't about money, this is about feeding the homeless!"

C'mon man... that is SUPER weak.

You asked if any defensemen got moved. Yes, more than the three you suggested were. It is fair to ask if the deals that happened could have been influenced by us because of our assets vs. the other team's assets that were eventually moved.

Here's a little pet project for you. Go back to our roster, and prospect depth chart in 08-09-10. Just look at it, that's all I want you to do, the rest should be self explanatory.

But if you do that, then that leaves open the idea that maybe our assets could have been a good match for someone else - deals that never went down because our management didn't view defense as a problem in the first place.

That's BS, and you know it. Management has been trying to add defensemen, and HAVE added defensemen, good defensemen over the past 5 years. Streit, Wiz, Sutton, Witt and Lubomir all say differently. Even Mark Parrish netted a young defenseman, and he was the only player we had to sell off at the time.

That said.... what unicorn were we going to trade for with a handful of magic beans? Richard Park? Andy Hilbert? Who in sams hell was available for those guys that was so great, and to top it off, they were available for those scrubs but no one else realized it when EVERYONE is trying to add defensemen?!

Or would you rather have traded one of the many good young players on the roster? Okposo, Bailey, MacDonald? Yeah... that's where the list ends. We're a rebuilding team, but lets trade away our young players for a defenseman that isn't available. Maybe it would be smarter to trade away one of our 1st rounders? I don't think there were many takers for Rett Rakhshani (a top 5 prospect for us those years).... but hey, maybe someone parts with a top 4 defenseman! Not?

We didn't have them when Snow decided to pass on drafting more or better defensemen earlier in the process.

I just blew this completely out of the water.... and you continue to use it as a crutch.

Taking all defensemen though... what are the odds? Did that ever happen before for another club? Dumb luck might expect it to have happened somewhere in the history of the NHL, but I can't recall a team with all of its picks ever doing that. That seemed like pure desperation.

When I explained this the first time, I thought you said you understood?

Reinhard, Pokka, Pelech. Those were the first three picks. I hope no one has a problem with those three?

Doyle Somerby was in HS at the time, he had a huge frame and projectable skills. He will be in the NCAA, so we don't have to worry about getting him signed for a few years.

Jake Bischoff was another HS player who is currently in the NCAA and a few years from having to be signed.

The other two picked? Ludoic and Graham? Project picks that we can afford to make because of our deep prospect pool. At least Graham is a PPG in the OHL currently.

Why make these types of picks? Because we had no more room to sign players due to the very good drafting the few years prior. So they take young defensemen that are either projects or headed the NCAA rout. I'm not sure what is so hard to grasp here.

I gave you three better choices than Ness, and do I need to list the good defensemen we could have had over Bailey like Karlson & Myers?

This old argument again. Stop thinking knowing what you know right now. Lets not pretend that everyone knew what Karlsson was going to become, let alone Bailey. I WOULD BET MY HOUSE, that had we picked Karlsson 9th overall, there would have been a chorus of people pissing and moaning that we should have taken Filatov, or if we wanted a defenseman, Schenn. I think we did alright there, considering. Bailey was second in OHL scoring only to the guy that got taken 1st overall if you recall. And the only other legitimate prospect we had at the time was Okposo.... so there was clearly a need at every position. Might I remind you (again) that we also took a ton of defensemen in this draft?

Even odds that maybe Jankowski would have crapped out on Tuebert or Schenn but it should have been looked at. I also wonder if we could have traded into the top tier of defensemen and gotten Bogosian or Pietrangelo.

Who were they going to trade? Okposo? THEY HAD NO ASSETS

Woa, hold on there. I've had this stance for three years Jester.

So you've over reacted, based on emotion for three years.

This is not panic due to this year's performance. This year's performance is a direct result of the neglect shown the defense by Garth, and perhaps because of Wang. Panic would suggest surprise. This year's falling apart did not surprise me at all. If Chapin was around he'd be able to tell you I said this was a problem over 18 months ago given the argument we had over it back then. This season is all the chickens on defense coming home to roost. And if Garth expected that Vis and his late career injury history was a thing of the past then what the hell have they been reading because it seemed like something just waiting to happen.

Defense is a big part of the problem, no doubt. But, if you analyze the situation, you will understand that

1. No legitimate FA was coming here. Period
2. The trades weren't there, and
3. The few that were, the player either had a NTC or we didn't have the assets to make it happen
4. The idea that we neglected the position during the draft is complete and utter fallacy.
5. The idea that Snow didn't add anyone is also, complete and utter fallacy (Streit, Wiz, Sutton, Witt, Vis)

That you didn't analyze the situation, makes me feel that you're looking at this emotionally.


Registered User
May 16, 2006
Long Island NY
No problem, but I did mention them above. Wiz and Vis were never on the team at the same time, so we only had two at any given point who had value. Give Snow credit for quickly moving on from Wiz too, but for too long we only had Streit. When they decided to move on from him sometime last season they should have gone full bore for a veteran with 3 or so years left in contract IMO.

Oh come on.

So they weren't on the team at the same time so they don't count? So, basically.... not only do you want Snow to get legitimate top 4 defensemen, but you want him to get multiple at the same time?


Registered User
Aug 21, 2005
Burnaby, BC, Canada
Even though Max is a good scorer, I think his cheap shot ways would get under others' skin. I still remember what Pacioretty did to Eaton from behind.


Registered User
Jun 6, 2003
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They did that when they Traded Moulson. How's that worked out so far???

Moulson our saviour... lol. give it up already.

how far did he take us last year? 3 points and -4 in 6 PO games. wow... we really miss him and his total work ethic.

again, as so many have pointed out, our ills are because of Nabby, Vis and Strait getting injured. with them, we were a borderline PO team. without them, we are... where we are now.

Moulson helped no one while he was here. he was/is a parasite, really. look past his goals, pleeease... i know goals make everyone go "oooooooohh", but the game is so much more than that.
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Registered User
May 16, 2006
Long Island NY
Moulson our saviour... lol. give it up already.

how far did he take us last year? 3 points and -4 in 6 PO games. wow... we really miss him and his total work ethic.

again, as so many have pointed out, our ills are because of Nabby, Vis and Strait getting injured. with them, we were a borderline PO team. without them, we are... where we are now.

Moulson helped no one while he was here. he was/is a parasite, really. look past his goals, pleeease... i know goals make everyone go "oooooooohh", but the game is so much more than that.

I think the people still complaining about that trade should look at what Moulson has done since....


Work Hahd Play Smaht
Oct 11, 2011
And how do you justify leaving Reimer out of your post? Like he was a career backup?

Sorry but your credibility is hurt pretty badly if you call this Kessel for Strome and Reinhart.

Dude, Reimer sucks. There's a reason why leafs management felt it was necessary to get Bernier in the summer.

I live in Toronto and follow the leafs pretty closely and can confidently say he's ****. Quit making it sound like he's better than Nabby, cause he isn't. Not even close.


Mackenzie is a hack!
Jan 23, 2011
Iksan, S. Korea
I think the people still complaining about that trade should look at what Moulson has done since....

They will just say "up until the last two games their production was the same!". They will always friggin find a way to bash the trade and I think I will stay away from HF boards if he isn't resigned...the fallout will be massive here.

Even worse we trade him for a 1st rounder and they argue, "We lost Moulson and a 2nd round pick for NOTHING" lol....When of course we know that is not the truth but i'm sure they will swing it that way.

Isles Fan

Registered User
Sep 12, 2006
Moulson our saviour... lol. give it up already.

how far did he take us last year? 3 points and -4 in 6 PO games. wow... we really miss him and his total work ethic.

again, as so many have pointed out, our ills are because of Nabby, Vis and Strait getting injured. with them, we were a borderline PO team. without them, we are... where we are now.

Moulson helped no one while he was here. he was/is a parasite, really. look past his goals, pleeease... i know goals make everyone go "oooooooohh", but the game is so much more than that.

Not sure where you are getting this savior stuff.

The OP said the core needs to be shaken up, I said it was when they made the trade. No one ever made mention of Moulson being a savior.

However, if you don't think Moulson was part of the core of this team, I question your knowledge of the sport.

Isles Fan

Registered User
Sep 12, 2006
I think the people still complaining about that trade should look at what Moulson has done since....

Let's take a look shall we?

Vanek as an Islander - 9G, 7A, 17PTS
Moulson as a Sabre - 6G, 9A, 15PTS

Looks like a wash to me.

To add some spice to it, one could make the argument that Moulson is faring much better than Vanek because Vanek has Tavares and Buffalo has no one even close to Tavares's level of talent.


Registered User
Jan 3, 2010
Dude, Reimer sucks. There's a reason why leafs management felt it was necessary to get Bernier in the summer.

I live in Toronto and follow the leafs pretty closely and can confidently say he's ****. Quit making it sound like he's better than Nabby, cause he isn't. Not even close.

Yeah, all goalies with .924 save percentages suck . . . :shakehead


Registered User
Jan 3, 2010
.924 save percentage in just 18 games. Keep it in perspective.

Look at last season too. The .924 carries for BOTH this season and last (51 games total). While facing 33 shots per game. Nabakov the last two seasons? .907 facing 28 shots per game.

That's also perspective.

And fact . . .


Registered User
Aug 9, 2004
Let's take a look shall we?

Vanek as an Islander - 9G, 7A, 17PTS
Moulson as a Sabre - 6G, 9A, 15PTS

Looks like a wash to me.

To add some spice to it, one could make the argument that Moulson is faring much better than Vanek because Vanek has Tavares and Buffalo has no one even close to Tavares's level of talent.

would you mind posting the number of games played along with those stats?


Registered User
Aug 9, 2004
Look at last season too. The .924 carries for BOTH this season and last (51 games total). While facing 33 shots per game. Nabakov the last two seasons? .907 facing 28 shots per game.

That's also perspective.

And fact . . .

Not everythings is as black and white as you want to make it. If you didnt notice, there were teams playing in front of the goalie which have a small effect on the number of quality scoring chances in front of the goalie. Shots are not necessarily an indication of quality scoring chances, as we've seen on display over and over this year.

The argument was never whether Reimer was an NHL goalie, he's 12th in the NHL in save percentage, behind the guy TOR went out and got this summer to be the starter ahead of him. Thats an okay number, he's in the middle third of goaltenders. Bravo.

The question is whether to trade our two best prospects for a decent goaltender and yet another goalscoring winger who's always been a minus player and would be a completely redundant asset for this team. Given the state of goaltending around the NHL, there are several teams, carolina and LA come to mind immediately, that have 3 really good goalies. I am sure one of them could be had for much much much less than what you are proposing.

but yes, he does have a .924 save percentage which is higher than Nabbys. In no way does that justify your proposal. Sorry.
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