I got lost

Bee Sheriff

Bad Boy Postingâ„¢
Nov 9, 2013
Last night was a rollercoaster. My girl is in Anaheim at Disneyland so she texted me that I should go see her (we planned to be together there today but decided a day early wouldn't hurt) so I go and see her and have an amazing time, but my low tire pressure sensor came on very shortly before arriving. So in the back of my head the whole time I was like I hope my tires are fine.

Fast forward to the part where I'm leaving her hotel at midnight, my phone is dead and I don't have a charging cord in my car but I figure I know which city (San Diego bound) to head on the freeway. So I drive around and see the freeway entrance 5 south San Diego and get on and figure I will just go until I get to my freeway's merger.

Before leaving I stop at a sketchy gas station to just fill up all of my tires with some air (none were distinctly low feeling so I decided to just put a little bit of air in all of them). So I get there and see a guy wearing all red head to toe and driving a red car. Angels fan or blood? Either way I made sure to get out of there ASAP lol.

Anyways I end up driving the freeway for an extremely long time before deciding I had to have gone too far south and need to turn around. To my luck there was a border patrol checkpoint right on the north bound side of the highway when I turned around and they informed me that I actually need to just keep going south and get on this highway that leads to my freeway. So I go and the highway goes a very long time so I figure I will be safe and stop at a gas station and ask them for directions to my city just to make sure I don't go too far or something. The guy I talk to tells me exactly how to get on my freeway but when I get there I realize I don't know if I need to go north or south from the entrance. So I decide to just go south because I felt I might have been more northern than menifee. Anyways I stopped at another gas station and just bought a ****ing charging cord after going south for 20 minutes and realized I was going the wrong way so I went back north and got home with my phone GPS

TLDR; I went too far south on the wrong highway and arrived home after 3 hours for what should have been a 45 minute drive


Welcome to my house!
Feb 18, 2014
The rink ..too often
You left her hotel. That's where it all went wrong. Lady + hotel = stay over.

I went for a late night walk in Philadelphia once to find a convenience store and ended up in the wrong neighbourhood. That was scary. Had no idea of the geography, just how many blocks this way and that. I took the long, long way back to the hotel; lotta people in the shadows, pretty sure I was gonna get jumped if I went back the same way. Moral of that story is..room service, room service..room service.


DJ Crazy Times
Apr 7, 2008
Las Vegas
I don't miss California's freeways one bit. If I were to move back it would be by the beach in a house as close to everything ll ever need and seclude myself to that area of the state.

Siamese Dream

Registered User
Feb 5, 2011
United Britain of Great Kingdom


Registered User
Feb 16, 2009
"Fast forward to the part where I'm leaving her hotel at midnight"

Lirl didn't get any


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