OT: Hurricanes Lounge XLI: It's August

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Nov 3, 2007
Low country coast
LOL, I don't think you could have picked a worse example. Some obese, crazed 80 year old who was too dumb to not post overt threats to the President on Facbook and to not yell at the FBI when they came to talk to him is who you think the resistance would be?

I was thinking more along the lines the dudes who cut power to several hundred thousand in central NC this past winter and have still not been caught. Or the folks who heisted 60K pounds of ammonium nitrate from a train and have still not been caught.

Remember- we fought a 20 year war against ground-shitting illiterates without electricity who were armed with AKs and roadside bombs with our drones and F-15s and still lost. And when the Feds and the Drone pilots have families who live alongside the insurgents in the towns instead of being safely across an ocean- it changes the whole ballgame.
Dude most of them have never fired a shot in anger in their life. They have no idea that like 50% of even trained troopers lock up and never fire their weapon, or intentionally miss or whatever.
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Nov 3, 2007
Low country coast
Right. Standard authoritarian-minded thinking.

Most people who abet authoritarian regimes do so in the knowledge that said authoritarian regime won't bother *them*, while the authoritarian regime works hard to make sure to maintain that "normal" life for this bulwark of support.

This is why I don't buy your "I'm just a peaceful, liberty loving guy" rhetoric: you can't help but accompany that with vague threats of violence over things that piss you off.
Its not a vague threat. It's not rhetoric. Do you go jamming a broomhandle into a hornet ball somewhere on your back 40, that has never bothered you? People are done asking. And I'm done discussing it with people who smirk while thinking it's funny to provoke.

If people like me were actually a threat you'd know it. That line hasn't been crossed. I don't know where it is, and I'm not sure why people want to find out. I work with a guy who would ABSOLUTELY send feds to my door, and kill me and my family to confiscate my guns. He's told me that. What do you think my response was to him?

Like I said, I'm done discussing it with people who think it's a joke, or funny. It isn't.
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Blueline Bomber

AI Generated Minnesota Wild
Oct 31, 2007
Because the media waved the race flag, stood by it even though it was not a race issue and before things cooled down the president seemed to take sides in the matter despite it not being solved

How was that not a race issue? Zimmerman called the police because he was suspicious of Martin, he confronted Martin despite being told not to by the dispatcher, and then shot him in the ensuing scuffle. Why? Because Martin was a black man walking around the neighborhood at night.
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Registered User
Jan 5, 2021
How is it not a race issue?
Ok let me clarify

How was that not a race issue? Zimmerman called the police because he was suspicious of Martin, he confronted Martin despite being told not to by the dispatcher, and then shot him in the ensuing scuffle. Why? Because Martin was a black man walking around the neighborhood at night.
It wasnt a black on white race issue that it was presented to be.

How often to Hispanic on Black crimes get national coverage?
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Nov 3, 2007
Low country coast
How was that not a race issue? Zimmerman called the police because he was suspicious of Martin, he confronted Martin despite being told not to by the dispatcher, and then shot him in the ensuing scuffle. Why? Because Martin was a black man walking around the neighborhood at night.
Both had a history. Zimmerman was Hispanic, hes never been white. Ever.. Hispanic and black violence is way more common than white x black.
Martin and Zimmerman is a case of when asshholes collide. Police report said Martin had burglary tools and likely stolen goods in his backpack if I recall.

Zimmerman challenged him, got in over his head and capped him. Both were assholes and the media absolutely made it racial. I'd never heard of a white Hispanic until this.
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Finlandia WOAT

May 23, 2010
Ok let me clarify

It wasnt a black on white race issue that it was presented to be.

How often to Hispanic on Black crimes get national coverage?
But Obama didn't mention white people? He just empathized with Martin as a fellow African-American.

You've already acceded that your position is: Obama's comments, in and of themselves, were fine, it was "the media" that was the problem. So how is that an example of how Obama was divisive if we all agree the comments weren't actually divisive?

Blueline Bomber

AI Generated Minnesota Wild
Oct 31, 2007
Both had a history. Zimmerman was Hispanic, hes never been white. Ever.. Hispanic and black violence is way more common than white x black.
Martin and Zimmerman is a case of when asshholes collide. Police report said Martin had burglary tools and likely stolen goods in his backpack if I recall.

Zimmerman challenged him, got in over his head and capped him. Both were assholes and the media absolutely made it racial. I'd never heard of a white Hispanic until this.

You’re confused. There had been a string of burglaries in the neighborhood weeks prior, and Zimmerman called the police about a black man peering into windows on Feb 2nd. On Feb 7th, the police arrested a black man with a stolen laptop in his backpack that Martin identified as the man he saw peering into windows.

The shooting happened on Feb 26th. Martin was returning home from a convenience store, while Zimmerman was patrolling the neighborhood, apparently as a part of the neighborhood watch. He called the non-emergency number to report Martin at 7:09, claimed that Martin was running from him at 7:11, and apparently shot him sometime between 7:14-7:16.

Zimmerman was absolutely in the wrong in every instance of this situation. He was the aggressor throughout the entire situation, and his “self defense” claim should have fallen flat the minute it became clear that he pursued Martin to confront him.

Finlandia WOAT

May 23, 2010
Police report said Martin had burglary tools and likely stolen goods in his backpack if I recall.
That was a separate incident prior to when Zimmerman killed Martin where Martin was questioned over jewelry in his backpack. The "burglarly tools" was a screwdriver. Martin claimed the jewelery was from a friend (but declined to name the friend). The police let him go because the jewelry did not match any that was reported stolen.

Of course, even if that were true, it's not as if it matters.

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Registered User
Jan 5, 2021
But Obama didn't mention white people? He just empathized with Martin as a fellow African-American.

You've already acceded that your position is: Obama's comments, in and of themselves, were fine, it was "the media" that was the problem. So how is that an example of how Obama was divisive if we all agree the comments weren't actually divisive?
Because as POTUS everything he does is for the totality of the US, black, white or other. His comments were ill timed and shouldn't have been made when and how he did them. He acknowledged this by having to clarify them later
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Finlandia WOAT

May 23, 2010
Because as POTUS everything he does is for the totality of the US, black, white or other. His comments were ill timed and shouldn't have been made when and how he did them. He acknowledged this by having to clarify them later
How dare Obama, the first Black president, empathize with the black kid who was shot.

What a monster.


"Puck don't lie"
Jun 12, 2006
North Carolina
Here I had all of these erudite comments and remarks only to have others do my job for me.

I would reiterate one thing that has been said about the Constitution. It's a pretty amazing document that was both philosophical and forward thinking. But best of all, it comes with a reasonable mechanism for changing and/or updating it through the amendment process. All you need is 2/3 of the country to agree with you.

Why is this important?

When opposing political parties come into power, some of their first acts are to undo what the previous political party had done. Frankly, in some cases this creates a whipsaw type of governance. Mandating a 2/3 majority forces one to consider many more people than just those in their personal echo chamber.

You wanna change the gun laws, pass an amendment. You want to make abortion legal everywhere, pass an amendment. You want the Hurricanes to get a scoring winger....well shit, that's a f***ing impossibility and I've gone too far.

One last thing....ALL politics for the last 30 years have become a contact sport. The divisiveness continues to grow and until we figure out how to live and let live, relearn the art of compromise, and understand that the government cannot fix every problem, the divisiveness will continue unabated.


Feb 27, 2018


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Fantastic and Stochastic
Aug 31, 2017
Raleigh, NC
I mean, this is just never happening. Literally half the country wants citizens to have guns. Discussing even the possibility is just an exercise in fantasy violence roleplay.
I really wish you wouldn't characterize it as "fantasy roleplay". I have a nice life and have seen what a civil war looks like first hand, and it is plain awful for everyone involved and in the middle.

I said it was unlikely. I'm just going by the aspirational stuff I read everyday. My usual regimen is The Daily Beast, Alternet, Mother Jones, The Atlantic, The New Republic, Salon, Huffington Post, etc.

The op-eds I have read there make it clear the plan is for Gen-Z to sweep Dems into power, they will expand SCOTUS and invalidate 2A rulings, and even repeal the entire 2A. And they certainly always talk about banning "weapons of war", which I've already pointed out can't be banned unless you ban nearly everything.

And I just really don't think they are going to be magnanimous enough to allow the hundreds of millions of existing semiautomatic weapons already out there to be "grandfathered" in. Shootings will continue unabated, propelled by an emboldened black market. Then they'll need to take some measures to get a hold of all the weapons. And sure, it won't be the cops going door to door, but there are other pressures the state can deploy.

Fair enough.

Let's assume this is true.

The goal of sex ed in public schools is: to prepare horny teens so that if they do engage in sexual activities, they do it in a safe way that doesn't result in an STI or pregnancy or hospital trip, right? I think that's a fair statement of objective.

And this is in a context where everyone has a magic box in their pocket that can show them all the internet porn. All of it. At any time. A modern teenagers first sexual experience is highly likely to be through this magic box.

So on the one hand, we have a program whose goal is to get yutes through their teenage years without a trip to the ER, and on the other hand, a world where said yutes are going to be exposed to a wide variety of sexual acts via the magic box.

Conclusion: those sex acts need to be contextualized.

Tossing salad is a good example. It's common in videos (or so I've been told :naughty:), and if you don't wash beforehand, you might get a parasite. So for the love of God please, if you're going to do it, wash up first.

So that's not Obama being divisive, that's "the media"?

This isn't about sex ed that teens get. This is about what is shown in grade school

I'm sorry- I'm not going to have small children exposed to graphic descriptions of perverted sex acts, and to be told that its perfectly normal, just because some older kids have shitty parents who allow them to watch porn unabated on their "magic boxes". This really is the line in the sand this time.

But hey, at least you are getting closer to making an argument to defend it, rather than resorting to

Step 1: "What you are experiencing is not happening"

Finlandia WOAT

May 23, 2010
This isn't about sex ed that teens get. This is about what is shown in grade school

I'm sorry- I'm not going to have small children

Step 1: "What you are experiencing is not happening"

Your kid learned about tossing salad and fisting....in grade school?

Yeah, I'm not buying that. Sorry.

Edit: in any case, NC has an opt out policy for sex ed, so if you don't like it, opt your kid out.

This really is the line in the sand this time.

This coming from a supporter of the political project that leaps to defend easy access to guns every time a school is shot up is rich.
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Registered User
May 13, 2007
The demand certainly outstrips the supply.

Shoot - forgot to quote NotOpie.

“You want the Hurricanes to get a scoring winger....well shit, that's a f***ing impossibility and I've gone too far.”

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Just a soft breeze
Jan 15, 2021
A lot of pressure around the world. A lot of people convinced they are right with no chance of changing that opinion. Greed is at an all time high, empathy and compassion not so much. This pimple is going to pop at some point and civil war will be the least of our worries. It would however be the end of our country. No way our enemies miss that opportunity .


Registered User
Jan 5, 2021
That's pretty much where a whole hell of a lot of angst over him comes from.
While that is certainly true, not from me. Like I said I voted for him the first time. As far as his publicly stating empathy for Martins family. Yes how dare the f***ing POTUS. Put any individual above his duty as leader of the entire nation.

I'm not sure about you guys but I was taught at a young age that there are positions, like say teacher, boss/supervision and yes the POTUS that you don't have to like or respect the person but you have to respect the position, and so do the people filling those roles. No one forced Barack Obama to run for POTUS but he did and won the election. Having said that yes how dare he not consider the effects of his words on the entirety of the country and consider the situation at the time before saying his words.

Look he was a good President much better then the two idiots that have followed him. He made mistakes and his biggest one in my mind was squandering the opportunity he had which was unique to him to lower the racial tension in this country and bring us closer to being one. Instead he helped widen the gap and raise the tension.
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Fantastic and Stochastic
Aug 31, 2017
Raleigh, NC
Your kid learned about tossing salad and fisting....in grade school?

Yeah, I'm not buying that. Sorry.

Edit: in any case, NC has an opt out policy for sex ed, so if you don't like it, opt your kid out.

This coming from a supporter of the political project that leaps to defend easy access to guns every time a school is shot up is rich.
You're really just trying to get me to post the pictures of the "banned" books, aren't ya?
Do your own research. "Gender Queer", "This Book is Gay", "Let's Talk About it". And others.

My kid? No, as you point out NC has safeguards in place. I pulled my kid from the public schools because the racial crap sucked all the oxygen out of the room and the quality of education went to near zero during Covid.
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Fantastic and Stochastic
Aug 31, 2017
Raleigh, NC
Holy crap the GOP debate is lit. Christie being booed into submission. Vivek bodying him mercilessly. Desantis looking like a deer in headlights. Some rando wooden Indian from somewhere in Dakota spouting bland platitudes from the 1980s on the rare occasion he gets called on.
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Blueline Bomber

AI Generated Minnesota Wild
Oct 31, 2007
While that is certainly true, not from me. Like I said I voted for him the first time. As far as his publicly stating empathy for Martins family. Yes how dare the f***ing POTUS. Put any individual above his duty as leader of the entire nation.

I'm not sure about you guys but I was taught at a young age that there are positions, like say teacher, boss/supervision and yes the POTUS that you don't have to like or respect the person but you have to respect the position, and so do the people filling those roles. No one forced Barack Obama to run for POTUS but he did and won the election. Having said that yes how dare he not consider the effects of his words on the entirety of the country and consider the situation at the time before saying his words.

Look he was a good President much better then the two idiots that have followed him. He made mistakes and his biggest one in my mind was squandering the opportunity he had which was unique to him to lower the racial tension in this country and bring us closer to being one. Instead he helped widen the gap and raise the tension.

He helped widen the racial gap by empathizing with the victim of a shooting?
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