HF Boards Superstar v21 (EHM - xECKx Pivot Rosters)


Registered User
Dec 26, 2016
Hilarious Peek Inside the Mind of the Hockey Maestro

By DaBossN, HFBoards Special Correspondent

In an exclusive interview with the one and only Gord McKenzie, our hockey-loving hearts got a dose of laughter, honesty, and a dash of unfiltered charm. From choosing sides in team rivalries to aspirations of forming a desert dynasty, Gord didn't hold back in this candid conversation.

Question 1: The Seyde vs. Reynolds Saga

DaBossN: "Gord, we need to know – Seyde or Reynolds?"

Gord McKenzie: (with a sly grin) "I'm staying neutral on this one. In the immortal words of Dr. Ichiro Serizawa from the epic Godzilla: 'Let them fight.' I'm just here for the popcorn."

Question 2: From Vegas Highs to Montreal Mysteries

DaBossN: "How does it feel going from a cup-winning team to a team with early playoff exits?"

Gord McKenzie: (reflectively) "Vegas was like winning the jackpot – Calder Trophy, Stanley Cup, you name it. But, let's face it, I peaked too soon. Now in Montreal, we're like that brilliant student who aced all the exams but fumbles in the final project. We need to figure it out – and fast."

Question 3: The Universal Rivalry

DaBossN: "Any specific rivalries, Gord?"

Gord McKenzie: "I have a rivalry with everyone not wearing my team colors. Call it professional animosity or just the spirit of competition. But hey, it keeps things interesting."

Question 4: Dreaming of Arizona

DaBossN: "Top 3 teams you'd like to play for?"

Gord McKenzie: "I'm honed in on Arizona. The desert vibes, the potential for a big three with me, Hadeon, and Rubins – it's like forming a hockey oasis. Watch out, NHL!"

Question 5: Desert Dynasty Dream Team

DaBossN: "Top 3 people you want to play with?"

Gord McKenzie: "Hadeon and Rubins. We need to get to Arizona, all of us! Picture it – the three amigos conquering the desert ice. That's a movie I'd pay to watch."

In this whirlwind of hilarity and hockey dreams, Gord McKenzie left us wanting more. As the NHL saga continues, we'll be keeping our eyes on Gord's journey, popcorn in hand, ready for the next unpredictable chapter. Stay tuned for more laughs and puck-stopping moments with the one and only Gord McKenzie!
Last edited:


Registered User
Dec 26, 2016

Host: Good evening, hockey enthusiasts! We have a unique and star-studded panel tonight as they gather around the table for our "NHL Player Grading Extravaganza." On the panel, we have Phil R. Upp, Hugh G. Rection, Ben Dover, Justin Credible, and Phil McCracken. The big screen TV displays player stats, past awards, and some highlights. Let the grading begin!

Host: Our first player for evaluation is Matteo Baumgartner from the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Phil R. Upp: A solid defenseman with remarkable stats this season. I'll give him an A-.

Hugh G. Rection: A for sure! He's like a wall on the ice.

Ben Dover: (Grumbling) Come on, it's just the start. Let's see how he handles the pressure in the playoffs before handing out As.

Justin Credible: (Chuckles) He's like the superhero of defense, a real Captain America on the ice. Solid A.

Phil McCracken: I agree with A. Let's see if he can maintain this level.

Host: Next up, Thijs Bourgojne, the San Jose goalie.

Phil R. Upp: A- for me. Good saves, but there's room for improvement.

Hugh G. Rection: Thijs is a brick wall! A solid A.

Ben Dover: (Rolls eyes) Really, Hugh? A? He's good, but not that good. B+.

Justin Credible: I'd say B. His performance has been inconsistent.

Phil McCracken: I'm with B. Thijs has potential, but there's work to be done.

Host: Now, Aiden Chambers, the Penguins' center.

Phil R. Upp: A+ for Chambers. He's been outstanding this season.

Hugh G. Rection: Couldn't agree more, A+!

Ben Dover: (Sighs) Alright, fine. A.

Justin Credible: A+! Chambers is like Bugs Bunny on the ice—smart and always a step ahead.

Phil McCracken: I'll give him an A. Let's save the A+ for truly exceptional performances.

Host: Chili Davis from Vancouver.

Phil R. Upp: C+. His injury impacted his stats, and Vancouver struggled.

Hugh G. Rection: Injuries are part of the game. B-.

Ben Dover: (Smirking) Finally, some realism. C.

Justin Credible: (Grinning) Chili's injury was like Wile E. Coyote's traps—unexpected but dramatic. C+.

Phil McCracken: I'm leaning towards B-. Let's see how he bounces back.

Host: Biffy DuLimie from the Carolina Hurricanes.

Phil R. Upp: B for Biffy. He's been consistent but not outstanding.

Hugh G. Rection: (Laughs) Biffy, my man! A solid B.

Ben Dover: Oh, come on! B- at best.

Justin Credible: Biffy is like SpongeBob SquarePants on skates—always bringing the energy. B+.

Phil McCracken: B-. He's doing well, but there's room for growth.

Host: Christopher Haedon, the New Jersey defenseman.

Phil R. Upp: A-. Haedon's defensive plays are top-notch.

Hugh G. Rection: A for sure. He's like a fortress on skates.

Ben Dover: (Groaning) Can we be a bit more critical here? B+.

Justin Credible: Haedon is like Batman—silent but deadly. A-.

Phil McCracken: A-. His contributions to the team's defense are commendable.

Host: Grading the St. Louis winger, Griff Hardin.

Phil R. Upp: B+. Solid player but not a game-changer.

Hugh G. Rection: (Joking) Griff is the hero St. Louis deserves, but not the one it needs right now. A-.

Ben Dover: (Eye roll) B-.

Justin Credible: Griff is like The Flash—quick and effective. B+.

Phil McCracken: I'm with B+. Good, but let's reserve A for the exceptional.

Host: Bryce Maximus, the captain of Chicago.

Phil R. Upp: A. Exceptional leadership and scoring ability.

Hugh G. Rection: (Laughs) Bryce is the Captain America of hockey! A+.

Ben Dover: Oh, for heaven's sake! A-. Let's not get too carried away.

Justin Credible: (Smirking) Bryce is like Superman on skates. A+.

Phil McCracken: A. Bryce is the backbone of the team.

Host: Moving on to Montreal's center, Gord McKenzie.

Phil R. Upp: B. Good, but not standout.

Hugh G. Rection: (Joking) McKenzie's got moves like Jagger. B+.

Ben Dover: I'm getting a headache. B-.

Justin Credible: McKenzie is like Scooby-Doo—seems laid back but always gets the job done. B+.

Phil McCracken: B. Consistent, but there's room for improvement.

Host: Yan Nicewood, Montreal's defense.

Phil R. Upp: A-. A solid defensive force.

Hugh G. Rection: A for Nicewood. Solid as a rock.

Ben Dover: (Grumbling) B+.

Justin Credible: Nicewood is like the Hulk—strong and imposing. A-.

Phil McCracken: A-. He's a cornerstone in Montreal's defense.

Host: Ty Reynolds, the Penguins' captain.

Phil R. Upp: A. Exceptional leadership on and off the ice.

Hugh G. Rection: (Laughs) Reynolds is the Thor of hockey! A+.

Ben Dover: (Rolls eyes) Seriously? A-.

Justin Credible: Reynolds is like Iron Man—strategically brilliant. A.

Phil McCracken: A. Reynolds sets the standard for leadership.

Host: Sergei Rubins from Arizona.

Phil R. Upp: C+. Room for growth.

Hugh G. Rection: (Jokes) Rubins is like the invisible man on the ice. C.

Ben Dover: Finally, some realism. C-.

Justin Credible: Rubins is like Casper the Friendly Ghost—needs to be more visible. C+.

Phil McCracken: C. He's finding his footing.

Host: Nuka Seyde, L.A.'s captain.

Phil R. Upp: A. Seyde's offensive skills are exceptional.

Hugh G. Rection: (Joking) Seyde is the Captain Marvel of the NHL! A+.

Ben Dover: (Muttering) Here we go again. A-.

Justin Credible: Seyde is like Spider-Man—dynamic and unpredictable. A.

Phil McCracken: A. Seyde's impact on the team is undeniable.

Host: Sergei Zolotov, Chicago's defenseman.

Phil R. Upp: B. Good, but not exceptional.

Hugh G. Rection: Zolotov is like the Black Widow of defense. B+.

Ben Dover: (Sighs) B-.

Justin Credible: Zolotov is like Batman's sidekick—solid but not stealing the spotlight. B.

Phil McCracken: B. He contributes, but there's room for improvement.

Host: That concludes our player grading extravaganza! Thank you, panelists, for your insights, debates, and occasional humor. Until next time, hockey fans!


Registered User
May 2, 2015
Hilarious Peek Inside the Mind of the Hockey Maestro

By DaBossN, HFBoards Special Correspondent

In an exclusive interview with the one and only Gord McKenzie, our hockey-loving hearts got a dose of laughter, honesty, and a dash of unfiltered charm. From choosing sides in team rivalries to aspirations of forming a desert dynasty, Gord didn't hold back in this candid conversation.

Question 1: The Seyde vs. Reynolds Saga

DaBossN: "Gord, we need to know – Seyde or Reynolds?"

Gord McKenzie: (with a sly grin) "I'm staying neutral on this one. In the immortal words of Dr. Ichiro Serizawa from the epic Godzilla: 'Let them fight.' I'm just here for the popcorn."

Question 2: From Vegas Highs to Montreal Mysteries

DaBossN: "How does it feel going from a cup-winning team to a team with early playoff exits?"

Gord McKenzie: (reflectively) "Vegas was like winning the jackpot – Calder Trophy, Stanley Cup, you name it. But, let's face it, I peaked too soon. Now in Montreal, we're like that brilliant student who aced all the exams but fumbles in the final project. We need to figure it out – and fast."

Question 3: The Universal Rivalry

DaBossN: "Any specific rivalries, Gord?"

Gord McKenzie: "I have a rivalry with everyone not wearing my team colors. Call it professional animosity or just the spirit of competition. But hey, it keeps things interesting."

Question 4: Dreaming of Arizona

DaBossN: "Top 3 teams you'd like to play for?"

Gord McKenzie: "I'm honed in on Arizona. The desert vibes, the potential for a big three with me, Hadeon, and Rubins – it's like forming a hockey oasis. Watch out, NHL!"

Question 5: Desert Dynasty Dream Team

DaBossN: "Top 3 people you want to play with?"

Gord McKenzie: "Hadeon and Rubins. We need to get to Arizona, all of us! Picture it – the three amigos conquering the desert ice. That's a movie I'd pay to watch."

In this whirlwind of hilarity and hockey dreams, Gord McKenzie left us wanting more. As the NHL saga continues, we'll be keeping our eyes on Gord's journey, popcorn in hand, ready for the next unpredictable chapter. Stay tuned for more laughs and puck-stopping moments with the one and only Gord McKenzie!
You heard him @francis246


Registered User
Dec 26, 2016

Title: Gord's Grand Plan for the Ultimate Arizona Trio: A Fast Food Summit and Hesitant Teammates

In the world of hockey, camaraderie is key, but sometimes players have their own unique ideas on how to achieve success. In the desert city of Arizona, Gord McKenzie, the talented center for the Coyotes, has hatched a grand plan to create the ultimate trio with Sergei Rubins and Christopher Haedon. However, his teammates seem to be serving up a side of skepticism along with their hockey sticks.

The saga began when Gord, fueled by an insatiable appetite for success (and possibly fast food), decided to call a clandestine meeting at the local McDonald's. The ambiance of golden arches and the smell of fries wafting through the air set the stage for Gord's ambitious pitch.

The Trio That Dreams Are Made Of: Gord's Vision Unveiled

As Gord unwrapped his double cheeseburger, he unfolded his vision for the perfect trio on the ice. He spoke passionately about the chemistry he believed they could create—Rubins with his dynamic playmaking, Haedon with his rock-solid defense, and himself, the maestro orchestrating plays in the center.

"It's like a Big Mac, you know? Three layers of excellence coming together to create something beautiful," Gord declared with a mouthful of fries.

Team Hesitation: Players Not Lovin' It

However, convincing his teammates proved to be harder than convincing someone to try the McFlurry for the first time. Some players were outright skeptical, raising eyebrows and questioning the feasibility of Gord's fast-food-fueled dreams.

Sergei Rubins, the Arizona center known for his crafty plays, raised an eyebrow, "I'm all for success, but can we really plan our plays around a McDonald's menu?"

Christopher Haedon, the team's defensive stalwart, added, "I'm more of a salad guy. Can't we have a healthier strategy?"

The Fast Food Summit Fallout: The McFlurry of Emotions

After the McDonald's summit, the locker room resembled the aftermath of a food fight. Tempers were as hot as the fries, and debates over the practicality of Gord's trio idea reached a boiling point.

Gord, undeterred and possibly fueled by a surplus of McNuggets, defended his vision, "Think about it, guys! We'll be the talk of the league. The trio that defied convention!"

His teammates, however, were not entirely lovin' it. The clash of opinions turned the locker room into a McFlurry of emotions, with some players firmly against the idea and others suggesting a compromise, perhaps a post-game smoothie trio instead.

Conclusion: Gord's Grand Plan or Just a Fast Food Fantasy?

As the Arizona Coyotes navigate the twists and turns of the hockey season, Gord's grand plan for the ultimate trio remains a topic of debate. Will his fast-food-inspired vision become a reality, or will it be relegated to the land of hockey folklore alongside other quirky team traditions?

One thing is certain: Gord's appetite for success is matched only by his love for a well-stacked burger. Only time will tell if the trio becomes a winning recipe or if it turns out to be just a McFlurry of hockey dreams. Stay tuned, hockey fans, as the drama unfolds in the Arizona desert!


Title: A Coyote Conundrum: Chili Davis Craves Inclusion as Teammates Eye a Trade

As the whirlwind of Gord's grand plan settled over the Arizona Coyotes' locker room, another player entered the fray with an unexpected twist. Chili Davis, the enigmatic forward known for his on-ice flair and offbeat charm, approached the trio debacle with a surprising request.

Chili Davis's Unconventional Plea

While the echoes of the heated McDonald's meeting still lingered, Chili Davis, sauntering into the locker room with a bag of takeout tacos, casually threw his hat into the ring. "Hey, guys, heard you're cookin' up some trio drama. Mind if I swing by for a taste?"

The unexpected request left Gord, Sergei Rubins, and Christopher Haedon exchanging bemused glances. Chili, with his trademark grin, continued, "I'm like a spicy salsa; you never know what flavor I'll bring to the game. Let's make it a quartet, what do you say?"

Team Dynamics in Flux: A Trade in the Air?

While Chili Davis sought entry into Gord's trio vision, whispers of a different plan began circulating among some Arizona Coyotes players. The suggestion of trading away Gord McKenzie in exchange for a player who could bring more stability to the team gained momentum.

Sergei Rubins, known for his diplomatic playmaking, cautiously remarked, "Maybe it's time we consider a different kind of trio. One that doesn't involve fast food or, well, certain players."

Christopher Haedon, a voice of reason in the locker room, chimed in, "Stability and consistency should be our focus. If that means making tough decisions, so be it."

Gord's Response: A Mix of Determination and Humor

Amidst the swirling locker room dynamics, Gord McKenzie found himself at the center of the storm. Confronted with Chili's unexpected request and the murmurs of potential trade talks, Gord chose to address the situation with a mix of determination and humor.

"Look, guys, I get it. We all have our flavors, but that doesn't mean we can't create something amazing together. A quartet, a trio, or whatever you want to call it—let's focus on winning games, not trade rumors," Gord remarked with a wink.

Chili Davis's Entrance: A Spice of Unpredictability

Chili, undeterred by the locker room tension, remained ever the showman. "Gord, buddy, you know I bring the spice to the game. Let's make this a quartet that leaves everyone's taste buds tingling. What do you say?"

The locker room, caught between Chili's magnetic charisma and the prospect of trade discussions, resembled a scene from a hockey-themed sitcom. As the Arizona Coyotes navigate this spicy conundrum, one thing is clear: the drama off the ice is becoming as compelling as the action on it.

Stay tuned, hockey aficionados, as the Coyotes' locker room serves up more surprises in this season of unpredictable twists and turns!


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Dec 26, 2016

Title: Blues vs. Sharks Showdown: Johnston vs. Bourgojne Rivalry Boils Over in Bench Brawl

In a clash that turned from a typical game of sticks and pucks into a heated showdown, the rivalry between Ryan Johnston of the St. Louis Blues and Thijs Bourgojne, the San Jose Sharks' goaltender, reached a boiling point in their latest faceoff. What started as a competitive match ended with a bench-clearing brawl that left spectators and both teams stunned.

The On-Ice Feud: Johnston's Aggressive Tactics

The animosity between Johnston and Bourgojne had been simmering for several games, with each matchup adding fuel to the fire. In the final minutes of the most recent game between the Blues and the Sharks, Johnston took an unexpected turn, attempting a dangerous hit on Bourgojne in a blatant bid to injure the Sharks' goalie.

The unsportsmanlike play triggered an immediate response, leading to a chaotic scene on the ice. The referees struggled to contain the ensuing mayhem as players from both teams engaged in a full-blown bench brawl.

Post-Game Reactions: Johnston and Bourgojne Speak Out

In the aftermath of the bench-clearing chaos, Johnston and Bourgojne separately addressed the media to share their perspectives on the incident.

Ryan Johnston Interview:

Reporter: Ryan, your hit on Bourgojne was controversial. Can you explain your actions in the final moments of the game?

Johnston: Look, it's a physical game out there, and emotions run high. I felt like I needed to make a statement. We've had our history on the ice, and sometimes you've got to play hard to win.

Reporter: But targeting the opposing goalie?

Johnston: (Nods) It's a part of the game. I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to win.

Thijs Bourgojne Interview:

Reporter: Thijs, Johnston's hit on you sparked chaos on the ice. What are your thoughts on the incident?

Bourgojne: (Sighs) Hockey is a tough sport, and I expect physical play. But deliberately targeting a player, especially the goalie, goes against the spirit of the game. It's disappointing.

Reporter: Do you see this rivalry escalating further?

Bourgojne: Rivalries are part of sports, but they should be based on skill and competition, not intentional harm. We'll see how the league addresses this.

Consequences Looming: Two Possible Outcomes

The fiery clash between Johnston and Bourgojne has far-reaching implications for both players and their teams. Here are two potential consequences that could unfold:

  1. League Suspension: The NHL may intervene with suspensions for Johnston due to his dangerous hit, impacting both him and the St. Louis Blues. This could lead to fines and disciplinary measures against other players involved in the brawl.
  2. Escalation of Rivalry: The incident might intensify the rivalry between the Blues and the Sharks. Subsequent matchups could see heightened tensions, potentially affecting the sportsmanship and dynamics of future games.
As the league investigates the incident, hockey fans await the outcome, hoping for a resolution that prioritizes fair play and competitive spirit over on-ice animosity.


Post-Brawl Fallout: League Deliberations and Fan Reactions

The NHL, renowned for its commitment to fair play and player safety, is now faced with a delicate situation. The Player Safety Department is diligently reviewing footage of the incident, considering the potential consequences for Ryan Johnston's aggressive hit on Thijs Bourgojne.

League Statement: Implications for Johnston and the Blues

In a press release, the NHL has expressed deep concern over the unsportsmanlike conduct witnessed during the Blues vs. Sharks game. The league has confirmed that a thorough investigation is underway, and any disciplinary actions will be taken in accordance with the severity of the incident.

The St. Louis Blues organization, while acknowledging the intensity of the game, has distanced itself from Johnston's actions. Team officials emphasized their commitment to promoting a culture of competitive but fair play.

Fan Reactions: Divided Loyalties and Calls for Sportsmanship

As news of the incident spread like wildfire across social media platforms, hockey enthusiasts shared their diverse opinions. While some fans defended Johnston's aggressive play as part of the game's physical nature, others expressed disappointment, citing the need for greater sportsmanship.

Twitter threads erupted with hashtags like #FairPlayFirst and #RespectTheGame, showcasing the divided sentiments among fans. The incident has become a hot topic of debate in online forums, sports bars, and living rooms, as fans eagerly await the league's decision.

Two Potential Outcomes: Awaiting the League's Verdict

  1. Suspension for Johnston: If the NHL deems Johnston's hit as a deliberate attempt to injure, a suspension is likely. Such a disciplinary measure could sideline Johnston for a number of games, impacting the Blues' lineup and team dynamics.
  2. Increased Vigilance on Player Safety: The incident may prompt the league to reassess and reinforce measures for player safety. This could lead to stricter penalties for on-ice behavior that poses a threat to the well-being of players, with the aim of preserving the integrity of the game.
Conclusion: A Defining Moment for Sportsmanship

As the league's investigation unfolds, the Johnston vs. Bourgojne incident stands as a defining moment for the NHL. The decision made by the Player Safety Department will not only impact the immediate future of the St. Louis Blues but will also send a powerful message about the league's commitment to upholding sportsmanship and fair play.

Hockey enthusiasts will be keenly watching as the NHL navigates these murky waters, hoping for a resolution that reinforces the values of the sport and sets a precedent for the seasons to come. The story of Johnston and Bourgojne will undoubtedly go down as a chapter in the annals of the NHL, prompting reflections on the delicate balance between rivalry and respect in the high-stakes world of professional hockey


Registered User
Dec 26, 2016

1. "Rubins' Recruitment Magic: Speculations Swirl as Arizona Welcomes New Stars"

Rumors are buzzing within the hockey world that Sergei Rubins, the center for the Arizona Coyotes, has worked his persuasive magic off the ice. Reports suggest that Rubins played a pivotal role in convincing Gord McKenzie and Christopher Haedon to join the Coyotes. If true, this could mark a turning point for Arizona as they bolster their roster with seasoned talent.

2. "Hadeon's Debut Delight: 1 Goal, 30 Points — A Season to Remember in Arizona"

In his debut season with the Arizona Coyotes, defenseman Christopher Haedon didn't just make an entrance; he left an indelible mark. Scoring 1 goal and notching an impressive 30 points in 82 games, Haedon showcased his prowess on both ends of the ice. The Coyotes' blue line just got a whole lot more formidable.

3. "McKenzie's Marvel: 35 Goals, 68 Points — Arizona's Offensive Powerhouse"

Gord McKenzie's move to the Arizona Coyotes has proven to be a game-changer. The seasoned center, known for his goal-scoring ability, lit up the ice with an astounding 35 goals and 68 points in just 76 games. His impact has been pivotal in propelling the Coyotes into the postseason, making him a force to be reckoned with in the desert.

4. "Coyotes Soar: Arizona Claims 1st Place in Playoffs with Authority"

The Arizona Coyotes have defied expectations and surged to the top. With a dominating performance, they've claimed the coveted 1st place in the playoffs. The desert squad has become the team to beat, signaling a potential deep run in pursuit of the ultimate prize — the Stanley Cup.

5. "Seyde's Sensational Shift: Nuka Seyde Dons Senators Jersey with Excitement"

In a surprising move, Nuka Seyde bid farewell to the Los Angeles Kings and embraced a new chapter with the Ottawa Senators. The star forward is reportedly brimming with excitement about this fresh start. Sens fans are equally thrilled as they anticipate Seyde's impact on the team's offensive dynamics.

Whether it's recruitment rumors, debut season highlights, or team triumphs, the NHL landscape is pulsating with excitement as these storylines unfold on the frozen stage.


Registered User
Nov 13, 2014
Dang chambers was on his way to finally getting a rocket and then gets hurt. Atleast pitts finally is doing good


Registered User
Dec 26, 2016

Toronto's Star, Matteo Baumgartner, Frustrated by Cap Constraints After AHL Assignment

In a surprising turn of events, Toronto Maple Leafs' star defenseman, Matteo Baumgartner, has expressed his frustration regarding the team's salary cap situation. After a brief assignment to the AHL, Baumgartner found himself grappling with the complexities of Toronto's financial constraints. The defenseman, known for his stellar play and defensive prowess, is undoubtedly a cornerstone of the Leafs' defensive lineup. However, the intricacies of the salary cap system have left Baumgartner and fans alike perplexed. As Toronto navigates the delicate balance of managing its cap space, the frustration in the Leafs' camp is palpable, especially for a player of Baumgartner's caliber.

Pittsburgh Penguins' Aiden Chambers' Injury Throws Awards Contention into Disarray

Aiden Chambers, the dynamic center for the Pittsburgh Penguins, has found himself sidelined due to an unfortunate injury, casting a shadow over his potential awards contention this season. Chambers, known for his offensive prowess and playmaking abilities, was shaping up to be a strong candidate for individual honors. However, with the injury affecting his playing time and impact on the ice, the landscape of awards season has been altered. The Penguins will undoubtedly feel the absence of Chambers, both in their offensive strategy and in the individual accolades race.

Sergei Zolotov's Frustration in Chicago Sparks Trade Speculation

The Windy City is experiencing some turbulence as Sergei Zolotov, the forward for the Chicago Blackhawks, has openly expressed his frustration with the team's current situation. Reports suggest that Zolotov is actively seeking a move elsewhere, fueled by a desire for a change of scenery. The reasons behind Zolotov's discontent remain unclear, but his desire for a fresh start has ignited trade speculations. As Chicago faces the challenge of managing player satisfaction alongside on-ice performance, Zolotov's potential departure adds a layer of uncertainty to the team's dynamics.

In the ever-dynamic landscape of the NHL, where on-ice performances and off-ice considerations intertwine, these developments highlight the intricate nature of professional hockey. As the season progresses, the stories of frustrated stars, sidelined contenders, and players seeking new beginnings will continue to shape the narrative of the league.


Registered User
Dec 26, 2016

Panel debates the demotion; some say trade, some say "suck it up"
Host: Welcome back to our hockey panel, where we've got some heated discussions on the recent demotion of Toronto's star defenseman, Matteo Baumgartner, to the AHL. Let's dive right in. Ben Dover, you seem particularly fired up about this. What's your take?

Ben Dover: (leaning forward) Matteo Baumgartner is a Norris winner, for crying out loud! This is absurd. You don't demote a player of his caliber to the AHL. It's a slap in the face to not only Baumgartner but to the entire Leafs organization.

Hugh G. Rection: (rolls eyes) Oh, spare me, Ben. I've heard enough whining from Baumgartner and his fans. Just because you have a shiny trophy doesn't mean you're exempt from team decisions. If the Leafs made this move, there's probably a good reason for it.

Ben Dover: (leaning back) A good reason? You think demoting a Norris winner is a good reason? This is mismanagement at its finest. Baumgartner deserves to be on the big stage, not languishing in the minors.

Justin Credible: (smirking) I've got to agree with Ben on this one. You don't bench a guy who's proven himself as one of the top defensemen in the league. It's like parking a Ferrari in the garage and taking the bus.

Hugh G. Rection: (sarcastic laugh) Oh, come on! You guys act like Baumgartner is the only player who's ever been sent down. It happens. Teams make decisions based on what's best for them in the long run, not just what makes fans happy in the moment.

Ben Dover: (pointing) Long run? This is a Norris winner we're talking about! You don't think about the long run; you play your best players now, and that includes Baumgartner.

Host: (trying to mediate) Alright, let's steer this ship back on course. Ben, you're clearly not happy with the Leafs' decision. What do you think should happen?

Ben Dover: (leaning forward again) Simple. They should trade Baumgartner to a team that appreciates his talent. Toronto clearly doesn't.

Hugh G. Rection: (laughs) Trade him? You're overreacting, Ben. This is just a blip in the season. He'll be back, and he'll get over it.

Justin Credible: (nodding) I'm with Ben on this one. Toronto's loss could be another team's gain. It's time to explore options. Baumgartner deserves better.

Host: The debate rages on, and it's clear that emotions are running high on this panel. Justin, you're advocating for exploring options. What teams do you think could benefit from adding Baumgartner to their roster?

Justin Credible: (leaning forward) Plenty of teams, honestly. You've got clubs hungry for defensive power, like the Oilers or the Flyers. Imagine what Baumgartner could bring to their blue lines.

Hugh G. Rection: (shaking head) Oh, please. You guys act like Baumgartner is some savior. I think he needs a reality check. Maybe a stint in the AHL will humble him.

Ben Dover: (exasperated) Humble him? He's a Norris winner, not some rookie. This isn't about humbling; it's about respecting talent and making smart decisions for the team.

Host: The trade talk is escalating, but Hugh, what's your response to the idea that Baumgartner's time in the AHL could be a positive experience?

Hugh G. Rection: (smirking) Positive experience? Spare me the sentimental nonsense. This is professional sports, not a self-help seminar. If he's frustrated, that's on him. Players get benched, demoted—it's part of the game.

Justin Credible: (sarcastic) Ah, the tough love approach. Real inspiring, Hugh.

Host: Alright, let's dial it back a bit. Ben, what if the Leafs have a plan here? Could this be a strategic move rather than a punishment?

Ben Dover: (nodding) Look, I get it. Teams have strategies, plans, whatever you want to call it. But benching your star player, especially one with a Norris under his belt, sends the wrong message. It's a move that raises eyebrows, and not in a good way.

Host: As the trade winds continue to blow and opinions clash, one thing is certain: the Baumgartner saga has ignited a fierce debate among our panelists. Only time will reveal whether this demotion was a blip on the radar or a sign of more significant changes in Toronto's strategy. Stay tuned as the drama unfolds in the world of professional hockey.


Registered User
Nov 16, 2007
V21 Season 11 Update 11 (2033/34)USA IS THE HOCKEY WORLD SUPERPOWER ONCE AGAIN (Part 2)

Player News:
  • On June 30th, 2033 - The New Jersey Devils traded Christopher Hadeon to the Arizona Coyotes for Curt Owens, rights to Jiri Partanen, rights to Norm Sanford, Arizona's 1st in 2034 and Arizona's 2nd in 2035.

  • On June 30th, 2033 - The Montreal Canadiens traded Gord McKenzie to the Arizona Coyotes for Michael Misa, Arizona's 2nd round pick in 2034 and Columbus' 3rd round pick in 2034.

  • On November 30th, 2033 - The Los Angeles Kings traded Nuka Seyde to the Ottawa Senators for Joe Lindmark, Dylan Cozens and Ottawa's 1st round pick in 2034.

  • On February 10th, 2034 - Aiden Chambers suffered a fractured skull in game at the Olympics that sidelined him for 3 months.

Contract/Signings News:
  • On
2034 Olympics
The World's favourite best on best tournament!

Player Stats:
Olympics Stats.png

Olympics Stats Leaders.png

Olympics Results:
USA - Gold
Canada - Silver
Sweden - Bronze
Olympics Playoff Tree.png

Playoff Stats
Playoff Stats.png

NHL Playoff Tree
NHL Playoff Tree.png

2034 NHL Playoff Scoring & Goalie Leaders
NHL Playoff Scoring Leaders.png

NHL Playoff Goalie Leaders.png

2034 World Hockey Championship
The World Hockey Championships is a great opportunity for players to showcase their skills.

Player Stats:
World Championships Stats.png

World Championships Results:
USA - Gold
Canada - Silver
Sweden - Bronze
World Championships Playoff Tree.png

Player Notes & Awards:

*Heads up, if you get no news you may have came third in voting or even second but it's time consuming to write that all out! But if you really want to know lmk and I can include it in news. For Junior I'm not gonna put the player of the month or week awards, just major awards/trophies.

Player Notes & Awards:

*Heads up, if you get no news you may have came third in voting or even second but it's time consuming to write that all out! But if you really want to know lmk and I can include it in news. For Junior I'm not gonna put the player of the month or week awards, just major awards/trophies.

Matteo Baumgartner @MasterMatt25
- AHL Player of the Month for October
- Named to 2034 Olympic Games All-Star Team
- Set to test the free agent market as a UFA

Thijs Bourgojne @WeThreeKings
- 2033/34 NHL Vezina Trophy
- Named to 2033/34 NHL Second All-Star Team

Aiden Chambers @Dakinjor
- 1 NHL Player of the Week Award
- NHL Best Offensive Player of the Month for October
- 2034 Olympic Silver Medal

Chili Davis @506
- 2034 Olympic Gold Medal
- 2034 World Championships Gold Medal
- 2033/34 Vancouver Canucks Fans Player of the Year

Biffy DuLimie @GiGi1994
- Alternate Captain of the Carolina Hurricanes
- 2034 Olympic Silver Medal
- 2034 World Championships Silver Medal

Christopher Haedon @SpazPlayzz
- NHL Best Defensive Player of the Month for December and January
- 1 NHL Player of the Week Award
- 2034 Olympic Gold Medal
- 2034 NHL Stanley Cup Championship
- 2033/34 NHL Bill Masterton Memorial Trophy
- Named to 2033/34 NHL First All-Star Team

Griff Hardin @SpazPlayzz
- 2034 Olympic Gold Medal
- NHL Player of the Month for May
- NHL Best Offensive Player of the Month for May
- 2033/34 NHL Ted Linsday Award
- 2033/34 NHL Mark Messier Leadership Award
- 2033/34 NHL Hart Memorial Trophy
- Named to 2033/34 NHL First All-Star Team
- 2033/34 St. Louis Blues Fans Player of the Year

Ryan Johnston @Tallasar
- 2034 Olympic Silver Medal
- 3 NHL Player of the Week Awards
- NHL Best Offensive Player of the Month for March
- 2033/34 NHL Art Ross Trophy
- Named to 2033/34 NHL Second All-Star Team

Bryce Maximus
- Captain of the Chicago Blackhawks
- 1 NHL Player of the Week Award
- 2034 Olympic Bronze Medal
- 2034 World Championships Bronze Medal
- 2033/34 Chicago Blackhawks Fans Player of the Year

Gord McKenzie @OB5
- 2034 NHL Stanley Cup Championship

Yan Nicewood @Yan Boisjoly
- 2034 Olympics Silver Medal

Ty Reynolds @dayoldhate2
- Captain of the Pittsburgh Penguins
- NHL Best Defensive Player of the Month for October and November
- 2034 Olympic Silver Medal
- 2034 Olympic Games Best Defenseman
- Named to 2034 Olympic Games All-Star Team

Sergei Rubins @LT
- 2034 NHL Stanley Cup Championship
- 2033/34 NHL Conn Smythe Trophy
- 2033/34 Arizona Fans Player of the Year

Nuka Seyde @DaBossN
- 2034 Olympic Silver Medal
- 2034 World Championships Silver Medal

Sergei Zolotov @Makaveli
- No News


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