Injury Report: Chara: PCL in Left Knee Permanently Torn


Sep 22, 2005
Milford, NH
I wonder if this would at some point down the road give them an out in terms of the cap hit ala Pronger or Savard. He still gets his and the team gets out from under the cap hit.

What The Puck

Future GM
Feb 12, 2014

What we could get for the fake version of Chara…:handclap:

But at this point, for the good of the future of the Bruins, time to start making the hard decisions. I believe they should trade him.


May 1, 2011
I wonder if this would at some point down the road give them an out in terms of the cap hit ala Pronger or Savard. He still gets his and the team gets out from under the cap hit.

I highly doubt it. Pronger and Savard can't play hockey... One more hit to the head and they could be braindead for the rest of their lives.

Chara is planning to play for years past next year, and according to him it shouldn't have much of a bearing on his play. He'll obviously be slower but a lot of that goes for his age, too. Unless he's unable to play due to this condition you can't put him on LTIR. And that won't be the case, or else he would have "retired" like Savard/Pronger did back when he got hurt in the first place.


Registered User
Mar 18, 2012
Halifax, NS
If you're going to injure a knee ligament the PCL is the one to do it to, by far. Essentially they're there to keep your knee joint from going too far in any of the 4 directions. Being as it's so hard for the knee to hyperextend backwards to begin with, the PCL is by far the least severe injury. Obviously not ideal but it's something he can play through.

Also hilarious that when players come back people are so quick to say they're garbage and useless, completely forgetting that they're nowhere close to 100% and came back as soon as they could to help the team. These guys play through things that would keep us home from our desk jobs.


Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
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So how was Chiarelli supposed to know that Chara's knee gets destroyed 2 years later? Or what was to be his reason to trade a Norris candidate Dman.

I am also kind of surprised that not a single fan in this thread shows any appreciation for our long-time captain who brought this franchise to the top who plays half a season through an injury like this. Instead I only read how he should retire or should have been traded years ago. Perhaps I am a bit more sentimental type of fan, but I think a player like that deserves more appreciation and gratitude from the fans.

most people are too busy playing doctor in regard to the injury, what he should have done, what the bruins should have done, whether he will walk again etc etc.....


Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
Somerville, MA
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I like how when Chara was originally given this contract people loved it, and said he's such a fitness freak that he'll be fine until he's 40. Now people are complaining that he's 38, should've never been given that contract, and Chiarelli should've traded him 2 years ago when he was still great and showed no signs of significantly degrading.

Were people even complaining about him last year? It seems like a lot of people are Monday morning quarterbacking while sitting in Doc Brown's DeLorean.

Also, my 70 year old mom tore her PCL. She's deemed too old for surgery to repair it. She's did PT for a few months and now plays tennis with a brace... so, after one of you teaches her how to skate, maybe she is an option on D?


Registered User
Jun 24, 2007
Central, Ma
Yeah, I would have loved to see that "common sense" prevail and let Z walk right after he won the NORRIS TROPHY in his PRIME because of the possibility that he might break down in his late 30's. That would have gone over really well. Since a few of you think he deserved less years/money, do you remember WHO you would have replaced him with if he had walked?

The guy is a one of a kind mutant that has delivered in spades by being instrumental in bringing us a Stanley Cup Championship(almost two if Kelly and Daug**** scored). Now some of you babies are boo hooing because the party's over and you don't want to pay up near the end of his contract?

You're delusional if you think Chara was not going to get paid. It was totally worth it. Period.

look back and see that I said he should have been resigned at more money and less years, and moved out the fourth line players to offset the cost.
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Registered User
Oct 22, 2009
I'm as torn as his ligaments. I want to see him come back and contribute but I'd hate to see him limp along and not be an NHL caliber player that we are "stuck" with. I hope he can have a good healing summer and be maybe 75% next year and play a second pairing and maybe 15-20 minutes instead of 30 but only time will tell no two people heal exactly the same...


Registered User
Feb 27, 2002
Central, NY
I like how when Chara was originally given this contract people loved it, and said he's such a fitness freak that he'll be fine until he's 40. Now people are complaining that he's 38, should've never been given that contract, and Chiarelli should've traded him 2 years ago when he was still great and showed no signs of significantly degrading.

Were people even complaining about him last year? It seems like a lot of people are Monday morning quarterbacking while sitting in Doc Brown's DeLorean.

Also, my 70 year old mom tore her PCL. She's deemed too old for surgery to repair it. She's did PT for a few months and now plays tennis with a brace... so, after one of you teaches her how to skate, maybe she is an option on D?

Is she more of a PMD, or a stay at home physical player ?


Registered User
Jun 19, 2014
So much panic, so much gnashing of the teeth.

Chara has a torn ligament in his knee but this is Chara we're talking about. He's going to play 2nd and 3rd pairing quality for 1st pairing money. You KNEW this was coming with his age anyway.

He has the summer to rehab and maybe he can remain effective. Ligament tears don't mean the ligament is severed. Maybe a big brace will be good enough to support it and he can go back to having the longest reach in the NHL and being one of it's biggest players.

Saying you should have traded him, not signed for so long is a waste of breath. He won Norris trophies and anchored a stanley cup winning team. The team mortgaged the future based on the present need and there's a cup and a cup final in there. Not bad.

Now it's time to pay the mortgage but frankly, I think Chara will be back and better than the rest of those D anyway.


Registered User
Aug 12, 2004
People really need to understand the injury before jumping to all kinds of wild conclusions. Yeah I know, why let facts cloud a good argument.

Like the ACL, the PCL receives no blood flow which is critical to the regeneration process. Once it’s torn, it’s torn, it’s not healing on its own (ie permanently torn). As a veteran of major knee ligament damage (complete tear of the ACL and slight tear of the MCL) this is the first time I have heard the term “permanently†used, it’s usually “full†or “completeâ€, but it’s not inaccurate.

If they’re saying they are not going to repair it, I fully expect Chara to be wearing a brace of some sort (most likely a PCL stability brace). With the PCL gone the overall stability of the knee will be compromised. That means, he’s more susceptible to other injuries to that knee. I heard this from multiple orthopedic surgeons when dealing with my own injury. That shouldn’t be much of a hindrance, that’s what they are designed for.

The big question, will Chara be his normal self? That depends on Chara. He’s aging so I don’t expect him to look great, but I suspect he’ll look better than he did for most of this season.


Now accepting BitCoin
Oct 26, 2005
Nation's Capital
People really need to understand the injury before jumping to all kinds of wild conclusions. Yeah I know, why let facts cloud a good argument.

Like the ACL, the PCL receives no blood flow which is critical to the regeneration process. Once it’s torn, it’s torn, it’s not healing on its own (ie permanently torn). As a veteran of major knee ligament damage (complete tear of the ACL and slight tear of the MCL) this is the first time I have heard the term “permanently†used, it’s usually “full†or “completeâ€, but it’s not inaccurate.

If they’re saying they are not going to repair it, I fully expect Chara to be wearing a brace of some sort (most likely a PCL stability brace). With the PCL gone the overall stability of the knee will be compromised. That means, he’s more susceptible to other injuries to that knee. I heard this from multiple orthopedic surgeons when dealing with my own injury. That shouldn’t be much of a hindrance, that’s what they are designed for.

The big question, will Chara be his normal self? That depends on Chara. He’s aging so I don’t expect him to look great, but I suspect he’ll look better than he did for most of this season.

If one is playing the odds, making educated guesses, planning prudently, preparing for all losses and expecting no gains (all part of a GM's job) then I would think that one would have to conclude that there's much too much risk in relying on Chara to be the cornerstone of the team's defense going forward. Too many question marks.

We may be stuck with him, but if I were GM, I'd move him if at all possible, but not for inadequate return, of course. If we are stuck with him, I'm slotting him, realistically, as a 4-5 given his age and injury.

Bad Hat Harry

Michael Scarn
Sep 27, 2010
Boston, MA
How many people in this thread are doctors? Orthopedic surgeons? Have reviewed Chara's x-rays? MRIs? Examined his knee personally?

There's no denying he took a step back this year. But I'll hold off on declaring his career over or wishing we hadn't re-signed him until I hear bad news from someone who doesn't cite WebMD as a source


Now accepting BitCoin
Oct 26, 2005
Nation's Capital
How many people in this thread are doctors? Orthopedic surgeons? Have reviewed Chara's x-rays? MRIs? Examined his knee personally?

There's no denying he took a step back this year. But I'll hold off on declaring his career over or wishing we hadn't re-signed him until I hear bad news from someone who doesn't cite WebMD as a source

I'm a doctor, but not a physician.

Nonetheless, I'm just basing my opinions on nearly 50 years of watching NHL hockey and general observations about athletes nearing 40 years of age having undergone serious knee injuries.

His career is probably not over, but he took more than one step back this year. For most of the season, he was basically Hal Gill. It's possible that he may return to some form of his former self, but it's not likely that he's going to return to a real #1 or #2.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2006
I wonder if PRP injection has been offered. 6 week recovery.

David Ortiz had this for his achilles tear and my daughter will have it in May for a meniscus tear. Used in areas of limited blood flow.


Registered User
Jun 3, 2012
Thing is if we can add some quality defensemen and bump Chara and Seids down I think both have something left to offer.

If not its going to be ugly like 2015 version of Greg Campbell until those deals run out.

Im not a huge lover of the Krejci for a D man idea but if it gets a guy who can take the pressure off Z and Seids I might do it.


Registered User
Nov 14, 2005
Also, my 70 year old mom tore her PCL. She's deemed too old for surgery to repair it. She's did PT for a few months and now plays tennis with a brace... so, after one of you teaches her how to skate, maybe she is an option on D?

She'd prob play meaner than the entire D corp other than Darth Quaider


Registered User
Oct 6, 2008
I like how when Chara was originally given this contract people loved it, and said he's such a fitness freak that he'll be fine until he's 40. Now people are complaining that he's 38, should've never been given that contract, and Chiarelli should've traded him 2 years ago when he was still great and showed no signs of significantly degrading.

Were people even complaining about him last year? It seems like a lot of people are Monday morning quarterbacking while sitting in Doc Brown's DeLorean.

Also, my 70 year old mom tore her PCL. She's deemed too old for surgery to repair it. She's did PT for a few months and now plays tennis with a brace... so, after one of you teaches her how to skate, maybe she is an option on D?

Wait a second! You're telling me people have different opinions on a message board? :amazed:


HFBoards Sponsor
Sep 22, 2011
Wait a second! You're telling me people have different opinions on a message board? :amazed:

I thought he was implying that many people have very different opinions in hindsight than they expressed originally. And he is 100% correct.


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