Browns looking to upgrade stadium, Cleveland mayor says no to any public funding


Registered User
Sep 30, 2017
Browns Stadium opened in 1999 which, damn almost 25 years old.

Good for the mayor. I love sports but the older I get, the less patience I have for helping foot the bill for billionaires and their toys.
How many events does the stadium host a year typically aside from Browns games. With the colder weather more limited to like April to the start of the nfl season in sept. So have like 5 months to have other events.


Registered User
Sep 30, 2017

Lookiing for public to fund 1/2 of new stadium ($12b) or $1b for uogrades
$1 bill that will cover a lease extension until what another 30 years? $33 million per year without time value of money. Will a lease extension be even shorter?

Too little bang for the buck from a taxpayer POV.


Registered User
Apr 30, 2011
If the Red Sox and Cubs can make it work in 100 year old ball parks, you can play football in a 25 year old one. Glad they said no to public funding. Tax payers are already under enough burden. Make do with what you have.


Bad Photoshopper
Feb 15, 2015
Tell the Browns to get bent. Since they came back they have done nothing relevant besides being mockery to Cleveland. They can renovate their own stadium if they want to.

No Fun Shogun

May 1, 2011
Hope Cleveland holds the line and doesn't drop a public cent into this.

If the Red Sox and Cubs can make it work in 100 year old ball parks, you can play football in a 25 year old one. Glad they said no to public funding. Tax payers are already under enough burden. Make do with what you have.

To be fair, the Cubs and the Sox had less wiggle room, as everyone and their dog knew that a considerable portion of their franchise wealth came Wrigley (and Wrigleyville) and Fenway. Even if they had threatened to bolt to brand new suburban stadiums, the end result would've likely been a reduction in team value after losing their historic ballpark draws. Easy for public officials to call those bluffs.

As such, a threat by the Cubs and BoSox to move was easy to ignore. Same's not really the case for the Browns2.0.


shitposting twat
Apr 30, 2021
Tell the Browns to get bent. Since they came back they have done nothing relevant besides being mockery to Cleveland. They can renovate their own stadium if they want to.

You sign DeShaun Watsconsent to almost a quarter of a billion dollars in guaranteed money and then you ask for $1B from Rust Belt taxpayers? f*** right the hell off.


Registered User
Nov 22, 2011
If the Red Sox and Cubs can make it work in 100 year old ball parks, you can play football in a 25 year old one. Glad they said no to public funding. Tax payers are already under enough burden. Make do with what you have.
thing is that many suburbs and cities are still dumb enough to push taxpayer funded stadiums


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