AI won`t do jack shit

Jiminy Cricket

Mar 9, 2014
The question of whether AI will destroy the world is a complex and multifaceted one that has generated a great deal of discussion and debate in recent years. While some experts have warned of the potential dangers of advanced AI systems, others have emphasized the many benefits that these systems can provide.

At its core, the concern about AI destroying the world stems from the idea that as AI systems become more powerful and autonomous, they may become uncontrollable and act in ways that are harmful to humans. For example, some experts have raised concerns about the potential for AI systems to make decisions that are detrimental to human welfare or to cause widespread disruption or destruction.

While these risks are certainly real, it's important to recognize that there are also many steps that can be taken to mitigate them. For example, researchers and policymakers can work to develop AI systems that are transparent, explainable, and accountable, so that their decisions can be understood and scrutinized by humans. Additionally, regulations and ethical guidelines can be put in place to ensure that AI systems are used in ways that are safe, ethical, and beneficial.

It's also worth noting that many AI systems are already being used in a wide variety of applications, and in many cases, they are providing significant benefits to society. For example, AI-powered medical diagnosis systems are helping doctors to identify diseases more quickly and accurately, while self-driving cars have the potential to reduce accidents and fatalities on the roads. These applications demonstrate that AI can be a powerful tool for good when used responsibly.

In summary, while the question of whether AI will destroy the world is a valid one, it's important to approach the topic with a balanced perspective that takes into account both the risks and the potential benefits of AI. With careful planning, regulation, and oversight, it's possible to harness the power of AI to create a better and more prosperous future for all.
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Coach Nerd
Mar 7, 2009
Mike's Wheel Barrell
The question of whether AI will destroy the world is a complex and multifaceted one that has generated a great deal of discussion and debate in recent years. While some experts have warned of the potential dangers of advanced AI systems, others have emphasized the many benefits that these systems can provide.

At its core, the concern about AI destroying the world stems from the idea that as AI systems become more powerful and autonomous, they may become uncontrollable and act in ways that are harmful to humans. For example, some experts have raised concerns about the potential for AI systems to make decisions that are detrimental to human welfare or to cause widespread disruption or destruction.

While these risks are certainly real, it's important to recognize that there are also many steps that can be taken to mitigate them. For example, researchers and policymakers can work to develop AI systems that are transparent, explainable, and accountable, so that their decisions can be understood and scrutinized by humans. Additionally, regulations and ethical guidelines can be put in place to ensure that AI systems are used in ways that are safe, ethical, and beneficial.

It's also worth noting that many AI systems are already being used in a wide variety of applications, and in many cases, they are providing significant benefits to society. For example, AI-powered medical diagnosis systems are helping doctors to identify diseases more quickly and accurately, while self-driving cars have the potential to reduce accidents and fatalities on the roads. These applications demonstrate that AI can be a powerful tool for good when used responsibly.

In summary, while the question of whether AI will destroy the world is a valid one, it's important to approach the topic with a balanced perspective that takes into account both the risks and the potential benefits of AI. With careful planning, regulation, and oversight, it's possible to harness the power of AI to create a better and more prosperous future for all.
Looks like someone forgot to change accounts before posting this! :laugh:


May 9, 2013
Arvada, CO
So we went from Everything will be fine to Let`s see what happen`s in 18 to 24 Month`s. I guarantee in 6 month`s u will be pissing ur pant`s. These machine`s are taking over, There is nothing we can do about it. :yo:

lmao actually imagine being this afraid

we've written some ML extensions and i'm not worried about it ATM. much more concerned about the glaciers melting and wiping out all of Amsterdam.


Some people claim that there's a woman to blame...
Sep 14, 2017
Northern Hemisphere
The AI running the traffic lights on the way to work can't get them to sync properly after fifteen years. World domination is not on the horizon.

Just in case. I, for one, welcome our HAL 9000 AI overlords.

My Best-Carey

Jiminy Cricket

Mar 9, 2014
Nobody is tougher then Steve Wilkos in my opinion. So when they talk about the Robot`s taking over, I am literally Lmaoing my Ass off. Because they will have to get thru Steve Wilkos first. Good luck with that. He will throw them the hell off the stage. :yo:
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Jiminy Cricket

Mar 9, 2014
I am pulling my kid`s out of school, they can learn everything they need from the new Chat program. They were already using it to cheat on all there Essay`s, these boomer professor`s have no idea wat`s going on. So i am pulling my kid`s out of skewl, They will be home skewl`d from now on. & They may use Chat G.P.T. for all there assignment`s. I Guarantee they will grow up smarter than my buddy Lémon Fernandez`s kid`s who are still in the Traditional Schooling program. Those kid`s will be left behind. :clap:
Sep 19, 2008
just saw some startling information about AI REDACTED which does excite me until this state makes it illegal in like a month

how does AI REDACTED even work?


Registered User
Jan 13, 2006
The level AI currently has is harmless unless in « capable hands ». So nothing really new. We GM have had tools before.

But appearances can be deceiving, specially when one doesn’t have any comparables. The only thing this come close too is to comparing the current AI to what chess players have know as Fritz 5.1.
For those who don’t know… Fritz 5.1 was pretty lame chess player (on an internal level). However, in capable hands it was a formidable tool which could transform the fool’s preparation into GM (grand master) level. Not many people were able to understand how to use this tool, however.

Chess player were mosty honest though. So they didn’t mind explaining how they were able to come up with the ideas, once the game was one. This « edge » slowly evaporated because Fritz 5 eventually became 6 and then 7, etc.

So it only lasted 2 ish years untill Fritz 7. At that point, Fritz 7 could play against the very best and win most, so any edge because of « prompting » was over. Yes. The « prompting mania » existed in chess too.

Today, the best chess engine would beat Fritz 7 one hundred times out of a 100. Contrary to the « normal » world, the chess world has already been knocked out of its socks. The ChatGPTs of totay’s hasn’t done that… yet.

When it happens, and it will happen, there will be incredibly benefits. Curing Alzheimer’s by solving proteins, solving pollution, etc. But there will be some temporary adjustments that will be needed in what « normality » looks like and becomes.

It’s not all flowers and fresh air though.

Imagine having an evil person control this. Even that person having a level of AI equivalent to Fritz 7, which would mean having all the top minds in the palm of your hand, imagine one evil being controlling this power without sharing.

That is absolutely to be avoided. That is why AI is and has to be available to everyone. Specifically before it gets to that level. This is the time to make adjustments. This is the time to prepare.

It took 2 years for chess to reach that level. It won’t take that long for AI, much more input and MUCH more money.

At some point soon after Fritz 7, Rykba came and completely destroyed Fritz 7 2006ish). Today, the leading chess engine Stockfish would completely destroy Rykba, it would be child’s play.

We are at the beginning.

The world will change. AI will do things no one can. Maybe not tomorrow but the wave is coming soon. This needs to be shared otherwise the domination that comes from this won’t be humain.

In 5 years, AI will be everywhere and will do things no human team can.

But it’s fine and good. We will all benefit, as long as it is available to everyone.

So don’t be fooled, don’t be scared and put pressure on the officials by explaining things in order to keep it openly accessible for all.


Jiminy Cricket

Mar 9, 2014
Nobody was better then Bobby Fisherman at chess. So when they talk about these machine`s playing Chest, they never played against bobby Fisher. I believe he would win 9 game`s out of 9 against these machine`s, it would not even be close. They talk about how powerful the machine`s are now, it is a Joke. I Do not even consider them to be real game`s. They are still searching for Bobby Fischer.


Registered User
Oct 29, 2018
There are 9 countries with nuclear weapons. Many more want nuclear weapons. All we need is for one country to attach their nuclear weapons to A.I., and someone inevitably will, and we're doomed - one launch will cause a domino affect.

If man kind makes it to 2100, I'll be amazed.

Nobody was better then Bobby Fisherman at chess. So when they talk about these machine`s playing Chest, they never played against bobby Fisher. I believe he would win 9 game`s out of 9 against these machine`s, it would not even be close. They talk about how powerful the machine`s are now, it is a Joke. I Do not even consider them to be real game`s. They are still searching for Bobby Fischer.
Magnus Carlson is the best human player who ever lived and Stockfish is about 700 rating points above M.C.

FYI - 700 points is a LOT.


Registered User
Sep 21, 2005
Rofl all these nerd`s worry`d about a Robot dog opening a f***ing Door,,, Which it was f***ing program`d 2 do,,, AI won`t do shit. We`ve had AI for literally Million`s of year`s `n` it`s completely harmless. Wors`t case scenario, pull the f***ing Plug. :biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

If your worried About AI, your a Nerd.
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Registered User
Oct 29, 2018
Companies will hire robots because they are cheaper and don't have feelings or can't unionize like a human can.

The more companies that do this, the less humans that work.

This is not avoidable or debatable. This has been going on the last few years and only continues to grow. This hits the manufacturing, retail, and trucking industry the worst. Manufacturing is obvious, many layoffs because robots are taking factory work. See Amazon Fulfillment center. Retail, less people work because there's a computer at the end of the checkout line that you can just self-checkout. This happens at McDonald's too. That used to be someone's job to take your order. Now a robot does it. Trucking, AI trucks and self driving trucks are already on the road right now as we speak, and they don't need to sleep. The impact this will have on the American industry, especially in the Midwest, is catastrophic. These trucks don't stop for sleep or rest. Millions of truck stops and roadside businesses will go out of business.

This is not avoidable at all and will only get worse as Silicon Valley continues to think up new and innovative ways to replace human work with robotics.
Capitalism created A.I./Robotics and A.I./Robotics will destroy Capitalism - giving birth to the son that kills the father.

Socialism (I am NOT a fan) is inevitable - assuming A.I. doesn't destroy us in other ways first.

There needs to be some governance and international standards IMO.
The problem : One country will inevitably not follow the standards - and you only need one for things to go bad.
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Jiminy Cricket

Mar 9, 2014
Magnus Carlson is the best human player who ever lived and Stockfish is about 700 rating points above M.C.

FYI - 700 points is a LOT.
U can throw those stat`s out the window. I Actually watched the Game`s. & Nobody was better then Bobby Fisher. The way he moved those Piece`s around. U can build all the machine`s u want but Bobby Fisher knew the game of Chest. And i believe he could beat the robot`s even without an Queen if he really wanted to.
You’ll be pissed when AI is your replacement at work.
I Haven`t worked a day in my Live. I Am actually an Heirloom to the Hershey fortune, u may of heard of us. So the next time u are eating our chocolate, remember Not only are u getting Fatter,, But I Am getting Richer. & There is nothing u can do about it u little B*tch. :yo:


Registered User
Oct 29, 2018
U can throw those stat`s out the window. I Actually watched the Game`s. & Nobody was better then Bobby Fisher. The way he moved those Piece`s around. U can build all the machine`s u want but Bobby Fisher knew the game of Chest. And i believe he could beat the robot`s even without an Queen if he really wanted to.

I Haven`t worked a day in my Live. I Am actually an Heirloom to the Hershey fortune, u may of heard of us. So the next time u are eating our chocolate, remember Not only are u getting Fatter,, But I Am getting Richer. & There is nothing u can do about it u little B*tch. :yo:
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.


Registered User
Sep 21, 2005
U can throw those stat`s out the window. I Actually watched the Game`s. & Nobody was better then Bobby Fisher. The way he moved those Piece`s around. U can build all the machine`s u want but Bobby Fisher knew the game of Chest. And i believe he could beat the robot`s even without an Queen if he really wanted to.

I Haven`t worked a day in my Live. I Am actually an Heirloom to the Hershey fortune, u may of heard of us. So the next time u are eating our chocolate, remember Not only are u getting Fatter,, But I Am getting Richer. & There is nothing u can do about it u little B*tch. :yo:
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Registered User
Oct 29, 2018
A.I. is on the same path as gain of function research - which resulted in Covid. People warned scientists NOT to let the genie out of the bottle with G.O.F. research but they wouldn't listen. Millions died.

A.I. will be much worse.
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Jiminy Cricket

Mar 9, 2014
My buddy Toenail Terry just lost his job to A.I. I am laughing my Ass off. He was a graphical designer, they don`t need him anymore. I am stealing all the snack`s out of his kitchen to make his day a little bit worse. He will not be able to afford his new car payment now. :yo:
Sep 19, 2008


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