In Memoriam Ace - September 11 - lest we forget

Mike C

Registered User
Jan 24, 2022
Indian Trail, N.C.
I was at work and the woman next to me got a call from her mother saying there was a terrible accident and a plane had hit the tower. I logged into CNN just in time to see the second plane hit....and knew it was no accident.

It always seemed to happen elsewhere, and I guess I realized that day we were not safe from terrorism.

It will always be a sad day and one I will never forget.
For some reason I was getting ready for work and something inside told me to put on CNN. I swear man, I also saw that 2nd plane hit and I thought I was watching a movie. Took me a couple of minutes to realize what was happening.

Helps me realize the true essence of powerlessness and to keep it all in perspective!

I served in the Army for 30 years, including 9/11, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Please excuse me for not clicking likes on the other excellent posts here. I remain ever hopeful that there is a special place in hell for all of the 9/11 evildoers and that they meet the Marathon bombers there as well.
There is!


HFBoards Sponsor
Sep 21, 2005
Watertown, Massachusetts
I think for many of us Bay Staters, there are a massive number of 9/11 victims (like the Marathon bombing) only a degree or two of separation, which makes for a rather intensely emotional experience each anniversary. It's more a personal thing than most of the rest of the country, except DC, NY, PA, etc.

I was living in Winthrop at the time. The Atlantic ocean was literally right outside my door.

Two of the planes departed from Logan, as we all know.

Everyone has remarked on what a beautiful, cloudless blue sky it was in NYC that day. It was the same here.

I would often complain to myself about the frequent, irritating noise of plane traffic from Logan because of its proximity to Winthrop.

Not that day. Errily quite.

I had been aware of Bin Laden since the 1998 embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, as well as the 2000 attack on the USS Cole.

My brother Mike, who lives in Ohio, called me as I watched CNN.

"Do you think it was Hussein?"

"No. He has a return address."

I remember how shocking it was, of course -- I think a lot of Americans were walking around in shock during that time -- and how that day seemed to sever the thread of U.S. history. Everything that had come before -- Vietnam, Watergate, etc. -- suddenly felt starkly irrelevant.

More generally, think of all that has transpired since the turn of the century, from Bush v. Gore to the present. It's only been 22 years, but "we are through the looking glass now."

Garden of Remembrance, Boston Public Garden 9/11 Memorial

Time touches all more gently here

Here, where man has said, No:
trees and grass, and flowers will remain;
where the first-born sometimes sees
his father's father's eyes
reflected in the shallow pool
feels an ancient heart beat
in the palm of his hand
pressed against a willow;
and seeking comfort, seeking shade
lies beneath the golden leaf elm
watching swanboats glide in season.

Boston & Sea Poems
Lawrence Homer
Poet Laureate, Faneuil Hall



2010-2011 CHAMPS!!!
May 29, 2007
Glad I was part of a team of people that made the stranded passengers feel safe and at home. God Bless !!

Come From Away was one of the greatest Broadway shows I’ve ever seen. Coming from a NYer who used to work in the city pre-9/11, that is the greatest compliment I can pay anyone. Lot of shit goes through Broadway, that show was money.


HFBoards Sponsor
Jul 26, 2005
Norman, OK
Come From Away was one of the greatest Broadway shows I’ve ever seen. Coming from a NYer who used to work in the city pre-9/11, that is the greatest compliment I can pay anyone. Lot of shit goes through Broadway, that show was money.
The book it is based on, "The Day the World Came to Town" is fantastic. I highly recommend the audiobook.

I want to see Come From Away when it comes to Boston next August.

Guelph Bruin

Registered User
Mar 2, 2015
I remember vividly ... felt so surreal ... as a Canadian I can tell Americans in no uncertain terms that most of us would have gone to war with you to balance the ledger and to make the West safe. Still would 21 years later .. so mad so sad to this day. God Bless.


Queen in the North
Mar 30, 2010
It still feels surreal. It feels like just yesterday, but also so long ago. 21 years.. I can't believe it. I was 11 years old. It changed my entire world view. My friends and I always say that it was on that day we lost our innocence. Nothing was ever the same. It still gets me emotional and scared.

May everyone rest in enternal peace and paradise. May we learn to come together as a country again, hopefully. Love is the answer. God Bless.


HFBoards Sponsor
Sep 26, 2003
The Quiet Corner
For many of us there was life as we knew it before 9/11 and since then there is life as we know it after 9/11. For the younger generation they have never known anything except life after 9/11. In a way they are luckier than we. No painful & sad memories of people lost and of things as they once were but are no more and can never be again. No shock and anger. No fear of what might come in the next few days or weeks. It is just words to be read on a screen, pictures & video to watch.

Time does not heal all wounds but it can anesthetize them to a certain extent. I still experience the same mental & physical responses I experienced that day every time this anniversary rolls around on the calendar but thankfully not as intensely 21 years on. I don't know how those who lost loved ones & friends that day endure it.

May those who lost their lives that day rest in peace. May time bring comfort & healing to those they left behind.

Troublesome 85

Proud Girl Dad
Dec 28, 2017
Was looking for this all day. One of my older buddies was at 9/11. I didnt know him then but met him later. Hes no longer with us. Passed away 4-5 years ago while in service


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ME > MN > GA
Nov 24, 2011
Marietta, GA
I frequent a couple aviation message boards. has maintained it's boards for pretty much its entire existance.

A few years back, I stumbled across this thread that was created only minutes after the first plane struck the World Trade Center.

(There's a lot of aviation talk, obviously.)

It's a remarkable (and sad) time capsule into the fear and uncertainty we all experienced that day. I also find it amazing to think back to the days before Twitter, smartphones, and the like. Heck, not even everyone had internet.

I was a freshman in high school and our teacher told us as 2nd period was ending that something happened in New York and the Twin Towers collapsed. I walked to home room and we listened on the radio because there was no TV in the classroom. I remember basically sprinting home after school to watch the television and be with my family.
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