Confirmed with Link: Victor Rask @ 50% (Wild) to Kraken for future considerations


Registered User
Mar 25, 2012
Well with Beniers coming in and being a lefty he most likely plays LW or C and then McCann moves to wing. So would think one of those two play with Gourde. Wennberg - Tanev could be a thing but we have to see what they decide in free agency. They need a RW upgrade nut that side is weak and LW is stronger, so could see them targeting a guy there and pushing Tanev down. Also have to see who they draft. Wright probably should go back to juniors but they most likely keep him up like jersey did with Hughes. That's another top 9 spot taken.

A center depth of Gourde, Berniers, Wennberg and Rask would be ok. Gourde is way below standards at 1C but you can't really do anything about that and he's a good matchup guy against other top lines. Beniers would be a below average 2C to start but if he finds he game quick could be average by the end of the year. Wennberg would be one of the better 3C and Rask a very good 4C. Team will still have the same issues of lack of top 6 scoring but the bottom 6 should be competitive with the rest of the league. Add a healthy Tanev and Donskoi finds his game again and it could be very good. Would also like to see Geekie breakout.


Registered User
Dec 24, 2019
Man, pretty bummed that we traded my guy, future considerations.

Overall just another body given that we need players and Rask has got a chance to prove he should still get another NHL contract.

To Be Determined

Registered User
Jun 22, 2006
My guess is that either Francis really likes him ...
Francis signed him to his current contract, so he has a history of really liking him.

Rask was always a good soldier on the Canes, his skating just never quite got where we hoped it would. I hope he does get called up for you guys and shows enough to get another (less, uh, polarizing) contract next year. also, keep him away from bagels.

meanwhile, he has been a charlotte checker before. if he is single, maybe he has an old flame down there he can catch up with. maybe that's the real favor. lol


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