Training Program


Registered User
Feb 25, 2013
At the rink.
Hey everyone!

I want to do some serious off-season training through the summer but don't really have the necessary knowledge. (Plus, I don't really trust the trainers at my gym with their hockey training knowledge.)

Today I stumbled across's 2017 Off-Season Hockey Training Program (here) which is a six-month program designed to make you better. The description sounds like a lot of hot air, all saying "this will make you better", "you will be better at this and that and this", but it doesn't really tell you what's inside or how it works.

The thing includes:
6-Phase Hockey Training Program
Introductory Training Phase
Hockey Performance Testing Guidelines
Hockey Speed Guides
Hockey Conditioning Guides
Hockey Nutrition Guides
Hockey Meal Plans
Accelerated Results Bonus Package
Recipe Booklets
Bonus Hockey Conditioning Webinar
Bonus Hockey Speed Development Webinar

At the price of 197USD (if you buy this week, or 247USD after).

That looks like a whole lot of information, and the price should be enough to motivate me to actually go through it all. I just don't know if it's really worth it.

Does anyone have experience with Also, does anyone know alternative (cheaper/free) resources?

Thanks in advance!


Registered User
Sep 13, 2016
I bought a book by Kevin Neeld called Ultimate Hockey Training. He gets into th science behind why you should be training certain ways, and not just detailing his ideas on a hockey workout.

Also read up on anything from Mike Boyle, he was the strength coach for the Boston College hockey team, then the Bruins and finally the Red Sox. He has lots of info online about hockey training.

You can also look up the products from Eric Cressey or Mike Robertson. They have some very detailed workouts you can buy online that are geared towards making you more athletic, correct imbalances, and incorporate everything from interval training to foam rolling and mobility work.


Registered User
Jan 19, 2014
I have the program. I really like it but some of the pieces are really short. Some of the moves are definitely more complicated and might need some help. I'll tell you more later.


