Confirmed with Link: End of year press conferences: Adams to have one at 3pm on Tuesday after Granato firing


Friend To All Giraffes And Lindy Ruff
Aug 30, 2010
Brewster, NY

"You tell Kevyn we are pleased with his decision."


Registered User
Aug 2, 2005
I absolutely love you choose to ignore the three years where they undoubtedly did penny pinch.
I didn’t it ignore it. You’re just ignoring what took place.

As I said in a previous post……. When you decide to rebuild with a heavy focus on drafting/development and ensure your youngsters have spots on the NHL roster. Your roster will cost a lot less, especially with the amount of young talent we had on hand for the NHL roster. It has nothing to do with choosing to cut costs and everything to do with how they approached the rebuild. The end result of a less expensive roster is the same but the reason it came about is different.

You also can’t use comments attributed to the owners in 2020 as proof they decided to pinch pennies from the 21-22 season onward (the last 3 years). Not when the Covid season happened in between and the enormous waste of money that year. There is no way in hell that Covid season spending happens if those statements in 2020 were true. Plus there is an obvious hockey reason for the low cost rosters.
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Registered User
Jul 2, 2011
I didn’t it ignore it. You’re just ignoring what took place.

As I said in a previous post……. When you decide to rebuild with a heavy focus on drafting/development and ensure your youngsters have spots on the NHL roster. Your roster will cost a lot less, especially with the amount of young talent we had on hand for the NHL roster. It has nothing to do with choosing to cut costs and everything to do with how they approached the rebuild. The end result of a less expensive roster is the same but the reason it came about is different.

You also can’t use comments attributed to the owners in 2020 as proof they decided to pinch pennies from the 21-22 season onward (the last 3 years). Not when the Covid season happened in between and the enormous waste of money that year. There is no way in hell that Covid season spending happens if those statements in 2020 were true. Plus there is an obvious hockey reason for the low cost rosters.
It’s very easy to understand.

Terry will spend when he thinks it’s a good time to. He saw an opportunity with Hall and went for it.

It blew up in his face. We were rebuilding, and he didn’t decide it was worth it to spend more to take on any bad contracts/act as a middle man for trades. That’s fine - but it is penny pinching. Nearly every other non-contender made use of their available cap space during the same time period in some fashion. We got Ben Bishop for a 7th.

It doesn’t sit well with me that we didn’t use that opportunity to obtain more picks that we could use to bolster the roster now. Hell, the Coyotes still have a ton of picks from it.
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HFBoards Sponsor
Sep 29, 2011
from Wheatfield, NY
This is a fairly refreshing presser. I didn't think Adams had today in him.

He is talking a lot about effort saying that the standard wasn't properly set starting day 1 at camp all the way to specifically saying that Cozens was trying to find ways to perform without relying on grit, tenacity, or toughness.
He's totally right, but if further bewilders me as to why he traded Mittelstadt.

dire wolf

immaculate vibes
May 9, 2006
Out in LA
Not sure Quenneville can coach in the NHL anymore unless Gary Bettman allows it. When he got called into NHL offices to explain his situation in the whole Kyle Beach situation, it wasn't a good enough story to earn him a pass. The NHL was nice enough to let him hand in his resignation and walk away from the Panthers.

I don't want to speculate on what happened but it was bad enough to force a 3x Stanley cup head coach winner, 1x assistant coach Stanley cup winner and 700+ win coach to lose his place in the NHL and probably the Hall of Fame.
True, but at some point, they may feel like he "did his time" and can come back. If you can put aside the baggage (big if), he'd be my first choice.


Yes, have some!
Jun 5, 2006
“We had a chance to acquire XXX, but they said no”. If you were XXX and you could change your mind, would you at that point?
Did you read what I posted? I said nothing about saying anyone's name - in fact, I specifically bolded and italicized how many - not who, but how many players declined coming here. Saying the number of players throws no one under the bus.


Shoulda got one game in
Did you read what I posted? I said nothing about saying anyone's name - in fact, I specifically bolded and italicized how many - not who, but how many players declined coming here. Saying the number of players throws no one under the bus.

I agree. Saying [specific player] throws them under the bus. Saying we were in talks to acquire someone but they said no, or the cost was higher than I was willing to pay, doesn’t.

Regardless if Adams mentions a certain player, that sours the player on being a Sabre. Or the very least, screws over another team.


May 10, 2017
I at least was doing the right thing - picking up my partner from work, getting my child from school, and taking care of my pets. What the Sabres did to start the games though...

Hey, someone pointing out Cozens can score less and still provide more to winning. Yay.

I'm going to open a new bottle of bourbon and listen to Adams commentary about Cozens about 15 more times tonight. damn that was spot on


HFBoards Sponsor
Feb 3, 2015
It’s very easy to understand.

Terry will spend when he thinks it’s a good time to. He saw an opportunity with Hall and went for it.

It blew up in his face. We were rebuilding, and he didn’t decide it was worth it to spend more to take on any bad contracts/act as a middle man for trades. That’s fine - but it is penny pinching. Nearly every other non-contender made use of their available cap space during the same time period in some fashion. We got Ben Bishop for a 7th.

It doesn’t sit well with me that we didn’t use that opportunity to obtain more picks that we could use to bolster the roster now. Hell, the Coyotes still have a ton of picks from it.
Big yes!

Not utilizing that cap space during 2021-2023 was a huge mistake. Cap space had never been more valuable and we took on zero cap dumps, used zero retention slots and signed zero middling to big named UFAs to later flip for picks at the deadline.

That's a lot of draft/trade capital that Adams chose to simply pass on. And we never get that cap space back.


Registered User
Jul 25, 2016
I found the presser underwhelming. To state they are not good enough is not the same thing as did not play well enough. The former is on the GM the latter on the coach. Yet when pushed, he stated he felt the roster was good enough and the players were ready to take the next step. I have my doubts. No one asked nor did he offer what he defines as accountability. What are the consequences failing to meet the standard? He sounded like a guy who took the path of least resistance, by firing the coach to prevent total apathy in the fanbase but without even addressing the possibility the players he assembled simply are not good enough. While he said he bears some responsibility his answer on Quinn and not getting someone to fill his spot was laughable. Of course you cannot predict a subsequent injury, but you also cannot ignore the production hole staring you in the face for the first half of the season.

After today, there are no excuses. He will get a second bite at the coaching apple. If the roster doesn’t gel and he fails to address it, the buck stops there. However, I do not share his view that this team is that close. He has a lot to prove this off season. The coaching selections are but the forst step.
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HFBoards Sponsor
Aug 19, 2005
Pretty simple at this point: either the Sabres make the playoffs next season, or Adams is gone. And I don't think he gets an entire season as GM if the team stumbles out of the gate early on and finds itself lurking near the bottom of the standings after 1/3 of the season has passed.

Frankly all the qualities Adams seeks in his next coach -- experience, pedigree, the ability to maximize talent -- are qualities we should be demanding from our GM. I'm not convinced Adams has those qualities in ample size, and I don't think a single off season of roster tinkering is enough to patch the holes plaguing this roster, especially in terms of creating an identity for the bottom six. There is zero help coming from the farm to aid in this process, which speaks volumes about the drafting and roster construction path current management has taken over the past several years. I'm not confident Adams can work the UFA and trade market effectively to snag enough of these types of players either.

While I appreciate his candor and transparency during the presser, not to mention his conviction in his "plan" for coaching and roster upgrades, I remain entirely unconvinced of his ability to execute. Classic dead man walking. Let's hope he doesn't f*** up the asset base in a last minute attempt to save his job.


Chili that wants to be here
Feb 28, 2002
Will fix everything
Who cares? Its always been an incredibly stupid talking point.

The very first season after those comments were attributed to them, what did our ownership do? Did they penny pinch as @BuffaloMango assert? No they didn’t.

They spent to the upper limit during the Covid season. The season that had almost no revenue. Thus ensuring they lost 15+mil more than they would have spending to the lower limit. They also allowed Adams to fire Krueger which cost them another 4-5mil since he had another year left on his deal.

So they ate 20mil or so more than they had to. Does that sound remotely like penny pinching? Of course it doesn’t. Yet here we are seeing the same fever dream conspiracies getting posted.

It's weird you bring up that specific season, the narrative there was very clear.

Eichel told the new GM that if they are going to rebuild, just go ahead and trade me. They instead opted to spend to appease him.

The spending was specifically short term (Staal on the last year of his deal, Hall on a 1 year deal, Eakin on a 2 year deal) and in hindsight, bad. And this was done after the Pegulas razed the entire front office down to subsistence levels. Pegula had convinced himself that these were the moves that would put the team over the top, we literally have a recording of him saying "If we signed Hall we'd be cup contenders"

And it backfired in the most spectacular way possible, Eichel got injured, Hall flopped, and the team finished dead last. That was, essentially, the last hurrah of the Pegulas spending on the team. Since then the spending has been near dead last. Using the LTIR to circumvent the cap floor twice. And even in a year after finishing 1 point out of the playoffs, the team finished with 8M+ in unused cap space.

What the Sabres have done since is neither advisable or wise or a valid rebuild plan. What it was was cheap.

They devised the talking point of 'not blocking the kids', but that was doublespeak for 'we aren't spending on veterans'. Of course they would have a lot of entry level contracts because they simply didn't add any good veteran players to help shape and foster a new culture of winning. They instead opted to spend as little as possible.

We can point to several times in the Pegula ownership where he spent freely on the team and roster. But....the last 3 seasons, its been very clear. They weren't going to spend. There was a mandate to spend as little as possible.

Last summer they got a slightly increased budget to align with the teams growth in the standings, but even then, it still accounted for bottom 5 in the league spending.


Registered User
Oct 16, 2012
It's weird you bring up that specific season, the narrative there was very clear.

Eichel told the new GM that if they are going to rebuild, just go ahead and trade me. They instead opted to spend to appease him.

The spending was specifically short term (Staal on the last year of his deal, Hall on a 1 year deal, Eakin on a 2 year deal) and in hindsight, bad. And this was done after the Pegulas razed the entire front office down to subsistence levels. Pegula had convinced himself that these were the moves that would put the team over the top, we literally have a recording of him saying "If we signed Hall we'd be cup contenders"

And it backfired in the most spectacular way possible, Eichel got injured, Hall flopped, and the team finished dead last. That was, essentially, the last hurrah of the Pegulas spending on the team. Since then the spending has been near dead last. Using the LTIR to circumvent the cap floor twice. And even in a year after finishing 1 point out of the playoffs, the team finished with 8M+ in unused cap space.

What the Sabres have done since is neither advisable or wise or a valid rebuild plan. What it was was cheap.

They devised the talking point of 'not blocking the kids', but that was doublespeak for 'we aren't spending on veterans'. Of course they would have a lot of entry level contracts because they simply didn't add any good veteran players to help shape and foster a new culture of winning. They instead opted to spend as little as possible.

We can point to several times in the Pegula ownership where he spent freely on the team and roster. But....the last 3 seasons, its been very clear. They weren't going to spend. There was a mandate to spend as little as possible.

Last summer they got a slightly increased budget to align with the teams growth in the standings, but even then, it still accounted for bottom 5 in the league spending.
Very balanced and accurate description. I agree with this completely.

Regarding "not spending on veterans":
My favorite hindsight idea would have been to claim (no acquisition cost!) Martinook and Nick Foligno off waivers at the end of training camp. Foligno had one year remaining at $3.8m and Martinook had two years remaining total salary of 4.5m. We had roster space if Quinn/Peterka started in Rochester.

Foligno and Martinook are currently alternate captains.

Admittedly, at the time I didn't want anything to do with Foligno. He was coming off a poor season and I viewed him as a cap dump.

I'm not sure if that would have gotten us to the playoffs, but we know "not blocking the kids" hasn't.
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Registered User
Sep 30, 2018
stomach of giant parasitic worm
Hey shevwyn. ( doesn't everyone mock yr name? And you fought right? ) why dont yr players fight to not take it from behind ??

F the rules. f permission. W HONOR . That's Buffalo. At least my view

I know little about Jason zucker. But he didn't try to murder the panthers little shite. BUT he put team first without hesitation, which wins. Teach the whole Team to forecheck EVERY shift especially the first and first ten of third and actually pay the cost to win or be booooed ya overpaid babies.

Find two others that aren't scum like the thackokes of the cheaty world or pietragelo Idiots that gave into being cheap after being decent players.

Talking about rich thin skinned entitled jock babies that ka extended without winning first, is as tough to stomach as the altered outcomes from tech incursions into spirts w betting and the new world masonic butt geeks w no sense of adventure control freaks.
Sirius though, It hurt the kids who were honorable trying to do too much . Look at the drop in production adter each long term signing, like a curse thaf targeted them in a town they don't have the balls to allow them to win.

Without seeing day to day singling out anyone . Listening to one of the most vile looking pedo type creeper like harrimgton talk about a sport is insane as the 13 years, it drags on like the reckoning of illegitimate hidden trauma kids growing up outside the cities in buffalo In teddy bears revenge. ( wasn't mocking if like lucas)

Hopefully a fresh set of eyez blue collar coach thaf smacks down the lame media thaf should be the true sacrificial lambs w poor Donny
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